The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 54 Stop Pretending

Chapter 54 Stop Pretending

On Tianhua Mountain, the four people called Tian Lao finished their discussions and acted according to their own plans.

In the Dayue Imperial Palace one day ago, Jun Wu looked at the middle-aged man crawling under his feet with a cold expression.

This man's name is Tu Jieyuan, and he is the prime minister of Dayue Kingdom.

At the same time, he is also the brother of Concubine Tu Gui and the uncle of the Fourth Prince of Dayue.

At this moment, Tu Jieyuan tried his best to restrain his fear, hoping to keep his expression as usual.

Ordinarily, Tu Jieyuan is also a smart person, but anyone who is under extreme fear will show his flaws.

Jun Wu looked at him and said indifferently, "Please explain."

Tu Jieyuan's eyeballs rolled around under his eyelids, trying to let go of his fear and settle the situation in front of him.

What kind of "demon king" was hired with huge sums of money really hurt himself.

It's not just about beating and cursing Tu Jieyuan, shouting and shouting at him.

For nothing, he cheated himself of a lot of silver and let it go, and pushed Tu Jieyuan alive to the tiger's mouth.

But now that he has escaped, maybe all the crimes can be pushed on him.

Thinking of this, Tu Jieyuan hurriedly knelt down on the ground.

He said in his mouth: "His Royal Highness, all the things that happened in the imperial capital were caused by the coercion of the demon king.

The minister deserves death, and should not succumb to his despotic power! "

After hearing these words, Jun Wu squinted his eyes and snorted coldly.

At the same time, Tu Jieyuan's heart skipped a beat.

He raised his head slightly, looked at Jun Wu with a pair of probing eyes, speculated on the boy's expression, and was thinking again in his heart.

He, Tu Jieyuan, is the uncle of the Fourth Prince, even if the current events can be fooled.

Will it still be good in the future?

Then Tu Jieyuan's eyes gradually became cold.

The slightly trembling voice also became stable again.

Seeing him stretching his arms into his arms, he stood up and said, "I know His Highness will not believe what I say, so I have already brought the evidence with me."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards Junwu, taking out a ball of things from his arms as he walked.

When he walked straight in front of Jun Wu, he suddenly raised the thing in his hand.

In an instant, a cloud of white powder spread in front of Jun Wu.

"Successful!" Tu Jieyuan showed excitement, and stumbled back a few big steps.

The white powder mist gradually fell, but when he looked up again, his face was full of shock.

Jun Wu did not show pain as expected, but only looked at him mockingly.

At this time, Jun Wu said: "Sure enough, there are others who support you.

Is it from the third sister's family? "

Jun Wu didn't believe that a single prime minister could control the government in his hands.

It wasn't until Tu Jieyuan suddenly spilled the medicine powder that Jun Wu could be sure that there was probably the participation of the Sanhuang sister's family who was good at medicine.

Both the third princess and the fourth prince had lost early in the competition with the capital.

There is no hope of enthroning in the future.

They are not martial arts forces, and their honor and disgrace are all attached to the imperial power.

Losing the hope of the crown prince means ruining the way to survive in the future.

Just like a person who knows he is going to die, he can do anything.

Tu Jieyuan's eyes were still spinning.

He didn't know why his medicine powder, which could make people's skin fester and make life worse than death, didn't work.

At this time, it is extremely difficult to find a way to survive by relying on the skill of the tongue.

But Jun Wu didn't give him a chance to speak.

He leaned forward a little, put his hands on the top of Tu Jieyuan's head, and said, "You are useless."

After all, Tu Jieyuan felt that his brain was boiling like boiling water.

Unlike the pain in the hands and feet, the pain in the brain is obviously abnormal.

Jun Wu seemed to do it on purpose, and the internal force was continuously transmitted into Tu Jieyuan's brain.

I am afraid that there is hardly any kind of pain in this world that is more severe than this.

But Junwu grasped the measure, this pain did not immediately kill Tu Jieyuan.

The prime minister of the Great Viet Kingdom gradually began to leak urine and feces.

In the end, reddish mucus flowed out of the nostrils, which was the shattered brain flowing out of the nasal tube.

With a muffled sound, Jun Wu released the internal force on his palm,

Tu Jieyuan finally fell to the ground with a bang.

Jun Wu dropped the corpse and walked outside.

This place is still in the palace of Dayue Kingdom, and he still runs along the highest palace.

It was still a dark palace that was unattended, and he once again came to the bedroom where Emperor Dai Viet was imprisoned.

At this moment, Emperor Dayue Junlin was still looking gloomy, lying quietly on the brocade bed.

Jun Wu looked at him for a while, then suddenly said abruptly, "Stop pretending."

As soon as the words fell, he saw Emperor Dayue's eyelids move.

Then he opened a pair of deep, dark eyes.

When he saw that the fifth prince Junwu was standing in front of him, he mumbled and said:

"It's really you."

Jun Wu also said: "The last time my son came here, I found that Father, your breathing is steady and powerful.

It seems that Father, you have been pretending to be unconscious for a long time. "

Emperor Dai Viet Jun Lin simply sat up.

Although his face was dark and gloomy, his eyes were sharp.

As his son, Jun Wu doesn't respect his father when he speaks.

But the strange thing is that the father didn't show any anger because of this.

He only asked: "Since you are back again. Could it be that the Demon Lord and the others have already left?"

Jun Wu nodded, his expression flat as if it was a trivial matter.

At this time, a light flashed in the eyes of Emperor Dayue Junlin, and he asked: "With Demon Lord's ability, I have to pretend to faint to avoid his sharp edge.

He is going to leave now, are..."

Jun Wu nodded again, and said, "I am the one who inherits the blood of the true dragon."

The father's originally dark complexion seemed to be radiant, and he muttered to himself: "Fortunately, it finally fell on Jun's head!"

Until this time, the father looked at Jun Wu more eagerly and said: "Maybe I will have the opportunity to see it with my own eyes when we rule the world under the Great Yue Dynasty!"

Then, as if thinking of something, he sighed and said, "Originally, I should have given up the throne to you. But now you still have a mission to complete.

If you don't complete this ritual system, the people in the world will eventually refuse to accept it. "

Jun Wu was not impatient for authority, but he took the time to ask: "I don't know what etiquette system is?"

Father said: "First of all, I must make you the prince. Accept the worship of the ministers of Yue."

Jun Wu nodded.This is due etiquette, there is nothing special about it.

Then the father said: "After you become the prince of Dayue Kingdom, you must immediately go to the Daxia Palace to receive the teachings of Xiazi."

Jun Wu had never heard of this.

At this time, the father explained: "Although the five countries have declared themselves emperors, Xia Zi is still the nominal suzerain of our five countries.

As a prince, if you don't go to the Great Xia Kingdom to receive instruction, it will be difficult to convince the people of the world. "

Jun Wu said: "I don't know how long this teaching will take?"

Father sighed and said: "It is said that it is for Xia Zi to teach, but in fact, each of the five countries sent their princes to the Great Xia Palace to be hostages for each other.

The prince of South Korea is now 30 years old and has not been able to return home.

I will always try to bring you back as soon as possible.It would be good for you to get in touch with the princes of the other four countries first.

Maybe one day you will see each other in battle, so you can know yourself and your enemy. "

(End of this chapter)

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