The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 439 The Finale

Chapter 439 The Finale
When the Jade Emperor felt that the scene around him was no longer distorted, he saw that he was finally no longer bound by iron chains, nor washed by cold water.

Instead of being thin and tired, he looked like a young man.

This is when the world first opened, and he was the first group of people in the world.

At this time, he heard people around him exclaiming, even the language was extremely primitive.

The shadow fell over Jade Emperor's head, he looked up and saw a dragon roaming in the sky recklessly.

The dragon was so huge, with shining scales and sharp claws.

The huge body almost passed over people's heads.

With a random wave of the dragon claw, a mountain can be crushed.

People screamed in horror, but they didn't know where to hide, so they could only run away with their heads in their hands.

Only the Jade Emperor looked up at the Dragon King who was roaming freely in mid-air.

He knew that he had once again returned to the days when the world first opened.

"Drunkenness, Dreams and Death" is his most powerful fairy art, although he only used it once.

But the Jade Emperor knows the core of this fairy art best.

As long as the heaven is not lonely, the Jade Emperor will be able to walk out of the dream smoothly.

But if his spiritual will dies in the dream, then his body will also die.

The Jade Emperor just used this trick to send Junwu back to the eve of the accompanying capital, but the dragon son actually sent himself back to the day when the world first opened.

The Jade Emperor sighed deeply, the talent of this dragon son was beyond imagination.

Even if Wu Xing is taken in, he can really get out of the companion capital.

The Jade Emperor secretly made up his mind that he must come out of "Drunk Life, Dreams and Death", and then he must first kill Jun Wu.

At that time, no matter whether he is condemned by God or not, he will have to bear the consequences and must not tolerate it.

The Jade Emperor knew "Drunk Life, Dreams and Death" best, and he also knew the reason for the decline of the Heavenly Court—it was killing the real dragon three times in succession, which completely offended the will of heaven.

As long as there is no suspicion with the Dragon Clan in this dream, there is no possibility of the Heavenly Court falling.

Seeing the dragon king wandering wantonly in mid-air, he could break a tree with a sweep of the dragon's tail.

The Jade Emperor secretly clenched his fists: This is just a dream.

Endure it no matter what!When I am out of the dream, let's see how I can cut off the Dragon Clan Houyi.

Time flies fast in the dream.

In a blink of an eye, the Jade Emperor has built a fairy platform.

He soared all the way to the sky above the East China Sea.

According to the appearance in memory, he relied on immortal skills to build a Lingxiao Palace again, becoming the first immortal in the world.

Just like in the past, there are people in the world one after another, and the demons become immortals, and they are inspired to come to Yingzhou Island.

They gradually filled Yingzhou Island, Xiachuan, and Konghai according to their own abilities.

The entire Heavenly Court has returned to its former grandeur.

But once the fairy class is full, the noise will gradually increase.

Those immortals who are dissatisfied with the dragon clan are increasing day by day.

Dragons are born with divine pills, so they don't need to practice, let alone absorb the power of belief in the world, to have the strength similar to that of immortals.

How can this make the immortals who practice hard and even destroy their dantian hold back.

From time to time, some people went to the Lingxiao Palace to make a theory, counting the viciousness of the dragon clan, and asked the Jade Emperor to punish them.

The Jade Emperor always remembered that this was just a dream, and only suppressed these voices.

As long as he can't afford to kill the dragon, the Jade Emperor will wake up soon.

But what the Jade Emperor didn't expect was that although he tried his best to suppress it, it was still the case.

One day, a fairy came to report that it was the conflict between Uori Xingjun and the Dragon King.

In the end, the two ended up together.

It is said that Uori Xingjun had already killed the Dragon King, but several thunderstorms suddenly fell from the sky, and directly chopped Uori Xingjun to death.

The Jade Emperor was startled, and took all precautions, but the first dragon slaying still happened.

But the Jade Emperor is the Lord of Heaven and Earth with a lifespan of ten thousand years.

Although the first attempt to kill the dragon failed to stop it, the Jade Emperor immediately stabilized his mind. As long as he pressed the button and then killed the dragon twice, it would not bring about the destruction of the Heavenly Court.

Since the death of Uori Xingjun, the Jade Emperor has stricter control over the Heavenly Court.

It's just that the immortals in the heaven became more impetuous.

Because there is less and less immortal power that can be shared by immortals.

Immortals are used to squandering their immortal power recklessly, and it is extremely difficult to control their extravagance.

At the same time, the dragon clan was not affected by the immortal power, and the five sons of the Dragon King gradually surpassed many immortals.

Although the immortals all pay attention to peace of mind, they cannot accept the situation of ebb and flow.

Coupled with the suppression of the Jade Emperor, immortals and dragons are not allowed to use force.

But the dragon sons always remember the revenge of killing their fathers, and they must gang up and kill the immortals who are alone.

As a result, many immortals died under the dragon's claws.

The Jade Emperor looked so useless, which made many immortals feel chilling.

Someone finally pointed out that the immortal power that immortals can share is decreasing day by day.That's all because the Dragon Clan is causing harm to the world.

The common people are in turmoil and cannot be protected by the immortals, so naturally they will no longer have any devout beliefs in the immortals.

Coupled with the endless wars and disputes, the people were displaced, and no one knew how to burn incense and pray.

If we want to change the situation, we must unify the world.

Perhaps the heavens should support the mortals, and continue to offer incense to the heavens after unifying the world.

This idea was unanimously agreed by all the immortals in heaven.

But I didn't expect that the Jade Emperor would always have a gloomy face after hearing this.

After the immortals asked a few questions, the Jade Emperor was furious and forbade the immortals to say that again.

