Chapter 402 Jealousy
Early the next morning, Ao Wu came to Baishazhou again.

At this time, the saint was already at the beach, facing the sea and waiting for Ao Wu.

Hearing the little girl's footsteps, she felt that the girl's internal strength seemed to have improved a lot overnight.

The saint immediately turned her head and saw that Ao Wu looked charming and lovely this morning even though he had been beaten for a whole day.

Even judging from his appearance alone, he was actually a little older than yesterday, maybe eight or nine years old.

The saint was secretly surprised.

What is the origin of this little girl?Why is the qualification so amazing?

She has lived for hundreds of years, and she has never seen a girl who can make such progress.

The saint can only believe that this is the heir chosen by her master Su Xinxuan for her, and it turns out that she is a dragon and a phoenix among people.

But when she thought that this girl's aptitude was much better than her own, the saint suddenly felt a little unhappy.

The sea breeze blows the hair of the saint.

She quickly put this thought aside.

Now there is no one else who can be the heir, the saint must abandon all selfishness, and make this girl wholeheartedly!

At this time, the saint said with a serious face: "From now on, what I want to teach you is the real Suxin faction martial arts. You must keep it in your heart!"

Ao Wu nodded.

The saint looked around, and the sea breeze was blowing across the flat and empty white sand bar, making sure that there would be no outsiders here.

At this time, the holy girl recited a footwork of the Suxin School to Ao Wu with extremely fast speech.

The saint seemed to be afraid that this step would be learned by others, so she recited it very fast.

After reciting it once, without explaining, he asked Ao Wu directly: "Did you hear me clearly?"

Ao Wu nodded hesitantly.

The saint nodded and said, "Okay!"

Then she took out a bamboo flute from her bosom and played three syllables at will.

Soon, the two head-leading bhikkhunis from yesterday rushed over and saluted the saint.

The saint nodded to the two, pointed at Ao Wu and said, "It's still the same today, there is no need to show mercy."

The two bhikkhunis immediately nodded in agreement, and then attacked Ao Wu together.

Seeing this, Ao Wu's heart tightened, his face sullen and he refused to admit defeat.

Although the saint gave a lot of footwork formulas before.

But he didn't explain these formulas, and he didn't even do a demonstration.

Presumably, if the saint herself had been "taught" in this way when she first entered Suxinxuannv's gate, she would definitely not be able to learn anything.

Ao Wu was stubborn, although he failed to understand the footwork of the Suxin School thoroughly.

But she still relied on the few words she understood to forcibly fight with the two leading nuns.

Strange to say, Ao Wu has a petite body, and the Suxin Pai pace seems to suit her temperament naturally.

I saw Ao Wu's red figure constantly moving back and forth on the Baishazhou, it was really beautiful.

And those two nuns with hair really couldn't catch her.

After going back and forth like this, envoy Ao Wu became familiar with the three or two moves that were still very unfamiliar at the beginning, and he was actually able to handle them with ease under the pincer attack of two bhikkhunis.

Although there are 26 steps in total, Ao Wu can only perform three moves that he understands.

But she is not limited by the situation, she can remain invincible only by relying on the three-way pace, and with a little flexibility.

Seeing all this in the eyes of the saint, she felt mixed feelings in her heart.

When she came here, she knew that the better Ao Wu's aptitude for learning martial arts and the faster he absorbed, the more beneficial it would be for the Nianzu Temple in the future.

How much incense the saintess and master Suxinxuannv can get in the Heavenly Court in the future depends on how long the Nianzu Temple can last.

But there is an unspeakable feeling in the saint's heart that cannot be calmed down.

Even though Ao Wu's martial arts are far weaker than her at this moment, it is still difficult for the saint to restrain her emotions.

Suddenly, she said loudly, "Stop!"

The two bhikkhunis were already in a panic, but they stopped immediately after hearing the saint's voice.

Ao Wu learned the lesson from yesterday and immediately stopped chasing him.

But the saint took a step forward and said, "I'm complacent after learning these skills. I have to get rid of your pride!"

After saying that, the saintess attacked Ao Wu.

To say that the martial arts of the Saintess is extremely high, Ao Wucai practiced martial arts the next day.

No matter how talented the little girl is, she can't be the match of the saint.

Fortunately, the saint still has reason in her heart.

Although she made fierce moves against Ao Wu, she did not use enough internal strength.

Even so, Ao Wu was still forced by the saint to retreat step by step.

For a while, it turned out to be dangerous.

Ao Wu's back was covered in cold sweat, and thoughts kept popping up in her little mind: "The saint is not going to kill me on the spot!"

In fact, the saint's face was icy, and her moves were getting faster and faster.

With the shadow of the palm flying, the sound of the wind became stronger and stronger.

Ao Wu has only learned the footwork, and to put it bluntly, he can only resist, and has not learned the palm technique of counterattack.

If he continued, he might really be slapped to death by the saintess.

The two Buddhist nuns stood aside, sweating because of Nao Wu.

Although they didn't listen to the saint's introduction, they already guessed that Ao Wu was the new heir chosen by the saint.

That's why the two of them were asked to practice martial arts with this little girl.

The two leading nuns are not too young.

At the beginning, they were amazed at the rapid progress of this little girl.

At this moment, the two of them wondered whether the Holy Maiden really wanted to let the little girl inherit the mantle.

Look at the saintess's ruthless moves, with a frosty look on her face, she really wants this girl's life!

Even the saint herself was shocked after a few tricks: Why am I possessed by a demon?
This girl is the offspring selected by the master.I pushed too hard on her because I was jealous.

The saint broke out in a cold sweat for herself, and finally stopped the ultimate move abruptly by herself.

If this move was successful, the little girl must have been blown away by him on the spot.

Even his heart was shattered by himself, he vomited blood and died!

It's just that although the saint stopped attacking, Ao Wu, who was persecuted by her to the extreme, did not stop fighting back.

This little girl has never learned any attacking palms.

Therefore, when fighting with the saint, he could only retreat all the way.

But she is not a fool after all, the previous saint's move has already moved the murderous intention.

Although Ao Wu is only eight or nine years old, he has already seen this clearly.

She knew that if she used those three escape moves again, she would not be able to avoid this fatal blow.

Ao Wu was terrified, and suddenly, the little girl used the movement technique Jun Wu taught her last night.

I saw Ao Wu's red figure spinning rapidly on the white sand.

With this turn, she unexpectedly spun behind the saint.

At this time, the saint was forcibly stopping her deadly palm.

Little did she expect that Ao Wu, who was just learning martial arts, would use an exquisite footwork to bypass the back of the saint.

What was even more unexpected was that Ao Wu's legs were chained, and the last leg hit the saint's vest directly.

Ao Wu, who just felt angry yesterday, actually has a lot of strength in this leg.

One leg kicked the saint's back impartially, like a full kick of a calf!
(End of this chapter)

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