Chapter 427
Outside Lingxiao Temple, Goddess Xingmi watched Master Guiyun leave.

She snorted angrily, then flung her sleeves and left alone.

There are layers of clouds and mist over Yingshan Mountain.

The uppermost floor was originally inhabited by the Jade Emperor alone.

Now it is the Jade Emperor and the Big Dipper Immortal who are locked up.

His Highness Ling Xiao is Kukai—the Sea of ​​Sky.

Konghai should be the residence of the most respected immortal under the Jade Emperor.

But now there are only two who can still be called great immortals.

They are Goddess Xingmi and Daoist Guiyun.

The rest of the great immortals with unlimited magic power all fell one after another 200 years ago.

It's just that the immortals have fallen and the immortal class is empty, which is the biggest secret in the heavenly court.

Below Kukai is Kasumigawa.

After Xiantai was built, those who could perform some fairy arts were revered as Shangxian, and they gathered in Xiachuan.

Naturally, the status of these immortals cannot be compared with that of the great immortals in Kukai.

But most of the stories about reborn into immortals in human legends are about them.

When Goddess Xingmi returned to Konghai, she was the first to order the immortals with lower status in Xiachuan to come to Konghai for an audience.

Goddess Xingmai has a noble status and is the second only to the Jade Emperor in the heavenly court.

After leaving Lingxiao Palace, Goddess Xingmi regained her nobility and waited quietly in her palace.

It's just that Goddess Xingmi was a little surprised when the sound of respectful greetings sounded outside the hall.

Then, a round-headed, dark-faced immortal came in from outside the temple gate.

The palace where Goddess Xingmi lives is elegantly furnished, mostly white, and decorated with gold and silver objects, which is gorgeous and elegant.

A furnace of green smoke curled up, setting off the sense of nobility after passing away.

The palace where the Goddess of Star Mist lived was exactly the same as her, only the round-headed guy who came in through the door seemed a bit out of place.

Goddess Xingmi frowned and looked at the man, and asked with displeasure: "I asked Xuannv Suxin to come to see me, why did you come here?"

The round-headed man with slightly dark skin smiled and said to Goddess Xingmi, "Mystery Suxin is busy. I heard that Goddess Xingmi needs help, so I came here on my own initiative."

After finishing speaking, the man smiled obsequiously at Goddess Xingmi.

Seeing this, Goddess Xingmi frowned deeply.

She doesn't love these guys who have been promoted from the demon clan to the heaven, and she always feels that her palace is dirty.

And that round-headed guy was originally born out of the turtle clan, and his dharma name is Xuangui Taoist.

And why didn't he know that Goddess Xingmi was extremely displeased with a monster clan ascendant like himself?
But in this end of the world, even immortals can no longer put on airs.

When it's time to bend down, you have to bend down.

How can Taoist Xuangui not sigh with emotion: He experienced many obstacles, and even destroyed himself to build a fairyland.

Thousands of years have passed, and it is actually not as good as when I was a demon in the past.

This kind of thought only passed in Taoist Xuangui's heart for a while, and then he suppressed it deeply.

He still smiled and asked Goddess Xingmi, "Since Suxin Xuannv is not free, please ask Goddess Xingmi to give Xiaoxian a chance."

Although Goddess Xingmi didn't like Taoist Xuangui, she knew that today's matter was serious, so she didn't have time to pick and choose.

She patiently said to Taoist Xuangui: "Go down to Yingzhou Island immediately, and always be on guard against outsiders coming to the island.

This needs to be kept secret.If you find it, report it to me immediately, and don't disclose the rest to anyone. "

Taoist Xuangui was surprised.

He didn't know how long it had been since he heard that a new earth fairy had come to Yingzhou Island.

Why would it happen again now?
But since Goddess Xingmi said to keep it a secret, Taoist Xuangui would not be stupid enough to continue asking.

He said with a smile: "Everything will be done according to the orders of Goddess Stargaze."

Seeing the Taoist Xuangui, Goddess Xingmi still refused to leave.

Then she said angrily: "Could it be that your fairy pouch will be shortened! Go immediately!"

Taoist Xuangui smiled and said: "How can it be! How can it be! Goddess Xingmi must not misunderstand."

After saying that, he turned around and left immediately.

Taoist Xuangui knew that he was not liked, so he wanted to go to Konghai to dislike him, wasn't it just for the "fairy sac"?
About 200 years ago, the immortals living in Xiachuan realized that they could no longer absorb the "incense" between heaven and earth, that is, the power of faith.

Although the immortals living in Xiachuan can already use medium-sized immortal arts, their accumulated immortal power is weak.

Originally, there was a steady stream of "incense" between heaven and earth, and no immortal thought of storing immortal power.

Until one day, the "incense" seemed to disappear out of thin air, and the immortals on Xiachuan could no longer absorb new power.

Many immortals were reckless for a while and exhausted their immortal power.

From then on, even the immortality of the body could not be preserved, and it directly turned into dust and disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

Only one great change really shocked the hearts of the immortals in Xiachuan.

Looking up at Xiachuan, although the Lingxiao Palace cannot be touched, the immortals in the sea of ​​sky seem to have disappeared a lot.

Why is there such a big change?
Naturally, the immortals would not tell the immortals in Xiachuan.

The immortals in Xiachuan couldn't do it, but they still needed to live.

In addition to being careful and economical when using Xianli, they also have another way to run errands for the great immortal in the sky.

As a reward, these great immortals will give them "fairy pouches".

Some fairy power is stored in the fairy pouch, which can support the little fairies to spend a period of time.

The balance of the Heavenly Court itself was suddenly broken, and finally returned to stability in this weird way.

It's just that these immortals who had overcome many obstacles and were finally able to live freely in the world, once again lived a humble life.

Maybe there is dissatisfaction in my heart, but if it is not the case, then the obscenity will be destroyed between heaven and earth.

How to choose, it all depends on one's heart.

Driven by Goddess Xingmi's eyes, Taoist Xuangui left in a hurry.

He came out from the empty sea, but did not return to Xiachuan on the next level, but descended from the clouds, intending to land on Yingzhou Island.

It's just that Taoist Xuangui didn't know that strangers had already arrived on Yingzhou Island.

This stranger was none other than Jun Wu who had just ascended the throne in the capital of the Yue Kingdom and officially became the Lord of the Three Realms.

After he built the immortal platform, he immediately felt the power of faith from the three realms pouring into his immortal platform.

This Sendai doesn't seem to have limited capacity like Dantian.

Sendai continues to absorb the power of faith, but it will not stop.

Even now that he has set foot on the boundary of Yingzhou Island, Jun Wu can still feel the power of the Three Realms constantly filling his Xiantai.

As soon as Jun Wu stepped on Yingzhou, it was like a gust of wind accompanied him, blowing up everything around him.

Jun Wu knew that he was no longer a mortal.

The power between every move and gesture is unbelievably strong.

If you don't adapt as soon as possible and are good at controlling your own strength, maybe sitting, lying and walking will be troublesome.

After he set foot on Yingzhou Road, he immediately retracted his wings and controlled the strength of his body.

Unexpectedly, Jun Wu didn't want to draw attention immediately, but after all, he was too powerful to hide.

Not far away, a lovely and pitiful female voice said: "You? Are you the new Earth Immortal on the island?"

Jun Wu looked towards the voice, and saw a woman wearing an apricot skirt and looking at Jun Wu with a basket in her hand.

She looks delicate, her hair is curly, and she has a bun hanging around her body.

And the woman's big eyes were both surprised and worried, and she looked straight at Jun Wu who suddenly appeared on Yingzhou Island.

(End of this chapter)

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