The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 404 The Final Trial

Chapter 404 The Final Trial

The saint is training hard every day.

This girl is also talented and intelligent and willing to endure hardships.

In just over ten days, Ao Wu has grown into a big girl.

At this time, Ao Wu has lost the childish roundness when he just came out of the egg.

She still has a charming and pleasant appearance, but there is a stubborn look in her eyes.

Ao Wu followed the saint during the day, and was taught by Jun Wu at night, so he really learned about all the Kung Fu of the Suxin Sect in a short period of time.

Even the Holy Maiden finds this inconceivable, and can only think that it is caused by the secret magic power of the master Su Xinxuan Nu.

And because the saint saw the red light in the mountains every night, she knew that she was getting closer and closer to being led by the heaven and becoming a fairy.

The more excited she was, the more she trained on Bo Wu.

Fortunately, this little girl is really willing to suffer.

No matter how much training he endured, he would not make a sound of grievance in front of the saint.

And with the coming of No.15, the Holy Maiden finally gathered all the leading bhikkhunis in the Nianzu Temple again in front of the Mingci Hall.

When the Holy Maiden summoned everyone last time, she still announced that Su Jiu would be the heir.

Unexpectedly, the news that Su Jiu and Su Mian both died the next day came out.

This naturally stirred up discussions among the bhikkhunis in the entire Nianzu Temple.

Today, the Holy Maiden summoned everyone again, and everyone already had guesses in their hearts.

Many people are saying that these days, the saint trains a girl by the side of Baishazhou hard every day.

Two more bhikkhunis with higher backups admitted that they had fought with the girl.

They all said that the girl was very talented, and after only playing for two days, she was not as good as that girl.

Afterwards, the saintesses would greet her in person, and the two bhikkhunis would not be called any more.

There are many rumors about this girl in Nianzu Temple.

The most inconsistent thing is the girl's age.

Some said it was seven or eight years old, while others said it was fourteen or five years old.

Today everyone gathered outside the Hall of Ming Ci, all wanting to see what this future saint will look like.

Sure enough, under the expectation of everyone, the saint finally stepped out of the Hall of Ming Ci slowly.

And following her was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl.

The girl was slender and charming, wearing a red dress.

This kind of dress is extremely conspicuous among the nuns in plain skirts.

But since it is the successor chosen by the saint, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

At this time, the saint solemnly said to the bhikkhunis: "I am here today, and I want to announce two things."

All the bhikkhunis listened quietly.

The saint continued: "The first thing is, I will leave Baishazhou immediately."

Seeing the respectful and admiring looks of the nuns with satisfaction, the saint continued to smile and said, "I am going to follow my master, Su Xin Xuannv."

All the bhikkhunis immediately understood and congratulated the saint like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

The so-called follow the master Su Xinxuan girl, that is to go to heaven and become a fairy!
At this time, the saint's smile became stronger.

She waited for everyone to gradually calm down, and then continued: "After I leave, the position of the saintess of the Nianzu Temple will be taken over by my direct disciple Su Wu."

Everyone then couldn't stop praising her, saying that the saint has the eyes to know the pearl.

The saint smiled and said: "Su Wu has a good talent, and these days he has mastered all the unique skills of the Su Xin School.

After that, Suxin School's martial arts will not be lost. "

Every time the bhikkhunis heard the holy woman's words, they all praised in unison.

The saint smiled lightly all the time, and when the bhikkhunis finished praising, she said again:

"But whether Su Wu is qualified to take over the responsibility of the saint, she still needs to go through the final test."

This sentence surprised the bhikkhunis.

They had never heard of the Last Trial before.

Even Ao Wu, who always followed the saint with a calm face, looked up at the saint.

Can't figure out what else she wants to do to hone herself.

At this time, the saint took out the bamboo flute from her sleeve again and played three notes.

Then, several monk nuns escorted twenty men up to the high platform of Mingci Hall.

Men have always been forbidden to enter Baishazhou.

Therefore, bhikkhunis would not easily see a live man.

If twenty suddenly appeared like this, they were all shocked.

Look at these men again, all of them are wearing coarse clothes with patches all over them.

These men have rough and dark skin, and they all look like the most ordinary fishermen.

They were all blindfolded, their mouths were stuffed with cloth strips, their hands were cut behind their backs, and they were all tied up with ropes.

The saint waited for the twenty men to be chased into the main hall, and then said to Ao Wu: "These men all came to Baishazhou these days and nights.

As the successor saintess, if you cut off their feet, you have completed the final trial. "

As soon as these words came out, His Highness's bhikkhunis couldn't help but stare at each other.

But no one dared to utter a word of doubt.

To say that this Baishazhou has long been a place that the surrounding fishermen can't avoid.

The bhikkhunis in the Nianzu Temple even had to squeeze the oil for their meals.

Because the common people regard them as witches and will never sell them to them.

How could twenty men break into Baishazhou all of a sudden?
The saint also raised her head proudly.

She knew that her rhetoric was full of loopholes.

But she is the one and only saint in Baishazhou.

Since she identified these men as traitors who broke in, who would dare to question them?
In fact, in the past few days, the saintess has been teaching boiled martial arts during the day.

At night, they searched for fishermen everywhere.

It's a pity that there are no people living on the edge of Baishazhou.

Every time the saint has to run a very long distance to meet a single man.

She tied up these men and kept them until today in order to complete the final trial.

If he entered the Heavenly Court, he would no longer be able to directly intervene in the affairs of the Nianzu Temple.

Whether or not the incense in the Nianzu Temple can be kept uninterrupted and at least pure depends on the character of Su Wu, the successor saint.

Today's Su Wu is only in his teens, and his heart is still too simple.

From now on, if he can't strictly abide by the rules like himself, he will cut off the feet of the intruding man and throw him out.

Then the rules of this Nianzu temple must be getting worse every day.

Of all killing injuries, the hardest is the first time!
The saint didn't have time to wait for a male intruder to appear.

She could only kidnap twenty men and force them to be villains who broke into Baishazhou.

As long as Su Wu cuts off the feet of twenty of them, then this little girl's xinxing will definitely be tempered.

From now on, if I meet a man who breaks in again, I won't break the rules of Nianzu Temple because of being too soft-hearted!
A confident smile appeared on the saint's face.

She looked at Ao Wu from above, and whispered to Ao Wu by means of sound transmission:

"How? As long as you can cut off their feet, this entire white sand will be yours in the future! This is my last test for you!"

Ao Wu looked at the saint with stubborn eyes.

Even if she is still a girl at heart, she can't fail to see that these men were arrested innocently.

The saint has always been merciful, but who knows that she is forced to do such a cruel thing!
Just when Ao Wu trembled and wanted to refuse.

But she suddenly heard another man's voice in her ear saying: "Don't be afraid. Defeating the saint is my last test for you."

(End of this chapter)

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