The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 350 Ghost King Lei Zha

Chapter 350 Ghost King Lei Zha
Hu Sheng watched as his brothers flocked to the battlefield after being greeted by Jun Wu.

What's even more unbelievable is that they actually defeated the army of ghosts, and even gained a lot of soul power.

Seeing this situation, Hu Sheng was really jealous and hated.

But it didn't take long for him to smile contemptuously again.

Don't look at Jun Wu, who is proud now, and doesn't know how to blind everyone's eyes.

But the Ghost King Lei Zha damaged the army, so it is absolutely impossible to just let it go.

In an instant, the murderous demon king will inevitably arrive.

At that time, none of this guy can escape the clutches.

Hu Sheng looked at the ghosts with a cold look.

There was a sneer on his handsome face, and he said in his heart: You can also be proud of this moment.

Then Hu Sheng's face became determined.

He must escape immediately, otherwise he will be affected by the wrath of the Ghost King Lei Zha!

At this time, you should stop thinking about watching Jun Wu's tragic situation, only escape is the most important thing!
Hu Sheng made up his mind, and finally crawled towards the underground tunnel with a straight face.

When digging this underground tunnel, it is always necessary to beware of Ghost King Lei Zha's army, so the digging is extremely sloppy.

Although the tunnel is long, it is thick and thin, and some places are extremely difficult to pass through.

In order to quickly escape from this land boundary, Hu Sheng desperately used his palms to dig out those too narrow land boundaries.

After digging and climbing like this, it took half an hour to finally pass through the tunnel and climb out from the other end.

As soon as Hu Sheng struggled out of the soil, he took a deep breath.

Hu Sheng, who was originally snow-white and even had silver-white hair, is now responding to the phrase "disgraced".

I saw that his body was covered with mud, and he was even scratched several times by the sharp stones in the soil.

But none of this can affect the joy of "escape from birth".

Hu Sheng felt relieved at this moment, he looked behind him, had all the ghosts there gone with Jun Wu?

But he turned his head immediately, with a look of vigilance on his face.

Because he heard strange noises, from far and near.

But when Hu Sheng saw a girl running towards him, Hu Sheng was relieved.

Hu Sheng looked at the girl from afar.

His face was beautiful, but his complexion was too pale.

A pair of big eyes were covered by the hair curtain, and the long black hair was scattered on the red beanie.

Although charming, it is uncomfortable.

Hu Sheng saw the girl moving straight towards him, so he shouted: "Girl, don't move forward!

It's not safe over there.You still follow me! "

The girl looked calm, looked at Hu Sheng with big eyes, and asked, "Where did you come from?"

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand, and the wide red sleeves pointed to Jun Wu's direction just now.

Hu Sheng nodded, sighed and said, "There's a bastard over there, and he annoyed the ghost.

Girl, you should know that Lei Zha, the king of ghosts in the way of monsters and beasts, is a villain who cares about pennies and pennies.

His ghost messengers were wiped out by gangsters, and Lei Zha, a big villain, must be here in a blink of an eye.

You should follow me and run away. "

When the girl in red heard this, she smiled strangely on her cold and calm face, and she asked, "Wicked man, wicked man, have you really seen Lei Zha?"

When Hu Sheng was asked such a question, she became alert instead.

He suddenly stepped back half a step, and asked the girl in red, "Miss, are you also under Ghost King Lei Zha?"

The girl in red regained her face sunk in the cold pool, and shook her head.

Hu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief.

But there was a mocking look in the eyes of the girl in red: "I am Lei Zha."

After Hu Sheng heard this, his whole body seemed to be frozen.

In the world of monsters, it is widely rumored that the ghost king Lei Zha is a ruthless and bloodthirsty guy.

Who knew it would be such a girly appearance!
The girl in red looked at Hu Sheng again, but shook her head slightly and said: "Unfortunately, the skin has suffered too many injuries. It won't look good as a puppet."

Hearing this, Hu Sheng felt trembling all over, and a chill rose up his spine.

But he still controlled the trembling of his teeth, and said: "Ghost King... Your Highness, just now, the little one just said that the name of the gangster is Jun Wu.

He...he is not only brave enough to destroy your army, but also...he is ten times more beautiful than me...with no wounds all over his body...

It couldn't be better..."

Hu Sheng already knew that the girl in red was the ghost king Lei Zha.

But he still used his last ounce of courage to divert the disaster to the east.

Maybe after Lei Zha knows Jun Wu, he will let go of himself.

The girl in red nodded and said: "Jun Wu, I want to meet him. But now I want to take you back."

Hu Sheng opened his mouth wide, wanting to run away immediately.

The girl in red was petite, reaching only to Hu Sheng's chest.

But she was extremely fast, and she shot at Hu Sheng suddenly, and punched Hu Sheng in the abdomen.

In an instant, Hu Sheng bent in two and fell forward.

The girl in red, Lei Zha, caught him steadily and carried him on her shoulders.

Lei Zha's petite body carried Hu Sheng on his back like this, but he didn't shake at all.

At this time, Lei Zha's big eyes finally showed satisfaction, and he muttered to himself, "To make a puppet, it's better to peel it alive. This way the skin will stay brighter for a while."

After finishing speaking, she carried Hu Sheng's body on her back, and quickly ran towards the direction she came from.

After running for a while, Lei Zha couldn't help but look back again.

In the dark distance, only the long grass swayed unceasingly, but no sound could be seen.

The girl in red, Lei Zha, couldn't help showing a smile, and muttered to herself again: "Jun Wu, who is ten times more beautiful? You must wait.

After I made this guy into a puppet experiment, I came to you! "

At the same time, Jun Wu, who is as far away as the sky, also looks into the distance inexplicably.

The same gray world, the same endless grassland.

Jun Wu was also secretly making a decision in his heart.

He came to the underworld, naturally, to find Xia Yun, Sha Xing and the Three Demons.

But more importantly, Jun Wu wanted to meet Pluto for a while.

This guy has sent dead people to the world several times.

Its purpose is certainly not simple.

Instead of waiting for him to make a move, Jun Wu might as well take the initiative to attack.

But to defeat Pluto in the underworld, it must be quite difficult.

First of all, neither his internal force nor demon essence can be used in the underworld.

Only by absorbing enough soul power can it be achieved.

And the quickest way to devour enough soul power is naturally to defeat the ghost kings of all paths and directly let them become one's own strength.

In this way, the power gap between Jun Wu and Pluto will gradually decrease, and even overtake.

In the six realms of the underworld, Jun Wu has already turned Baiya, the ghost king of the evil ghost realm, into soul power.

Then the next step is Lei Zha, the ghost king of the way of monsters and beasts.

Jun Wu had already noticed that there was a little ghost messenger who ran to report the news before he arrived.

But Jun Wu did not stop.

There must be a big battle between him and the ghost king Lei Zha.

If he can attract Lei Zha, it will save him a lot of effort.

Jun Wu looked at the grassland in the distance, and suddenly said to the three monsters: "Let's go, let's start to slaughter ghosts!"

(End of this chapter)

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