The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 433 Do you remember how many meals you have eaten?

Chapter 433 Do you remember how many meals you have eaten?
Moon Cicada said, "This is Fairy Xinghua!"

His voice was trembling and his face was pale.

Long before going to the sea, Yuechan Boy realized that Fairy Xinghua might not come back once she left.

It was precisely because of his apology to Fairy Xinghua that he supported his insistence on going to the sky with Junwu.

Unexpectedly, she saw Goddess Xingmi throwing the sachet on the ground casually.

There was some almond blossom fragrance faintly on the sachet.

Boy Yuechan didn't need any evidence to feel the familiar atmosphere of getting along day and night, it was Fairy Xinghua who couldn't fake it.

Moon Cicada's fingers trembled.

Although the ending has been guessed for a long time, it is still difficult to accept this scene.

They Earth Immortals have endured many hardships, and in the end they are still unable to be at ease, and they are always tools in the hands of the superiors.

Even if the immortal power is about to be exhausted, it must be squeezed until there is not a trace left.

Boy Yuechan's eyes were red, and he even forgot his dignity and said to Goddess Xingmai, "This is Fairy Xinghua! Isn't it!"

Goddess Xingmi just looked lazily at Boy Cicada.

With almost no need for probing, the Star Misty Goddess was able to confirm that the young man was just the humblest earth fairy.

I heard Goddess Xingmi say: "Who was the fairy pouch, how can I remember it? Do you remember every meal you have eaten?"

Boy Yuechan trembled all over, but suppressed his anger and said to Jun Wu: "So many immortals on Yingzhou Island disappeared, they were indeed made into fairy pouches by the immortals in Xiachuan and Konghai!
That is to say...that is to say...the immortal cannot absorb the immortal power without this method! "

This last sentence is particularly angry, and it is the speculation that has been suppressed in Boy Chan's heart for a long time.

Although the immortals above Xiachuan, everyone knows this secret in their stomachs.

But he still suppressed that he didn't get stabbed in front of the earth fairy.

This is the last bottom line for the immortals to maintain their dignity and prestige—we must not let the earth immortals know that the immortals no longer have the confidence to call the wind and rain.

Sure enough, as soon as Boy Yuechan said that, Goddess Xingmi yelled angrily: "Arrogant boy, you went to the sky and sea to dirty my palace without permission!"

At the same time, I saw a hand suddenly swelled up, pinching Boy Chan's neck.

Goddess Xingmi sat on the throne, far away from Boy Cicada.

But her arm seemed to be able to stretch infinitely, and suddenly it was extremely long.

What was even more unexpected was that just as the arm of Goddess Xingmi was about to pinch Yue Chan boy's neck, she was separated by another hand.

The goddess looked at Jun Wu in disbelief.

He also stretched out his arms, instantly blocking the attack of Goddess of Star Mist.

"His fairy art is exactly the same as mine?"

Goddess Xingmi's heart skipped a beat.

You must know that the immortal technique of her arms exploding extremely consumes immortal power.

Ever since she was unable to absorb the beliefs of the world, the Goddess of Star Mist cherished herself very much and refused to take it lightly.

But when she saw Junwu, a boy who had just built the city of Xiantai, used such an extremely expensive fairy technique.

Goddess Xingmist couldn't help sneering.

Even when the Immortal Realm was not punished, the Immortal would have to endure tens of millions of years in order to accumulate immortal power.

The beliefs of the common people in the world are equally divided by the ranks of the immortals, and it becomes extremely precious when it is their turn.

These great immortals have all experienced their current status through the years.

Junwu, a vertical son, first built the fairy platform, so he naturally didn't know these mysteries without anyone leading him.

Hehe, it was just self-destruction, and it was wiped out in the end.

Goddess Xingmi secretly felt that even if she didn't report to the Jade Emperor, she might be able to completely solve Junwu with just a few moves.

And if Jun Wu consumes the immortal power too fiercely, resulting in the ending of the soul flying away.

That doesn't mean she killed Longzi again against God's will.

Goddess Xingmi suddenly smiled.

She thought it was a foolproof plan.

After his own move was blocked by Jun Wu, Goddess Xingmi stretched out her hand and attacked Jun Wu's face again.

And Jun Wu also followed the gourd painting, and also stretched his arms to counter.

As soon as the two arms crossed in the air, they suddenly separated again.

But the next scene surprised both Boy Chan and Taoist Xuangui.

However, Goddess Xingmi suddenly spread dozens of arms and attacked Junwu at the same time.

Obviously this is a more advanced fairy method.

Dozens of arms rushed towards Junwu's face like a torrential rain.

Each arm is as soft, white and beautiful as a broken lotus root, but full of murderous intent.

Naturally, most of these arms are generated by illusion.

But even if it is an illusion, it will suffer heavy damage if it hits the body.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Jun Wu also grew dozens of arms from his body, and received the attacking fists one by one.

Two exclamations came from the Ice Crystal Palace.

Even Goddess Xingmist's complexion changed slightly.

If the previous move was a coincidence, it would be far from simple for Jun Wu to perform the same move with himself again.

Obviously, Jun Wu can immediately learn the celestial arts he saw.

What a dragon!
Goddess Xingmi praised in her heart.

But she was more determined.

My immortal power accumulated over tens of millions of years must be far better than Junwu.

She just needs to keep displaying more advanced immortal techniques and lure this Junwu to learn them.

Then he will surely be able to trick him into dying when his magic skills are exhausted.

Even Boy Cicada became more and more startled.

He insisted on following Kong Hai, just to remind Jun Wu not to forget the limit of immortal power.

Seeing this now, he once again shouted: "Don't run out..."

Before she could finish her words, Goddess Xingmi stretched out her arm and slammed it towards Boy Cicada.

This time, Goddess Xingmi made a murderous attempt on Boy Cicada.

She can't kill a dragon like Junwu, can't she kill a little earth fairy?
Unexpectedly, halfway through the swing of that arm, Jun Wu once again stopped him severely.

Although there are dozens or hundreds of arms dancing in the air.

But the arm of Goddess Xingmi was still firmly grasped by Jun Wu.

And when Jun Wu exerted his power, Goddess Xingmi's arm was broken by him.

Blood flowed out from the severed arm, but it disappeared instantly.

Jun Wu still had a part of his arm in his hand, and he threw it on the ground like garbage.

It was rolling down at the feet of Boy Cicada and Taoist Xuangui.

The two saw that the arm of the goddess was torn off like garbage and rolled down.

They could only keep their eyes wide open, unable to even scream.

The Goddess of Star Mist used to be a figure who could compete with the sun and the moon in their hearts.

Now that he lost to Junwu, who can accept such a change calmly?

Jun Wu saw that Goddess Xingmi's Thousand-Handed Technique no longer had any mystery.

Each of his arms suddenly exerted all his strength, quickly grabbing an arm of Goddess Stargaze.

In the next moment, only the sound of cracking bones continued.

Goddess Xingmist let out a long scream piercing the sky.

Dozens of broken arms were twisted off at the same time.

Flesh and blood were scattered all over the ground.

These originally white, tender and soft arms were all thrown to the ground.

The noble and elegant Crystal Palace suddenly became like a hell of flesh and blood.

Only then did Jun Wu smile and look at Goddess Xingmi and said, "If you have any skills, just use them."

(End of this chapter)

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