Chapter 406
Just as Ao Wu was spewing out flames with all her strength, Jun Wu suddenly appeared in front of her.

After [-] days of incubation, Ao Wu finally became a demigod and obtained the magic pill.

But to deal with the saintess of Nianzu Temple, there is obviously no chance of winning.

Unexpectedly, the saint was only burned off a section of hair.

And her whole body was raised rapidly, and she actually rose to be as tall as the Ming Ci Temple.

At this time, the saint looked down at Junwu and Aowu, and said angrily, "What kind of monster is here again!"

But Jun Wu said coldly to her: "I will kill you!"

The saint sneered.

Her internal strength has already reached the limit of the human body.

Although the saint has not been far away from the Baishazhou territory for hundreds of years, she deduces that there should be no one stronger than herself in the world.

When she was facing boils before, she thought that this little girl would be her heir, so she never used all her strength.

Who would have thought that such a move would be despised.

A girl who doesn't know what to do, and a kid who doesn't know what to do!

In the eyes of the towering saint, these two guys are like ants, they can be easily crushed to death.

The saint didn't wait, she raised her leg and stepped on Jun Wu and the others.

One of her feet was as big as a bamboo boat, pressing down in pitch black.

Jun Wu knew that this ability to become bigger must belong to the blindfold of the saint.

Although it is a blindfold, it is indistinguishable from the truth.

If you don't deal with it with all your strength, you will really be trampled to death by her foot.

Jun Wu has never learned such a trick, and there is no way to become so huge.

But he has a transparent underworld armor on his body, and his resistance is much stronger than before.

Jun Wu grabbed Ao Wu's waist for an instant, and quickly backed away from the spot.

The saint's foot did not step on the two of them, but it crushed a piece of the stone foundation of the Hall of Ming Ci.

Jun Wu settled Ao Wu in a remote place, and then spread his wings and flew towards the face of the saint.

The nuns who led the hair suddenly saw that Junwu was able to spread his wings and fly high, and they all exclaimed.

Many people doubt in their hearts whether Jun Wu is an immortal from the sky, otherwise why would he have such abilities?

Seeing this, the saint was even more annoyed, and shouted loudly: "Where did the evildoer come from!"

After finishing speaking, she waved her big hand and covered Jun Wu's head.

Jun Wu's figure was flexible, and he flashed the saint's palm.

Turning around with a wave, he also slapped the saint's eyebrows.

It is said that there is little difference in internal strength between Junwu and the saint.

Because Jun Wu is protected by the dark armor, [-]% of his internal energy is used for attacking.

And because of her huge size, the Saintess has a much stronger power of palming the wind than usual.

Jun Wu's blow came too fast, the enlarged saintess couldn't dodge, and blood flowed from the center of her brow instantly.

I only heard the bhikkhunis under their feet screaming in surprise in the midst of fleeing.

The saint was a little annoyed.

She didn't expect to use her unique magical skill, Ju Shen Jue, to defeat Jun Wu within three or two moves.

Who the hell is this kid?

The saintess knew that the Giant God Technique was a divine skill, different from ordinary martial arts, so it couldn't last much time.

Now that there is blood between his brows, and his spirit breaks, perhaps this blindness will disappear faster.

Standing tall, she lowered her head and shouted to the bhikkhunis: "Don't run away anymore, everyone sit down and pray for me sincerely!"

After all, the saint has accumulated power in the Nianzu Temple for a long time.

After listening to her drink, more than a hundred head-leading bhikkhunis sat down and prayed tremblingly.

It's just that these nuns were greatly frightened, and they were always worried that they would be trampled to death unintentionally by the huge saint.

The praying voices of these bhikkhunis became trembling and very irregular.

Strange to say, when the prayers of the bhikkhunis finally sounded, the saint seemed to regain her confidence immediately.

She reached out to pat Jun Wu again.

This time, she no longer underestimated the enemy, and used small capture methods, but only kept attacking Jun Wu who was flying in the air.

Seeing this scene in Jun Wu's eyes, he guessed in his heart that the saint needs to rely on the prayers of those bhikkhunis to recover her strength.

He looked down at the bhikkhuni who was kneeling on the ground and chanting with his eyes closed, but his face was full of timidity.

Suddenly Jun Wu said to the saint in a loud voice: "There is a red light in Baishazhou for fifteen consecutive days, because it is the time when the fairy class changes."

The saint was taken aback when she heard this.

Isn't this the prophecy that Master Su Xinxuan told her back then?
Regarding the red light, she didn't even tell her most trusted bhikkhuni, why would this kid know?

And those bhikkhunis sitting cross-legged on the ground also secretly opened their eyes, wanting to hear what Jun Wu had to say.

At this time, Jun Wu continued: "Now the fifteenth day is full, Dragon Girl Aowu was born. She is the deity of the demigod, and the fairy class has changed..."


Unexpectedly, before Jun Wu finished speaking, he was interrupted by the rage of the saintess.

This outburst really didn't look like the usual dignified and solemn performance of the saintess.

All the bhikkhunis even forgot to chant for a while, and looked up at Junwu and the saint.

The saint scolded loudly: "The change of the fairy class means that the master wants to take me into the heaven!"

Jun Wu waved his wings, flashing past the saintess' palms that were obviously messed up because of anger.

He said with ease: "It's a joke. You entered the fairy class? How to enter the law? You are just a mortal!"

The saint was taken aback.

She used to think that the red light flashed on the [-]th, and she was ready for the funeral of Nianzu Temple, so she would naturally be welcomed by the master.

But the master is so far the future.

Jun Wu sneered again: "Ao Wu is the half-body venerable, and breathing flames is the effect of her divine elixir. She has been born, and the transformation of the fairy class has been completed.

Wishful thinking people should accept their fate early and stop dreaming! "

Unknowingly, because of Junwu's words, the saint's heart was in chaos.

And those bhikkhunis were even more surprised.

Most of them forgot to pray and just looked up at the two in midair.

As soon as the prayer was stopped, the saint felt that her physical strength was rapidly draining.

Even the Colossus Art cannot be maintained.

The saint yelled at the bhikkhunis on the ground: "Don't listen to his goblin goblins! Pray with all your heart that you won't mess up your six roots!"

All the bhikkhunis immediately lowered their heads and closed their eyes after being yelled at.

But they have already become suspicious of the saint in their hearts.

Earlier, she forced Ao Wu to cut off the fishermen's feet.

This scene is completely contrary to what the saint usually taught.

It's almost like being replaced by a different person.

How can such a holy woman get the sincere prayers of the bhikkhunis?
Even if they still closed their eyes and crossed their knees, muttering words.

Just because of impure thoughts, the saint still felt that the power in her body was constantly draining.

All of a sudden, she let out a sharp roar, and it turned out that she could no longer maintain the Giant God Art.

The nuns opened their eyes in surprise.

I saw that the saint had returned to the height of ordinary people.

And her face, which seemed to never change, became extremely old and wrinkled!

This terrifying appearance caused the bhikkhunis to uncontrollably exclaim.

Is this still their dignified and noble saint?

Is she a fairy or a demon?

(End of this chapter)

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