The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 425 Invincible

Chapter 425 Invincible
That day on the snow mountain in the extreme north, Longzi Aogeng said that he would give Junwu two gifts.

One is his magic pill: he can know nearly [-]% of the things in the world, so he is called a prophet.

Aoji who was by the side at that time was extremely surprised when he heard this.

He doubted: "You gave the magic pill to brother Junwu, what should you do?"

Ao Geng smiled and said: "My elixir is not as good as you and Sister Ao Wu, it can be used as a powerful support.

My elixir is just knowing most of the mysteries in the world.Even if you cross out, there is no hindrance. "

In fact, Ao Geng once thought of saving the fate of the Dragon Clan by himself.

But after he identified Junwu, he didn't hesitate any more.

On the contrary, Ao Geng understood that it is not a good thing to distribute power to multiple dragon sons.

It is best to let Jun Wu bring their strength alone.

Since Ao Geng gave the power of the divine pill openly, Jun Wu also accepted it frankly.

As Ao Geng said, once Jun Wu accepted Ao Geng's elixir, he would naturally have a better understanding of things in the world.

Even if Ao Geng was not required to explain more, Jun Wu immediately understood Ao Geng's painstaking efforts.

Fortunately, Ao Geng is the same as the old Dragon King, fighting depends on his own toughness.

Even if the divine elixir was given to Junwu, it would have no effect on Ao Geng.

But the second gift he gave Jun Wu was even more precious.

Because this was exchanged for the life of Ao Wu, the dragon girl.

After Ao Geng decided to let Junwu support the fate of the dragon clan, he was also thinking about how Junwu should defeat the Jade Emperor of Heaven.

It is said that Jun Wu is now a human fetus, even if he has absorbed the magic pills of several older brothers, he has extraordinary power.

But after all, he couldn't defeat the immortals in the heavens who used fairy arts.

No matter how powerful the power of humans, monsters, and the underworld is, they are nothing but mortal power.

Jun Wu knew that if you want to compare, it's like a strong man with infinite strength, but after all, he can't beat a thin gunman with a gun.

If you really want to defeat a fairy, you must become a fairy yourself.

Thousands of years ago, human beings could absorb the power of faith to be included in the immortal class by building immortal platforms.

But one day the Jade Emperor suddenly managed to destroy all the scriptures and books that wrote the method of building the Immortal Terrace.

Those who know these methods, if they are not qualified to be included in the immortal class, will all be wiped out.

When Su Xin Xuannv was an immortal, she knew that although her apprentice Baishazhou Saintess had already built an immortal platform, she was still too weak to be in the immortal class.

Therefore, Xuannv Suxin asked the saint to hide her name in Baishazhou incognito, and only brought a group of nuns to provide the power of faith for Xuannv Suxin and the saint silently.

It is precisely because after the saintess built the fairy platform, she was unable to use the power of the world.

Once the faith is exhausted, even the youthful appearance cannot be maintained.

Zhuxiantai seems to have gained a power far superior to the past.

In fact, before you get it, you have to give up your original strength.

Just like before you can spread your wings and become a butterfly, you must become the weakest cocoon.

Ao Geng explained to Jun Wu in the extreme northern snow mountain.

After hearing this, Aoji looked at Junwu with a pair of eyes.

No matter how Jun Wu chooses, it is understandable for him to save others by himself.

After Jun Wu thought about it, he said: "Let's go back to Yue Kingdom first, and after I ascend the throne, I will destroy Dantian, Yaoyuan and Chaos Palace.

At that time, you will help me build Xiantai. "

Ao Geng and Ao Ji felt relieved when they heard Jun Wu speak like this.

Junwu is different from them.

Although he is much stronger than Ao Geng and Ao Ji, he is a mortal after all.

If the sources of the three powers are destroyed, they will be the weakest before the Xiantai can absorb the power of faith.

Junwu is willing to build a fairy platform and bear the fate of the dragon clan, which is actually a great determination.

Ao Geng and Ao Ji followed Jun Wu back to Yue Kingdom.

After they buried Ao Wu's body, they invited the emperor of Yue to come to the Zen seat.

Naturally, Junlin didn't have any doubts, and agreed on the spot.

