Chapter 412
With his small body, he was lying on the wall of Jilong Village.

At this moment, his eyes were shining brightly, looking at the man surrounded by the stars and the moon in the fierce dragon village.

This noble man is actually Jun Wu.

And Jilongzhai had surrendered to Junwu as early as when he was fighting Qi Guogong Jingyang.

The current successor may be the only cottage owner in Qilian Mountain who is still living smoothly.

This is also inseparable from the few boxes of gold that Jun Wu gave Huang Ergou back then.

The successor village head is also a person who sticks to his duty.

His lifelong pursuit is nothing but money, and he has no ambitions other than that.

It is precisely because of this that the fierce dragon village can pass under the nose of Jun Wu as much as possible.

What the successor village owner didn't expect was that the benefactor of Jilong Village suddenly returned to Qilian Mountain.

The successor village owner knew that the prince was a god of wealth.

As long as you can curry favor with him, the benefits will naturally flow endlessly.

At this time, the successor of the village head, Jun Wu, welcomed Jun Wu to the first position, and he couldn't stop persuading Jun Wu to drink.

And Jun Wu also smiled lightly and did not refuse.

Xiao Xiao Aoji leaned on the fence, and saw Jun Wu's noble aura flowed through his body under the backdrop of the vulgar successor of the village head, with an indescribable elegance.

He was full of admiration in his heart, and he didn't even want to leave.

At this time, the successor village head may have borrowed his courage from alcohol, and complained to Jun Wu:

"Too... Young Master, you don't know. We in Jilongzhai live in fear every day, and even the best days have changed."

Jun Wu stopped drinking, he knew that this is the successor village head and he must ask him, so he asked: "What is it that makes Huang Zhaizhu worry?"

Hearing Jun Wu's polite words, the successor village head pointed to Mid Kong with a half-crying half-smile: "Our Jilong Village chose this place back then, it must be because of the treasured geomantic omen, otherwise how could we have met Young Master?
It's just that good feng shui is one thing, but so is the danger overhead.

There is a huge boulder on the main peak, hanging from time to time, and one day it will roll down from the top of the mountain.

If it crashes into the village in the middle of the night, our Jilong Village will be taken over. "

After finishing speaking, he shook his head, and took another sip of wine as if helpless.

Aoji lay on the top of the wall and listened to them all the time.

At this point, he followed the direction pointed by the successor village head and looked towards the top of the mountain.

Sure enough, there was a huge rock on the top of the mountain.

In the dark, I saw that the stone was not connected to the top of the mountain.

Although it looks immobile now, maybe one day it will really fall down due to an earthquake or strong wind.

The successor village owner complained through the banquet, but it was actually because he knew that with Jilongzhai's ability, he could not move the big rock.

But Junwu is a prince.

If he was willing to say a word, he might be able to dispatch troops to reinforce the boulder.

It was better than hanging over his head every day and worrying the successor village head.

After the successor village head had a drink, he quietly raised his eyelids to see Jun Wu's expression.

At this time, I saw Jun Wu with a flat smile on his face.

He said to his successor, "Is the village owner only worried about this big rock?"

The successor village head quickly put on a foolish smile, rubbed his head and said: "Since I joined the son, our life in the village couldn't be better.

Besides this, where else can you worry? "

Jun Wu nodded, he stood up and faced the boulder on the top of the mountain, and suddenly shouted: "God's punishment, break it!"

Everyone is still surprised.

Suddenly, I saw and heard the continuous thunder, and in an instant, white lightning lit up the sky.

Everyone in the village felt like their hearts were being firmly grasped.

Then I saw lightning strike the boulder.

What was even more frightening was that the stone was shattered after being hit by several lightning bolts.

The boulder split into countless gravels in an instant, rolling down from the top of the mountain one after another.

Although the gravel continued, it did not cause much damage because it was much smaller.

All the brothers in Jilongzhai watched the rolling stone keep rolling down from the top of the mountain, hitting the wall of the cottage with a "dongdong" sound.

Then it continued to roll down the mountain.

After a long time, the rolling sound finally stopped.

The huge boulder that hangs over the head of Jilongzhai from time to time is "broken into pieces" like this and is out of danger.

Everyone stood dumbfounded.

Suddenly everyone exclaimed together.

The successor village master came back to his senses, and immediately led all his brothers to bow down to Junwu, thanking him endlessly.

The previous successor of the village owner borrowed wine to ask for help. At most, he hoped that Junwu would let the army help strengthen the boulder so that it would not fall for decades.

Where did they think that Jun Wu could smash such a huge boulder to pieces just by thinking about it!
All the brothers in the fierce dragon village admired each other.

I just feel that there are such characters in the world, maybe they are not weaker than the gods in the sky!
And Xiao Xiaoji, who was always lying on the top of the wall, also had bright eyes.

When he first met Jun Wu, he sincerely admired this man.

Now seeing Jun Wu's command to attract thunder to smash the boulder, Ao Ji's heart is pounding even more.

The most powerful man he has ever met in the past is Wang Haibin, the owner of Yunbao Village.

Comparing it now, Wang Haibin is not even as good as dust in front of Jun Wu.

Aoji was filled with excitement, he jumped off the wall and went back to Yunbao village one by one.

When he entered the gate of the village, he suddenly saw Wang Haibin, the owner of Yunbao Village, standing at the gate of the village.

Obviously Wang Haibin has been waiting here for a long time.

When he saw that the child was absent-minded and walking from a distance.

Wang Haibin couldn't help frowning.

Has this child grown taller than a few days ago?
Since Wang Haibin picked up this child, he has been five years old until now.

But looking at it again tonight, it seemed like it suddenly became half a head taller.

Plus the kid doesn't seem to be as untouchable as a ghost these days.

Wang Haibin didn't know why this child had changed so much.

But he doesn't like change.

It would be best if this child was completely controlled by Wang Haibin as before.

Wang Haibin can use this child to learn martial arts of any sect, and then learn it slowly by himself.

But now the child seems to be growing up.

I don't know if he will one day completely break away from Wang Haibin's control.

At this time, Wang Haibin asked Ao Ji with a gloomy face, "Have you learned martial arts yet?"

Ao Ji originally ran back to Yunbao Village excitedly, with only admiration for Junwu left in his mind.

He was taken aback when he heard Wang Haibin's question now.

The scene where Jun Wu led the lightning to split the rock, Ao Ji naturally saw it clearly.

But learn?

How can this be learned!
Bo Ji, who is only five or six years old, naturally doesn't know that what Jun Wu uses is not martial arts at all.

He just thought that he was stupid and couldn't see Junwu's moves at a glance.

But what Aoji thought in his heart was clearly displayed on his face.

Seeing this, Wang Haibin was even more annoyed.

He actually said angrily to Aoji: "The fierce dragon village is so lively tonight. There is even thunder in the clear sky.

You come back like a fool, you didn't learn anything! "

Aoji looked up at Wang Haibin.

It was the first time he insulted himself like this.

In the past, Wang Haibin was always polite and kind to himself.

But today, Wang Haibin said angrily to Ao Ji: "Continue to steal!

If you don't learn the best martial arts and come back, that woman in your room will be enjoyed by all the men in the village! "

 Thanks to the book friends for pointing out the bug, Huang Ergou is dead.

  Modifications have been made without affecting the plot.I also ask the book friends for their understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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