The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 46 Deciding the Winner

Chapter 46 Deciding the Winner
Seeing the eldest prince Jun Yi kneeling in front of him, his eyes were full of uneasiness.

Jun Wu knew in his heart that his trick was a success.

Jun Wu has long discovered from various details that the eldest prince Jun Yi has no ambitions for the throne.

It's just that there is a force behind him that spurs him all the time.

In fact, Jun Wu has already reached the top of the mountain, but he has been invisible.

Jun Wu didn't show up until the eldest prince's three servants made an ultimate move on him.

Two swords resulted in three people, and the people who were always suppressing behind the eldest prince were killed by Jun Wu.

He could have used the "Pure Heart Universal Mantra" to wake up the three "servants".

Jun Wu deliberately did not do so.Because these three "guards" are difficult to tame for Jun Wu.

Their lives are of no use.

The eldest prince Jun Yi is different.

Jun Wu said with a cold face: "I will not spare the lives of useless people.

If you want to surrender to me, you must be available to me. "

The eldest prince hurriedly said: "But please order, Your Highness, I will do my best."

Jun Wu put his sword back into its sheath, put his hands behind his back and said: "You swear to be loyal to me this day. Don't be afraid of the cold, and stay in the Xuankong Palace all your life.

If the barbarians in southern Xinjiang invade the border one day, I will only ask you! "

Jun Wu's words finally became extremely severe, with a regal air.

The eldest prince Jun Yi did not expect that Jun Wu asked him to agree to this.

He hurriedly knelt down on his knees, kowtowed and said: "I would like to obey His Highness's order."

Although at this moment Jun Wu is not yet the emperor of Dayue Kingdom.

But the eldest prince has already imposed the highest etiquette on him.

It is unbearable for anyone to guard the Hanging Palace.

The Taoist couple in the Hanging Palace were originally the disciples and grandchildren of the former state teacher of the Dayue Kingdom.

More than 200 years ago, the former national teacher followed the order of the emperor of Dayue Kingdom and led his disciples to guard the cold and lonely Hanging Palace.

It was the loyal ministers offered by the Taoists in the Hanging Palace that gave the barbarians in southern Xinjiang no chance to break through the mountains.

It's just that time has changed and the Taoists in the Hanging Palace can no longer tolerate the harsh environment here.

They pinned their only hope on the eldest prince Jun Yi.

If Jun Yi can become the king of Dayue Kingdom, then he can make a decree to let the Taoist companions of Xuankong Palace return to their homeland.

Therefore, even if the Taoists in the Hanging Palace spend 50 years of their internal strength and give everything they have, they still want the eldest prince Jun Yi to win.

Although sticking to the Hanging Palace made these Taoists feel unbearable grief and indignation.

But it is the holy place in the heart of the eldest prince Jun Yi.

Since he was born, he has been fascinated by Taoist classics.

Who would have thought that the eldest prince would have a heart of Dao since then.

The place of bitterness and dampness in the eyes of others is the last place of purity in the world in his eyes.

Compared with the intrigues in the imperial capital and the jealousy among rich and colorful fans, he only hopes to read Taoism for the rest of his life.

Unexpectedly, this is exactly what Jun Wu asked of him.

The eldest prince Jun Yi kowtowed again and again, afraid that Jun Wu would change his mind.

Seeing the joy in the eldest prince's eyes, Jun Wu knew that this person really didn't want to get involved in right and wrong.

Power is an aphrodisiac to some and poison to others.

For Jun Wu, power is a tool.

To be a free person in this world, you have to stand at the top of power.

Seeing the eldest prince Jun Yi prostrate on the ground, Jun Wu nodded and said: "You wait here for news. There should be trouble in the imperial capital now.

Now that the winner of the accompanying capital has been decided, I need to go to the imperial capital for a walk. "

The eldest prince Jun Yi raised his head and asked, "Do you need a minister..."

Jun Wu ignored him and said: "Things may be difficult, I can't bring too much burden."

After finishing speaking, he didn't stay any longer, and quickly disappeared on the top of the mountain by riding "Xiaoyao Zong".

The eldest prince alone knelt on the top of the mountain, looking at the muddy ground covered in blood and snow.

He smiled bitterly, at least his wish for many years has come true, isn't it?
After Jun Wu left the back mountain, he rushed towards the corner of the city closest to him.

Although he had just dealt with the Sixth Brother and subdued the Big Brother.

But Jun Wu's expression was not relaxed.