Sensing Junwu's impatience, Junlin even set the enthronement ceremony of the Zen throne on such an urgent day as the fifth day of June.

Even if the people in the whole of China can't come to the imperial city to celebrate their enthronement.

It was also through the powerful army of the Yue State that the news spread to every stream and every sandbar.

None of the people of the Great Viet Dynasty would miss the good news of the crown prince's enthronement.

Even the demon clans within the Sea of ​​Hundred Thousand Trees also learned the news that the Demon Emperor was about to ascend the throne in the human world.

Jun Wu officially became the master of the Three Realms, and every monster clan is deeply proud.

You must know that Junwu was the first to rule the Yaozu.

Speaking of it, it seems that the master of the demon clan has unified the other two realms.

Junwu's enthronement ceremony lasted from early morning to dusk.

The entire Yue Kingdom was silently celebrating.

The courtiers of the Yue Kingdom went through the enthronement ceremony in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

After seeing Jun Wu, he became the emperor of Dai Viet.

His majestic image will be permanently imprinted in the hearts of these courtiers.

Outside the palace, the common people also spontaneously put up lanterns and festoons, and set up a long banquet with thousands of tables.

No matter men, women or children, they can eat big fish and meat, and drink fine wine at the banquet.

Even the female family members of the official family made an exception today, surrounded by maids and servants, and came out to watch the lanterns.

When the street lights first came on, they all came out like butterflies in the night.

These girls are more or less looking forward to the new emperor coming out of the palace to have fun with the people.

If the new emperor can see himself in a new dress, elegant and refined, maybe he will be able to form a good relationship.

It's just that the people in the entire Yue Dynasty didn't know that the new emperor Wu was not in the mood to "have fun with the people".

He locked himself in the bedroom at the moment.

All the guards, maids, and Huangmen were dismissed and asked not to approach the palace.

On the edge of the bedroom, there were three people who kept patrolling to prevent Jun Wu from being disturbed.

These three people turned out to be the three ghost kings of the underworld.

The person who can drive the three ghost kings to patrol may be unique in the world.

Except for a few ghost kings who are weaker, they have not come to the world for the time being.

Lao Dan, Ci Huai, and Gui Shu meticulously checked around the palace repeatedly.

No matter whether it is a human or a ghost, they cannot escape the eyes of the three of them.

In the palace, Long Zi Ao Ji and Ao Geng sat cross-legged on either side of Jun Wu.

They are always awake.

Not only to prevent outsiders from intruding and disturbing Junwu, but also to worry about whether any accidents will happen to Junwu when he destroys Sanyuan himself.

Time seemed to pass extremely long.

Thousands of years ago, none of those who destroyed their own strength to build a fairy platform would encounter such a big obstacle like Junwu today.

Those immortals who have been ranked in the immortal class, some were born out of the human race, and some made their fortunes from the demons.

But at most they will only destroy one source of power.

But Jun Wu wants to destroy the three sources of power one after another!

That is to say, you have to endure three times in a row the unbearable pain for ordinary people.

Both Ao Geng and Ao Ji looked at Jun Wu with anxious faces.

And the Lord of the Three Realms has been sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed for a long time.

Sweat kept dripping from his body, almost drenching all his clothes and sticking to his body.

Ao Geng and Ao Ji couldn't guess how Jun Wu was progressing.

Because Jun Wu was so calm, even though he was sweating like a waterfall, he never cried out in pain.

Both Ao Geng and Ao Ji are anxious.

Only Jun Wu, who kept his eyes closed all the time, knew that he had finally destroyed the last Chaos Palace.

Sitting cross-legged, he felt a burst of weakness in his body, and all the strength disappeared from his body.

But at the next moment, Jun Wu suddenly felt like there was an extra object in his mind.

This thing is really like a platform, gradually solidifying like a shadow.

At the same time, he instantly felt powerful forces pouring into his body from all over the Divine Land.

This power comes from the sincere praise of every common people, from the pride of the demon race, and from the lifelong gratitude of the underworld.

Like thousands of trickling streams converging into the sea, the surging tide of the ocean is unstoppable from now on.

At this time, Jun Wu opened his eyes and looked at Ao Ji and Ao Geng, and said calmly: "There is no enemy in the world anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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