The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 376 The Strong Mouth King

Chapter 376 The Strong Mouth King

In the eyes of Lao Dan and Ci Huai, Jun Wu just said indifferently: "I can't agree to your request."

When Lao Dan heard this, his heart sank.

Ci Huai was a little annoyed, and said: "What are you begging for! Don't ask for it!"

Jun Wu looked at the two ghost kings, but he didn't look annoyed.

Jun Wu, who can discern people's hearts, has already seen everything in his eyes and counted in his heart.

His ultimate purpose in coming to the Underworld is not to live in the Immortal Way, or even to be a peacemaker.

Jun Wu just wanted to bring back the souls of Xia Yun and Sha Xing, and by the way, meet Pluto who disturbed the world several times.

What's more, his current strength is already overflowing, enough to fight Hades.

Lao Dan and Ci Huai, the two ghost kings, are like tasteless chicken ribs, it's a pity to discard them.

It's better to turn them into your own fans.

Among the ghost kings of the six realms, three ghost kings have turned into soul power.

If these two ghost kings are allowed to become Jun Wu's help.

After this ups and downs, Jun Wu will be fully confident when it comes time to fight against Pluto Yingzheng.

But it is not easy to make these two ghost kings turn against each other.

Not only are they required to succumb to their own strength, but they are also required to completely abandon their original master Pluto Yingzheng in their hearts!

Jun Wu had done all the calculations in his mind, and then he said: "You guys were wrong at the beginning. I am not some kind of immortal. I am just a human being."

His words, like a basin of ice water, poured on the heads of Lao Dan and Ci Huai.

Cihuai stared at Junwu closely with her eyes wide open, her hands were about to draw iron marks at any time.

And Lao Dan stuttered and couldn't speak the whole sentence, and asked: "You! What did you say!"

The reason why he and Lao Dan caused such a big disaster, in the final analysis, was because of Jun Wu's sudden appearance.

Now Uri Xingjun has entered the realm of hell, and there is no way to recover.

If Jun Wu is willing to use his status as the Great Immortal of Heaven to say a few words for them, maybe Pluto will not punish the two ghost kings for Jun Wu's sake.

But if they had made a complete mistake from the beginning, then Pluto would definitely not spare these two old fellows!
At this time, Cihuai finally couldn't keep silent, and the hand holding the iron rod trembled and asked Lao Dan: "What's the matter? Why do you say he is a great immortal!"

At this moment, Lao Dan looked like he was about to die and said: "He...he suddenly appeared on the Dao of Immortals. He still has wings! He can reverse the jade that has been destroyed into powder!
Rejuvenation!Isn't this an immortal in heaven!Even only Daxian can do it! "

The more Lao Dan talked, the more excited he became, and he only hoped that Jun Wu was playing a joke on himself.

And Jun Wu shook his head, and said quietly: "Is the magic hand rejuvenating?"

Suddenly he put his hand on the shoulder of the old Dragon King beside him.

The old dragon king had fought to the death with Uori Xingjun earlier, and his body was covered with blood scabs.

Even the face has many scars.

Unexpectedly, under the pressure of Jun Wu, his body seemed to be covered with a layer of brilliance.

But after a while, the old dragon king's body was completely recovered, without a single wound!
Lao Dan and Ci Huai saw the scene in front of them clearly.

Lao Dan even forgot his dignity, pointing directly at the old Dragon King and stuttering: "This! This is not the skill of rejuvenation!"

Even Ci Huai's expression became a little loose at the moment.

The scars on the old dragon king's body would not recover until the next day.

But now it has become unscathed again in full view.

This can only be caused by Jun Wu's divine power.

But Jun Wu shook his head and continued: "Although I can restore the Dragon King, I'm not a fairy. It's just that a descendant of the dragon clan gave me the magic pill."

Lao Dan and Ci Huai glanced at each other, feeling incredible to each other.

Dragons are also demigod incarnations.It is possible to have the ability to rejuvenate.

But who would be willing to transfer their divine pills to others?

Jun Wu continued: "Not only that, I have 5000 years of soul power in my body now."

These words exploded in the entire courtyard like fire bombs.

These ghost kings have only two or three thousand years of soul power.

Perhaps only Pluto Yingzheng can reach 5000 years.

This young man not only has the body protection of the divine pill, but also has 5000 years of soul power.

Wouldn't that be... Wouldn't he not lose to Pluto?

Jun Wu continued in shock, "Of the 5000 years of soul power, 3000 years were given to me by the ghost king Peng Zudu."

There was silence.

If what Jun Wu said is true, then it proves one thing.

Peng Zu, the ghost king who transferred all his soul power to Junwu, must have lost his soul at this moment!

Both Lao Dan and Ci Huai made good friends with Peng Zu.

Hearing this suddenly, his mind went blank.

After a while, Lao Dan said with red eyes: "You can't talk nonsense! Why did Peng Zu transfer his soul power to you!"

Seeing Lao Dan and Ci Huai looking at him with almost angry eyes, Jun Wu said confidently, "Because he begged me to kill Pluto."

This remark caused another silence.

In fact, Lao Dan and Ci Huai have a lot of dissatisfaction with Pluto Ying Zheng on weekdays.

But at most, they just agreed with each other tacitly, and they didn't even dare to say a few words of disapproval in private.

At this time, when Jun Wu suddenly uttered such bold words, no one dared to speak up for a while.

After a long time, Lao Dan said: "Don't be joking, Daxian. How could Peng Zu say such a thing?"

Old Dan was concerned about Junwu's strength, so he didn't dare to speak too much.

Jun Wu just sneered, and he said: "Peng Zu had a crystal wall to protect him. If he didn't take the initiative to give me his soul power, how could I touch him?"

Lao Dan and Ci Huai were silent again.

As an old friend, I naturally know Peng Zu's housekeeping skills.

The crystal wall can dissipate soul power.It is indeed impossible for ordinary ghosts to kill him.

At this time, Jun Wu continued: "The reason why Peng Zu left his soul power to me is because he was persecuted by the ghost general Gou Yang sent by the Hades, and he had to fight to the death because he was in danger."

Ci Huai was already a little shaken, but after hearing this, she was a little annoyed and said: "You are talking nonsense!"

Lao Dan also frowned, and said to himself: What is the purpose behind this great immortal's actions?He may have inquired about some news about the underworld, but this sentence missed the point.

Lao Dan always remembered Jun Wu's status as a "Great Immortal", and said with restraint: "The Great Immortal may not know. As a ghost general, Gou Yang may be able to fight Peng Zu evenly.

But he also has no ability to break through the crystal wall.How can Peng Zu be persecuted? "

Jun Wu smiled lightly and said: "Gou Yang was dispatched by Yingzheng, so he naturally got advice from Pluto. He learned the ability to shuttle from Pluto, and he just penetrated into the crystal wall."

At this moment, both Lao Dan and Ci Huai felt their hearts go cold.

In this way, it makes perfect sense for Peng Zu to transfer all his soul power to Jun Wu.

And the more important thing is——Peng Zu was actually killed by the order of Pluto.

Gou Yang is the blood knife in Pluto's hand!

Gradually, both Lao Dan and Ci Huai felt a sense of sadness in their hearts.

Jun Wu noticed that their minds were gradually changing, so he continued to throw the last bomb and said: "Peng Zu gave me the soul power at that time, but he was actually begging me to stop the king of the underworld, saying that if he insists on going his own way, he will drag the entire underworld into eternal doom."

(End of this chapter)

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