Chapter 379 Tracking
Guishu finally finds Bai Fang's body on the top of Naluo Mountain.

A mummy wrapped in trees.

Although Guishu was excited, she still didn't understand Junwu's identity and why she had such abilities.

But this Junwu seemed to be elusive, and the clue was completely broken when he saw this place.

Guishu snorted lightly, and said in her heart: "It seems that I have crossed Naluo Mountain and arrived at the Monster Beast Road."

She thought that the ghost king in the way of monsters and beasts was the girl Lei Zha, and Gui Shu felt slightly unhappy again.

Girl Lei Zha, she looks pretty good!
Then Gui Shu didn't wait any longer, she jumped up and slid down the long grass on the other side of Naluo Mountain.

I saw that her figure was light and vigorous, as nimble as a black cat.

After skating for a long time, he finally fell into the path of monsters.

Today's monster way is not much different from the past.

There are still a large number of animal ghosts without spiritual consciousness wandering aimlessly in the long grass.

Guishu plotted in her mind, could it be that the outsider Junwu fell into Lei Zha's hands after he came here?
But Gui Shu immediately remembered seeing a dazzling white light in the sky not long ago.

This white light is so fast that it disappears as soon as it is discovered.

It even makes people doubt their own eyes.

Pluto, who has been locked in the underground palace, may not have noticed it, but Gui Shu clearly saw it.

Although she couldn't guess what the white light was coming from, she judged from its distance that it should be from the monster beast.

Gui Shu didn't stop, and quickly moved towards the stone castle where Lei Zha lived.

But she saw a dilapidated scene.

The stone castle where Lei Zha lived was obviously destroyed by people with great force, and it was also burned by flames.

What makes Guishu even more incredible is that there is still a gloomy daylight in Lei Zha's courtyard.

Guishu was afraid in her heart, knowing that as soon as she came into contact with the sunlight, she would be wiped out immediately.

But through the patio, Gui Shu could see the mess inside the house.

She has always known Lei Zha's temper.

This girl will never let the palace she lives in be so dilapidated.

From this point of view, could it be that Lei Zha has also died?
And the white light that suddenly appeared in the sky a few days ago, maybe this girl ignited her soul power and issued a final warning!

It's a pity that the Pluto Yingzheng she was thinking about didn't notice the white light at all.

And the guy who made Lei Zha not hesitate to ignite his soul power to issue a warning.

How strong is this person?

Gui Shu looked at the dim sunlight in the courtyard again.

Gui Shu also knew a little bit about Lei Zha's troubles in private.

Now it seems that the outsider Jun Wu can even pass through this piece of sunlight and swagger into it!
And if he even absorbed Lei Zha's soul power, wouldn't it be as long as 2000 years!

Has more than 2000 years of soul power, is not afraid of the sun, and can control vines!

Along the way, Guishu kept drawing portraits of the outsider Junwu in her heart.

With these abilities alone, this outsider Jun Wu is no longer defeated by any ghost king!

Guishu's slightly dark skin became rosy, as if exuding excitement.

The outsider, Jun Wu, just entered the monster path from the evil ghost path, and his strength has soared to the level of a servant.

Guishu's body trembled slightly.

She just felt that she needed to find Jun Wu immediately!

She wants to know how strong this young man is!
Guishu's soul power has already recovered, and at this moment, it seems to be overflowing because of excitement.

She couldn't wait any longer, and directly chanted the mantra of shrinking ground, and her figure moved.

The power of the Shuttle God Art draws.

Then she appeared in the mortal realm.

Gui Shu knew that Mortal Tao was different from the others.

Under the arrangement of the ghost king Pengzu, this place has long been turned into a silent tomb.

Gui Shu ran impatiently on the stone road.

Finally, she saw a crystal house with a steeple through thousands of soul walls.

It stands to reason that Peng Zu, the ghost king, should live here.

But a thought came to Guishu's mind: I'm afraid Peng Zu no longer exists at this moment!

When she finally stopped, she saw blood everywhere outside the crystal room.

Seeing the ground shattered and blood stained everywhere, there must have been a big battle.

Gui Shu's eyes lit up, and she muttered to herself again: "Is this Peng Zu's blood?
Then Junwu's soul power should have... 3000 years! "

Just when she was surprised by the sight in front of her, she heard an old voice say:
"No, this is the blood of the ghost general Gou Yang.

Jun Wu's soul power is not 3000 years, but 5000 years. "

Guishu was taken aback.

She didn't expect there to be human voices in this mortal realm as silent as a tomb.

Gui Shu suddenly turned her head, only to see a man with white beard and white hair lying on a long ladder, hiding behind a wall of souls and looking at herself.

Gui Shu narrowed her eyes and asked the white-haired old man, "Who are you?"

The old man said with some pride: "I am Jun Wu's great-grandfather."

At this time, Guishu looked at the old man meaningfully and said, "You...drink the soul awakening incense?"

Hades said that day that there is only one outsider who enters the underworld.

Then this white-haired old man must be a ghost who has already died.

But he bluntly stated that he was the great-grandfather of the outsider Junwu.

Then there is only one possibility - he drank the soul awakening incense and possessed the memory of Yangjian.

Good Junwu!

Gui Shu didn't expect that he would also get the incense for awakening the soul.

Guishu looked up proudly, looked at the white-haired old man and said, "Do you know who I am? Are you not afraid of me when you say this?"

That white-haired old man was Jun Shi.

Still hiding behind the soul wall, he laughed and said, "I don't know who you are. But I know you are interested in my grandson."

These words made Gui Shuxiu blush.

It turned out that Jun Shi had noticed Gui Shu a long time ago, and hid behind Hunqiang and observed her for a long time.

When he saw Gui Shu blushing and limp, muttering to himself, he had already concluded in his heart that this woman had a strong desire for his great-grandson.

Jun Shi was once a human emperor.

Splendid clothes and fine food, indulge in sensuality is not a problem.

He has seen women of all colors, fat, thin, and thin.

But once they are ignited, they are all exactly the same.

That's why Jun Shi poked his head out without fear.

Presumably, since Gui Shu had longed for his great-grandson, she would not be cruel to an old man like herself.

Gui Shu was taken aback by Jun Shi's blunt words.

Then she smiled generously: "Old man, you are right."

Then she pointed to the ground again, and asked Jun Shi sternly, "You said that the blood belonged to Gou Yang. You also said that Jun Wu has 5000 years of soul power.

How can this be?

Even if he killed three ghost kings in a row, it would only take 3000 years to absorb their soul power.

Where did the extra 2000 years come from? "

Jun Shi lay high on the soul wall, only showing his head.

He calmly said to Gui Shu: "My grandson only killed two ghost kings, and the third ghost king Peng Zu threw himself into the crystal wall and took the initiative to transfer his soul power to my grandson.

Because there is no loss, so together it is 5000 years of soul power. "

When Jun Shi finished speaking, there was a silence.

Gui Shu looked at Jun Shi without blinking. Through Jun Shi's face, she seemed to be looking for what a young man named Jun Wu should look like.

It took a long time before Guishu could restrain her body from trembling uncontrollably.

3000 years of soul power!
Directly included in the Chaos Palace!
If the outsider Junwu didn't die of pain here, how tyrannical his meridians are!
And with 5000 years of soul power, plus all kinds of unimaginable power, isn't this person stronger than Pluto!
At this time, Gui Shu took a deep breath, and suddenly blushed and said to Jun Shi: "Eunuch, please leave for a while!"

Seeing Jun Shi turning away with a hey smile, Gui Shu felt a little relieved.

She...she couldn't just walk out like this.

because she's wet...

(End of this chapter)

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