The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 409 Pretty Sister

Chapter 409 Pretty Sister
There is an inconspicuous cottage in the Qilian Mountains, called Yunbao Village.

The current village owner's name is Wang Haibin, and he is very young, only in his 20s.

Don't look at Wang Haibin's young age, but he has some tricks.

Now most of the other cottages in Qilian Mountains have fallen into ruins, only Yunbao Village is gradually prospering.

The owner of the village, Wang Haibin, did not know where to get his advice.

He changed his past practice of robbing business travelers from the cottage, and instead sent someone to negotiate with the bodyguards in the city.

As long as the bodyguard company pays a lot of silver every year, the bodyguard company will not be robbed when passing through the Qilian Mountains.

The small bodyguard firm in the capital of Jiaping Road might not give him face.

Some escort firms that have achieved great business will seal a hundred taels of silver to the emissary of Yunbao's cottage.

It's not really necessary to rely on the Yunbao cottage to keep safe.

Most of them are trying to make money out of harmony, giving a hundred taels of silver as a beating.

But now the cottages in the Qilian Mountains are already different from the past.

With the addition of several hundred taels of silver to Yunbao Village, they gradually became confused.

And because of these improvements, Wang Haibin, the owner of Yunbao Village, has even greater ambitions in his heart.

Early this morning, he patrolled the cottage as usual.

Suddenly, he saw the two guards he had sent to guard the god's egg, fell asleep on the ground.

Wang Haibin was instantly annoyed.

He went up and kicked each of his hands, and shouted: "I can't even sleep looking at a stone! What use are you!"

The two guards were kicked and slowly woke up.

Seeing that the sky was bright, they looked at each other again.

Suddenly the two shouted together: "Monster!"

Wang Haibin looked at the two with a frown and asked, "What's going on!"

These two men talked to each other, telling the truth about the sudden sight of the monster breathing fire last night.

Wang Haibin's face became even more angry.

How can there be any monsters in the world today!
But if these two people were dreaming, how could they have the same dream?

Wang Haibin said angrily: "You must be lazy, you have already made up a lie to deceive me!"

The two men swear and swear, insisting that they have not lied, that they have indeed seen a monster.

Wang Haibin turned suspicious eyes on their faces for a long time.

He looked at the stone egg carefully, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

Finally, Wang Haibin snorted coldly and said, "If I find out that you are lazy, I will serve you!"

After finishing speaking, he put his hands behind his back and hurried back to the cottage.

When he entered the stockade, he saw all his brothers gathered around and applauded.

Wang Haibin felt a little settled.

He walked forward, and when the brothers in the village saw the village owner, they naturally parted ways.

But they still didn't want to leave, and formed a circle together.

And Wang Haibin looked towards the middle of the circle with a smile on his face.

I saw a boy about four or five years old doing a set of punches in the circle.

And the brothers in the gang watched him punch, they couldn't help cheering in unison.

They all knew that this boxing method was the unique secret technique of old boxer Li in the cottage next door.

Old boxer Li did not accept apprentices all his life.There is only one daughter, but he does not hand over his boxing skills to his daughter or son-in-law.

He would rather his boxing skills be taken into the coffin and be lost forever, and he would never teach the tricks to outsiders.

It is precisely because of this that although old boxer Li is already very old, he can still sit firmly in the top spot in the cottage.

It is because his boxing technique is indeed unique.

Who would have thought that today this set of boxing techniques of his was actually used by a child in the nearby cottage.

I saw that the child looked handsome, he didn't look like a poor child at all, and I don't know why he ended up living in Qilian Mountains.

He made old boxer Li's boxing skills so vigorous, and even some parts were more subtle than old boxer Li.

But the thieves surrounding him were not worried about being caught by the palm wind, they all surrounded him for fear that they might not look carefully.

It turned out that they all knew that this baby was so strange that he couldn't touch anything, like a living shadow.

At first, the brothers in the village regarded him as a wild ghost.

But this child can appear during the day.

And he never harmed anyone. Gradually, the bandits accepted the specialness of this child.

What's more, they found that the boy knew all kinds of martial arts at first sight, and he became a master at once.

The thieves asked him to watch a few moves, and he learned them instantly.

The bandits in Yunbao Village may only be better than crop handles.

These thieves then encouraged the boy to secretly learn other counterfeit martial arts.

Not to mention that this child will not be trapped by the wall, it is very convenient to sneak into other cottages secretly.

And he took a peek at Biezhai's martial arts, and he really learned it in style.

The boy didn't keep it private, and the martial arts he learned were handed over to the bandits without reservation.

The thieves have some qualifications, and they can't learn much.

But everyone is greedy.

After discovering that the boy is so "easy to use", he often encourages him to go out to steal a teacher, and then return to Yunbao Village to teach everyone.

Just like today, the boy secretly learned the boxing techniques of old boxer Li, and taught them to everyone without selfishness.

It's a pity that the thieves are stupid and can't learn the subtleties, so they can only live on the sidelines and applaud.

Wang Haibin looked at the boy with his hands behind his back, showing a satisfied smile.

The boy found himself by accident.

When I saw him for the first time, I was next to the strange stone egg.

Wang Haibin is confident that this boy is not an ordinary person, but must be a treasure.

And this treasure belongs to Wang Haibin!

After watching the boy perform a set of punches, he clapped his hands and praised: "It's really good."

When the boy saw Wang Haibin, he said with a smile, "This boxing technique is quite simple."

Wang Haibin's eyes lit up, and he took advantage of the situation and said, "There is no decent kung fu in the Qilian Mountains anymore.

You are so capable, why don't you go to the state capital to have a look.There must be more powerful kung fu there! "

The boy looked at Wang Haibin, and suddenly said: "The state capital is very far away. I won't go."

Wang Haibin hurriedly said, "I'm afraid you won't dare to go!"

The boy snorted and said, "It's not that I don't dare, it's that I won't go! Unless you find me a gentle and beautiful sister to take care of my daily life."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

Then people roared with laughter and said: "You little child, how old you are, you just want to find a woman!"

The boy crossed his arms and said angrily, "No, I won't go without a beautiful and gentle sister!"

Wang Haibin laughed and said, "Succeed, gentle and beautiful sister! I'll go look for it right away."

After finishing speaking, he winked at one of his subordinates and walked out.

The subordinate was clever and immediately followed Wang Haibin out.

While following Wang Haibin, he complained: "Master, why are you spoiling that child? He wants a woman, don't brothers?

It's not easy to find a sow on Qilian Mountain, but she must be gentle and beautiful! "

Seeing that he had gone far enough, Wang Haibin said: "Can't you still handle this matter? Let's take the brothers to look for it.

It doesn't matter if he is gentle or not, let's grab a pretty one first! "

The subordinates had no choice but to bow their heads and agree.

He was angry and left the cottage with a few brothers cursing.

How can there be any beautiful women in these Qilian Mountains?
He thought in his heart that he might sneak into the city and capture a woman back.

But don't be caught by officers and soldiers!

Just lowering his head and thinking, suddenly the brothers exclaimed in his ears: "Beautiful...beautiful woman!"

The subordinate looked up in surprise, and saw a girl in a red skirt standing not far away, her appearance was extremely beautiful!

(End of this chapter)

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