Chapter 417
After Ao Ji knocked Wang Haibin, the owner of Yunbao Village, to the ground, he rushed back into Qilian Mountain with a ball of anger in his heart.

This time, his pace was like flying, but after a while, he came to the outside of the fierce dragon village again.

Sure enough, as Jun Wu said, no one in Jilong Village stopped Ao Ji this time.

Everyone gave way wisely.

It's just that this time everyone looked at him differently.

Let His Highness the Crown Prince teach martial arts in person, and was told by the Crown Prince not to stop him.

From now on, this kid will be a dragon and a phoenix among men, and his future is limitless.

Looking at him now, he is really different. I don't know if he is superstitious, but I always feel that he is much bigger than when he first came here.

It turned out to be like a healthy calf.

Ao Ji was deeply saddened, and he did not greet the people in Jilong Village.

He went directly to Junwu's house, and politely knocked on the door outside.

Hearing someone from inside let him in, Ao Ji opened the door cautiously.

In the room, Jun Wu sat leisurely.

He looked at himself, the child was a beautiful boy when he first met him.

The eyes are big and bright, without a trace of haze in them.

But now, Aoji already looked a lot older, with less childlike air on his face and more youthful ruthlessness.

The most important thing is that his eyes are no longer defenseless.

Jun Wu sighed in his heart: I hope it's not me who spoils the seedlings.

I hope that after avenging their father and brother, these children can roam freely between heaven and earth like real demigods.

Jun Wu waited for Aoji to speak first.

Sure enough, he saw the kid muttering for a while, and then said to Jun Wu: "Brother, I was reckless and ignorant before, and I was anxious to leave after learning superficial.

Now that I know that I was wrong too much, I ask my brother to let go of the past and teach me martial arts again. "

After all, even if you have to kneel down and kowtow.

Jun Wu held Aoji back again, and said to him: "I should teach you martial arts, you don't owe me anything.

But you begged me to teach you, but in order to kill someone? "

Bo Ji was taken aback when he heard this.

He couldn't understand the first half of Jun Wu's sentence.

But the second half of the sentence is understandable.

Ao Ji quickly shook his head and said: "I learn martial arts to save people, not to kill people!"

Seeing his determined face, Jun Wu asked more calmly: "But as long as you learn martial arts, you will kill someone one day.

Even so, do you not regret it? "

Bo Ji was taken aback again.

He always felt that the questions asked by brother Junwu were too far away, as if they had nothing to do with him.

In the end, Aoji still firmly shook his head and said: "I want to learn martial arts, but to save people is not to kill people.

I will not regret learning martial arts. "

This answer does not seem to answer the question.

Jun Wu didn't ask any more questions, and calmly said: "Okay, then I will teach you some martial arts step by step."

After saying that, the two men were locked in the house, and they did not leave the house for more than ten days.

The brothers in Jilongzhai went to deliver food every day, only to find that the two of them ate more and more every day.

After No. 12 days, the door was finally opened.

The bandits in Jilong Village stretched their necks long ago, wanting to see how the child is growing.

To be favored by His Highness the Crown Prince must not be a simple person.

When Jun Wu walked out of the house, everyone was waiting to see a child.

Unexpectedly, it was a half-grown boy who followed Jun Wu.

This boy is now muscular, wearing a gray short shirt, only half a head shorter than Jun Wu.

And that young man's thick eyebrows slanted into his temples, his nose was straight, and his eyes were full of vigor.

Everyone in Fierce Dragon Village is very strange, this young man has similar appearance to the child of that day, but the age difference is too much!
Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Jun Wu looked calm and calm.

He said to the grown-up Aoji: "Now you have almost learned it, if you try to force yourself, you will lose your energy and blood.

Whether or not you can fulfill your wish depends on what you do. "

Bo Ji bowed deeply to Jun Wu and said, "Thank you brother!"

After all, he rushed out without looking back.

Now the walls of Jilongzhai can no longer enter his eyes.

His body is light and strong, and he can't see the ups and downs.

Seeing this, the people in Jilong Village were all shocked and speechless.

Could it be that what His Royal Highness the Crown Prince taught this child was the Immortal Art, so how could he grow up so much within ten days?

Ao Ji ran all the way in the Qilian Mountains.

He was only a child when he came, but now he is a teenager.

The surrounding trees and stones seem to have shrunk in half.

While he was traveling on the road, he felt that there was nothing and nothing that could stop him.

Mountain mist flowed through his body, very carefree.

And Ao Ji's heart was pounding.

He was awakened by a few words from Hongqun's sister, and he settled down to learn martial arts.

After more than ten days, I don't know what happened to the brothers in Yunbao Village?
Today's Aoji has grown to the size of fourteen or fifteen years old.

His mind grew too.

At this moment, recalling the sister in the red skirt, it seems that she has no malice towards the brothers in the village at all.

He even vaguely felt that this sister in the red skirt was deliberately trying to force herself to learn martial arts, right?

As I pondered over these questions, my heart was relaxed and my feet were quick.

In a short while, he had already rushed to the outside of Yunbao Village.

It's just that when he approached Yunbao Village, his heart was lifted for some reason.

Yunbao Village is really too quiet!

Even more than ten days ago, when Yunbao village was controlled by sister Hongqun, people's voices could be heard from time to time in the village.

But today's Yunbao village is too quiet, even dead silent.

Ao Ji's heart was pounding, and he even smelled the stench faintly coming from the village.

The closer the taste, the stronger it is.

Aoji's complexion completely sank.

He once saw an old dog die in Yunbao village.

Because the bandits in the cottage are lazy, since the old dog died of illness and could not be eaten, no one buried the old dog.

The old dog's body decomposed after a few days, and it gave off the same stench.

It wasn't until someone couldn't bear it anymore that he pinched his nose and set the old dog on fire.

Now the stench in Yunbao village is much stronger than the smell of the old dog's corpse.

God knows how many people died in the village.

His pace became more and more heavy.

He walked into Yunbao Village step by step, but saw that the ground was covered with dead bodies.

These corpses were all gray and white, with sunken cheeks, and stinking water flowed from the corpses.

It is not known how long they were dead.

The blood on Aoji's body seemed to be as heavy as ice.

He looked at the corpses on the ground, and he was familiar with each of them.

As I walked step by step, my heart became colder and colder.

Those vivid faces in his memory had all fallen to the ground and turned into horrible corpses.

During the more than ten days that Aoji closed his door to practice, the brothers in Yunbao Village were all dead!

 I was hesitant to post a second update.Because starting from today, the unit has entered the stage of welcoming inspections in a civilized urban area.Very suddenly, I originally planned to start maintaining the second shift, but then I have to pick up trash on the street.Even the lunch break for coding is not guaranteed.If this chapter is saved for a while, it may be able to keep updating for one more day.But thinking of taking the opportunity to report to the remaining readers, I still posted it.I hope book friends can understand.Really can't live off subscriptions.Still have to be a qualified social animal in real life.

(End of this chapter)

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