The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 38 Weakness is not an obstacle, arrogance is

Chapter 38 Weakness is not an obstacle, arrogance is

Under Jun Wu's powerful internal force, Tao Biluo's arms were broken.

This pair of palms with sharp nails was still killing the Quartet just now.

The lieutenants who followed Shan Meng, and even Shan Meng, who was one step away from the Middle God Realm, could not withstand Tao Biluo's blow.

When he was in contact with Junwu, it was like being destroyed.

This picture is too scary.

Tao Biluo's wailing sounded even more ear-piercing, stimulating the nerves of the people in the Weisuo.

In the eyes of the fifth prince, I have practiced hard since I was a child. Maybe I am just dust.

Not to mention that the fifth prince only practiced martial arts for a few months.

A strong sense of inferiority permeated everyone's hearts, even heavier than the pain on their bodies.

At this time, Jun Wu said to the fourth prince Jun Si again: "You have exhausted my patience."

At this moment, the fourth prince, Jun Si, suddenly woke up from his daze.

He knew that Tao Biluo was also brought down by Junwu.

Now he really has nothing else to rely on.

The more so, the more tightly he hugged the wooden sword in his hand.

Jun Si said with a grim expression: "Will you explain it to me in front of Father?

I believe you are the dead end! "

After that, he showed a distorted smile again and said, "But I have this in my hand!
Who of you dares to step forward! "He scolded loudly!
Jun Wu looked at him like an idiot and asked, "Do you know what this is?"

"Jun You's Han Chenxiang!" The nose of the fourth prince Jun Si, who was originally straight, is now twitching.

"Fan Chungang and Cha Shuangyue, the two old men, were defeated by this sword."

Jun Wu shook his head sympathetically, and said, "Jun Er can hold this sword, but you can't."

Jun Si hummed and said, "I know you are complacent.

But what is that girl Junyou better than me? "

Jun Wu still shook his head.

Not counting Junwu who has the blood of the real dragon.

For some reason, Jun Yi has 150 years of internal strength.

The mysterious Jun Liu must have another card.

These two emperors, Jun You, are not easy to deal with.

Purely relying on his own martial arts talent, he has 50 years of internal strength in a short period of time.

This may already be the limit of a martial artist.

Look down on you, this is called self-importance.

The fourth prince, Jun Si, just shook his head when he saw Jun Wu, and didn't answer himself.

This is obviously Jun Wu looking down on him.

The annoyance on Jun Si's face grew stronger.

He put one hand on the hilt of the sword and said angrily: "You are not allowed to come here!

I want to meet my father!

Anyone who dares to take a step closer will immediately become a living dead! "

Jun Wu sighed and said: "You don't even know what Han Chenxiang is. Do you want to steal it even if you destroy your future?"

The fourth prince couldn't stand the strong irony on Jun Wu's face.

He said angrily: "Han Chenxiang is the most precious treasure in the world. Cutting iron is like mud."

The mockery on Jun Wu's face was even stronger.

However, he quickly restrained his expression, and said to the fourth prince Jun Si seriously:
"You have no idea what Han Chenxiang is.

That's because your natal family was not a martial artist.

Whether it's your mother and concubine or your natal family, the only help you can give you is the court.

Only in the imperial capital.

But after arriving in the accompanying capital, you don't even know the basics of martial arts. "

The fourth prince Junsi's face twitched.

What Jun Wu said was the truth.

His uncle was the prime minister of Dai Viet.

His mother, Concubine Tu Gui, is now in favor.

The concubine mother and uncle spent a lot of money to invite martial arts masters to escort them.

But this can't make up for one thing - there are no martial arts masters in his fourth prince's family background.

Over the past few days, this gap has become more and more obvious.

Seeing that apart from the third sister who started as a doctor, the rest of the brothers and sisters have made rapid progress in martial arts.

How can Junsi not be in a hurry?
He was in a frenzied state of mind.

At this time, a ruthless and cold voice sounded in his ears again.

"Actually, going to steal Han Chenxiang is not your intention at all.

You are just being used.

If he abandons his sword and surrenders now, he can still have a good death without involving his family. "

The fourth prince Jun Si's expression changed after hearing this.

He glared at Jun Wu angrily and said: "Everything you said is to trick me into letting go of Han Chenxiang!

Do you take me for a fool! "

Jun Wu closed his eyes and sighed, "I thought you were too smart."

At this time, the fourth prince Jun Si smiled grimly again and said, "What do you mean I'm being used by others!

It's really clever but being mistaken by cleverness.

Tell you!Han Chenxiang is what I like! "

Jun Wu shook his head and stopped explaining to him.

He took a step forward, as if trying to grab the sword.

The fourth prince, Junsi, was full of anger.

He shouted loudly: "I want none of you to survive!"

After all, he really drew out the sword.

At the same time, Jun Wu moved extremely fast.

He flew forward and rushed forward, knocking the fourth prince Jun Si into the house.

Gently flicking the sleeves, the two vermilion lacquered wooden doors were closed by Zhang Feng.

Jun Si was taken aback, but he didn't dare to stop the movement in his hand, and he still pulled out a sword.

An elegant and simple fragrance emanated from the sword body.

Jun Si was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Woo... wooden sword!"

Then he felt a sudden itching and unbearable pain in the meridians all over his body.

The next moment, the fourth prince, Jun Si, seemed to be lying on a cloud.

It turned out that he fell to the ground with a crash.

It's just that Junsi can neither control his body nor feel the pain of the impact.

All his consciousness was occupied by the itching pain on his body, and his face was flushed red with pain.

Jun Wu walked to his side step by step.

He calmly bent down, picked up Han Chenxiang and put it back into the scabbard.

The fourth prince, Jun Si, seemed to be unable to close his eyes, with hooting noises in his throat.

Finally forced to make a voice and asked: "What... what's going on?"

Jun Wu looked back sympathetically, and glanced at Jun Si who fell to the ground and could never get up again in this life.

He sighed again and said: "No one can detox the poison of Han Chenxiang.

Unless you take poison resistance since childhood.

No matter how high the martial arts are, the meridians of the whole body will be corroded immediately. "


The corners of Jun Wu's mouth curled up slightly, and he said softly, "Because I'm not an ordinary person."

After all, he never looked at Jun Si who fell on the ground.

The current ending is what Jun Wu deliberately did.

Although the matter of "stealing" Han Chenxiang was not in his expectation.

But with such a bloodless method, it is easy to get rid of an emperor's heir.

On the surface, the whole incident was due to the fourth prince, Junsi, going his own way.

In fact, it was formed by the wrestling of several forces.

It was Jun Wu who stimulated the Fourth Prince's thinking with words, and finally drew out Han Chenxiang.

And the one who made the fourth prince make up his mind to steal Han Chenxiang must be someone else.

Jun Wu still remembers the uncontrollable thoughts in his heart that night.

At that time, he really wanted to fetch Han Chenxiang.

The behavior of the fourth prince is not by accident.

In this companion capital, there must still be hidden masters who are difficult to move.

Jun Wu walked out of Junsi's palace step by step with a relaxed pace.

In his hand, a Han Chenxiang was stuck in the scabbard intact.

Every step of Jun Wu's land dragged the eyes of everyone in the courtyard.

Especially the guards of Weisuo, they all know what kind of sword Han Chenxiang is.

In the fourth prince's hall, weak wailing sounded intermittently.

Although these people were hurt, their hearts were full of gratitude.

If it wasn't for Jun Wu's intention to rescue them, they would all be crippled by now.

(End of this chapter)

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