Because the true dragon blood has given him 300 years of internal strength.

These 300 years of internal power are more than enough to deal with any of the four Qiyun sons.

Fortunately, they were indeed divided into four groups, guarding the four corners of the accompanying capital.

The sky is not clear at this moment, it is the darkest moment.

Jun Wu saw a tent at the foot of the mountain.

There are more than 20 soldiers of Dai Viet scattered outside the camp.

The bonfire outside the tent was flickering, and the guard on duty was about to fall asleep.

But none of these can stop Junwu in the slightest.

He quietly entered the largest tent like a phantom.

Sure enough, he saw that Chen Mozi, the weakest of the four Qiyun sons, was snoring loudly at the moment.

Although he is the weakest in martial arts, he is already a rare master in the rivers and lakes.

As soon as Jun Wu's footsteps landed, the snoring stopped.

Chen Mozi immediately rolled over and got up, his eyes were full of vigilance.

A pair of short hands immediately touched a long-handled ax beside the pillow.

After seeing that the person who suddenly appeared in the dark night was Jun Wu whom he had seen during the day, he said angrily:
"The poisonous little boy, are you coming back to plot against me?"

At this moment, Chen Haozi still doesn't realize how strong Jun Wu is.

He still only thinks that Jun Wu has the ability to be poisonous, and he doesn't have to be afraid of him as long as he acts carefully.

However, Jun Wu walked towards Chen Haozi gently like a cat, and with a light stroke of a sword in his hand, he dropped Chen Haozi's long-handled ax to the ground.

Until then, Chen Mozi was really taken aback.

As a master of the middle god realm with 250 years of internal strength, he has never lost to others except for a few older brothers.

Who would have thought that he has been an artist for many years, and he would end up being picked off by someone with a single blow.

Chen Mozi's eyes revealed disbelief.

He still doesn't believe that Jun Wu can be so powerful at such a young age.

Even his elder brother Feng Leizi couldn't beat him in one move.

Chen Mozi's head was spinning, but he couldn't figure out what kind of ghostly trick Jun Wu was using.

In a daze, Jun Wu's long sword shook four times, and Chen Mozi cried out four times.

It turned out that it was Jun Wu who used lightning-like swordsmanship to cut off Chen Haozi's tendons and hamstrings accurately.

Then Chen Mozi fell heavily to the ground.

The incisions on the hands and feet were not large, and not even much blood came out.

How could it be possible for a master like Chen Mozi to be treated like a baby?
In fact, it is because the sword technique Jun Wu is using at the moment is infinitely powerful.

This sword technique is called "Thirteen Forms of Tragedy". According to legend, it was after the hero Ling Hu inherited the sword technique of Jianzhong.

He absorbed another 40 years of experience before seeing the light of day again.

The word "sorrow" in "Thirteen Types of Sadness" points out that Linghu can taste all the bitterness and bitterness in the world.

Who would have thought that in his later years, he would marry a wife and have children, and his sword skills would not be as fierce as before.

This "Thirteen Forms of Sadness" is still the Ling family's unique sword technique.

It's just that the power of one generation is not as good as that of one generation.

Junwu may be the only one who can exert the power of "Thirteen Forms of Sorrow" without experiencing all the pain and suffering.

After silently saying "activate", he directly comprehended the essence of this sword technique.

It wasn't until Chen Haozi fell heavily to the ground that he realized in his mind: Jun Wu's martial arts were too strong to be believed.It's not something their lucky four sons can match.

At this time, Jun Wu lowered his head and asked coldly, "Who sent you here?"

Dust and haze can no longer resist, so what's the use of morality?
He hurriedly said loudly: "Emperor Dayue hired us with a lot of money! A total of 30 taels! It's absolutely true!

Hero, spare my life, I am willing to testify for you! "

Jun Wu saw that his expression did not seem to be fake, and he wanted to exchange information for a way to survive.

He mocked coldly: "Poor man, even your brother-in-law lied to you. I won't tell you the truth."

After finishing speaking, he sent his elbow forward, and the tip of the sword immediately pierced Chen Mozi's chest.

"Sorrowful Thirteen Styles" sword technique is extremely fast, and the wounds are often extremely small.

It seemed that there was not much blood, but the tip of the sword accurately pierced the heart.

Chen Mozi completely collapsed on the ground this time.

It took a long time for blood to slowly flow out from the tiny wound, staining his body red.

(End of this chapter)

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