These immortals couldn't understand why the Jade Emperor was so angry.

They only knew that the Jade Emperor was like a lost dog when he met the dragons, but he was so domineering and tyrannical above the heavenly court.

It's just that they were born earlier than them and ascended to heaven earlier, but they are so arbitrary and tyrannical.

The immortals became more and more dissatisfied with the Jade Emperor.

Until one day, Emperor Shun, the king of the underworld, suddenly went to the Lingxiao Palace.

Seeing that Pluto was furious, he said that the immortals in the heaven hatched the dragon child without authorization and killed it.

He also forced the underworld to let Longzi's soul reincarnate ten times in another world.

Emperor Shun, king of the underworld, was not willing to bear such a serious crime.

So he was furious and wanted to find the Jade Emperor for a theory.

When the Jade Emperor heard this, he felt a "thump" in his heart.Unexpectedly, he prevented the immortals from killing five adult dragons.

But the immortal killed the unhatched dragon son talking to himself.

The Jade Emperor took a deep breath and asked Emperor Shun, "What are your plans?"

Di Shun looked upright and said, "Of course I will tell the five dragon sons the truth."

The unhatched dragon egg died suddenly. If the dragon sons came to Emperor Shun to question him, how would he bear it?
Unexpectedly, the Jade Emperor had a sneer on his face after hearing this.

Then the Jade Emperor said: "I only said that I can't kill the dragon son, but I didn't say that I can't kill the Hades."

Emperor Shun, king of the underworld, was startled when he heard this, and asked, "What do you mean?"

The Jade Emperor even stood up with a sneer, and said, "I have killed you once in reality, how difficult it is to kill you again in my dream."

After the Jade Emperor waved his sleeves, Emperor Shun, the king of the underworld, never imagined that he would be wiped out.

According to the old law, the Jade Emperor imposed restrictions on the underworld.Afterwards, even if there is resentment in the underworld, it cannot be found in the heavens.

It's only three times to kill the dragon, but it has already been cashed in twice.

The Jade Emperor felt even more heavy.

What he dreaded finally happened.

The news that the Heavenly Court Beidou Xianjun hatched the dragon egg and killed the dragon son still leaked to the ears of the five dragon sons for some reason.

At the beginning, Uori Xingjun and the Dragon King died together, and it was the Dragon King who couldn't bear the excitement and acted first.

The five dragon sons still forbear.

Now, killing the young dragons without hesitation is unbearable any longer.

Five adult dragon sons rushed into the heaven.

After no more suppression, the five dragons fought in the heavenly court and killed many immortals.

From Yingzhou to Konghai, almost everything was destroyed by Wulong.

Naturally, the Great Immortal joined forces and killed a dragon son.

This time it was even more catastrophic.

The immortals suddenly noticed that the immortal power that they could still feel had suddenly disappeared.

It was like a bolt from the blue.

When the Jade Emperor once again felt the celestial power disappearing between heaven and earth, he was really like five thunderbolts.

The celestial beings who lost their celestial power had no chance of winning when they fought against the dragon.

The dragon sons died another brother, their hearts were filled with grief and indignation, and they didn't realize why the immortal suddenly became weak.

They met immortals and killed immortals, rushing all the way to Lingxiao Temple.

When the remaining four dragon sons saw the Jade Emperor, their new hatred and old hatred surged up together.

The Four Dragons fought against the Jade Emperor.

Although the Jade Emperor has the majestic immortal power accumulated over thousands of years, he still exhausted his immortal power in the series of battles with the four dragons.

In the end, the four dragons attacked together, and the four dragon tails powerfully swept towards the Jade Emperor Tianling Gai at the same time.

The Jade Emperor knew that he could not dodge this blow, and his heart was cold.

It turned out that he was going to die in the hands of the Dragon Clan in the end.

With the emergence of the Jade Emperor's desire to die, all illusions came to an abrupt end.

At the same time, the body of the Jade Emperor, who was tied to the water column by iron chains, also lost its luster.

The most noble immortal in the world finally died in his own immortal center.

Jun Wu stood where he was, watching the Jade Emperor's body begin to rot.

In the end, the tens of thousands of years of grievances between the Jade Emperor and the Dragon Clan were settled in this way.

There was no sound in Lingxiao Hall, only the sound of Junwu's footsteps on the white jade stone ground.

When he walked out of Lingxiao Palace, he looked back at this majestic palace.

Jun Wu waved his hand.

The treasure hall was suddenly smashed down by a powerful force, and the gold bricks and jade were all turned into powder.

The sky is so vast, when the wind blows, the powder is blown away.

The once graceful Lingxiao Palace completely disappeared.

Jun Wu spread his wings and flew towards Huaxia.

There is his land, and there are hundreds of millions of people who believe in him.

There is endless immortal power, and there is the rest of life that will never disappear.

And behind him is the past.


  A new book "Don't Make Me Use Tuba" is under preparation.It is estimated that the book will be released around August [-]st.

  After absorbing the experience and shortcomings of this book, it will bring you a better reading experience.

  Chen Gong's mantra is: I advise you not to mess with me.

  A generation of Martial Gods who were forced into the Heavenly Court by immortals on the eve of his ascension to the throne.

  It took him 300 years of pure cultivation before the Buddha to suppress his violent nature.

  Returning to the world this time is to keep a low profile?
  Wrong, it is to restore the memory of martial arts!

  Take back the emperor's foundation that was taken over by his brother back then!

  In the end, the gun was pointed at the sky, making all the gods and Buddhas in the sky repent!
  Any comments and criticisms on the new book can also be raised.I will revise in time.Thank you book friends for your company, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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