Chapter 62
By the time Jun Wu followed the guards to the Daxia Palace, the other three princes had already arrived.

There is even the princess of Xia Kingdom, a girl who has never said a word, is also in the corner.

Emperor Daxia knew the situation and invited all the princes to sit.

When Jun Wu arrived, Huang Men immediately offered him a high-backed armchair.

After Jun Wu sat down unceremoniously, Xia Zi held his forehead and said with a sad face:
"I think you already know that Prince Zhao died suddenly last night.

He... all the money in the house was also emptied..."

The rest of the people in the main hall had strange faces on their faces.

Xia Zi sighed, his face was full of exhaustion.

Then he said: "No matter who did this, the involvement is already serious."

He looked up at the four young faces and said, "I don't know if the princes noticed any abnormalities last night?"

Everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke.

After a while, Chong Zhiwu shook the corner of his clothes, raised Erlang's legs and said:

"I don't know what kind of vision happened last night.

But yesterday during the day, someone did have a conflict with Lu Bin. "

After all, he looked at Junwu out of the corner of his eye.

Obviously, Chong Zhiwu was implying that the murderer was probably Prince Junwu of Dayue.

And Jun Wu also looked at him with cold eyes, his aura made people shudder.

Seeing sweat on Xia Zi's forehead, he said: "Prince Wu, this is of great importance.

I have already sent the news to the country of Zhao by flying pigeons.It is expected that Zhao Guo will send people here in a few days.

When the time comes, right and wrong will not only be decided by me. "

As a declining suzerain, what Xia Zi is most worried about is that some princes will have accidents in his territory.

Keeping all the princes as hostages on the land of the Xia Dynasty is actually the meaning of the five kingdoms.

Now there is a prince who died suddenly on his territory.

How much trouble this would cause, Xia Zi hardly dared to imagine.

Wu Guo Crown Prince Chong Zhiwu raised his chest and said: "Your Majesty can tell the Zhao Guo envoys the truth.

At that time, the prince can also testify from the side.

Yesterday morning, there was a dispute between the prince of Yue and Lu Bin.

Prince Yue extorted 30 taels from Lu Bin.

I think someone can't wait, so let's kill and rob! "

Every sentence points to Junwu.

Jun Wu was amused, if this is the reason why they joined forces to make trouble for themselves.

Then the cost is too high.

Although it is temporarily impossible to guess who Zhao Prince Lu Bin died of.

But as long as Junwu keeps the same and responds to all changes, the people behind the scenes will always be unable to stand up and jump out.

At that time, Jun Wu only needs to drop ten with one force and it will become a reality.

In this world, is there still a situation where he is afraid of others making trouble?
Jun Wu sneered disdainfully, as if to say: "What can you do with me?"

And Xia Zi, who was sitting high in the hall, showed a sad expression again.

He said again: "The princes are all extremely intelligent and martial arts.

Young people are just fighting with each other, and it's nothing to do with it.

But if someone is killed, especially if it is of royal blood, it will not be so easy to settle.

Even if you are brave, don't you worry that the elders in your hometown will suffer from the war for nothing?

You have come to Xia Guo to learn etiquette, but I am ashamed of my lack of virtue.

Only then did he invite the world's most prestigious Confucian to teach at the Sacrament Academy.

Who knew... such a thing happened... Hey! "

Xia Zi sighed, full of helplessness.

As he said, Prince Zhao Lu Bin died suddenly.

It will not only affect the lives of one or two people, or it is not impossible to cause a real war.

He thought about his language and asked several times, except for Chongzhiwu alluding to Junwu, the rest didn't say a word.

Jun Wu couldn't see a trace of worry.

Finally Xia Zi said: "This is the end of my question today.

I hope you can think about the people in your hometown.Don't do irreversible things because of impulse. "

After finishing his speech, he no longer had any reason to keep a few princes.

Everyone then retreated one by one and left Xia Zi's palace.

After returning to his bedroom, Jun Wu recalled the people he met today one by one.

It seemed that there was no trace of panic or fear on everyone's face.

It seems that the sudden death of Prince Zhao really has nothing to do with others.

Everyone just waited silently.

Sure enough, only a few days later, Da Zhao sent a general, Xing Ye, to Xia Zi's imperial city.

The general's name was Lu Bu, and he was extremely tall, as tall as nine feet.

And what he led was not the mob that Jun Wu met when he first arrived.

There are always 5000 people who follow him, who are the real elite of Zhao.

If he wanted to use these 5000 people to make a surprise attack, it would not be impossible to take Daxia City.

As soon as Lu Bu arrived in Daxia City, he immediately had a deep talk with Xia Zi.

The next day, the four princes were called to the Daxia Palace.

After all, the suspects who killed Prince Zhao still fell on the four princes.

Even if they didn't do it with their own hands, it is very likely that their subordinates did it.

Lu Bu, as the fierce general of Zhao, was not as easy-going and polite as Xia Zi.

He has a pair of protruding eyes, and his eyebrows are as thick as iron rulers, standing straight up.

Holding a long halberd in his hand, he openly brought it to Xia Zi's palace.

This General Lu Bu's martial arts is indeed not weak.

Jun Wu deduced from the heat emitted by the circulation of internal energy around his body that he might have 200 years of internal energy.

Even when Prince Wu Chong Zhiwu saw him, the arrogance of the past was no longer on his face.

Lu Bu patted the armrest of the armchair and said angrily, "This matter cannot be simply settled today.

We must give Zhao Guo an explanation! "

Until this moment, Chong Zhiwu, the crown prince of Wu Kingdom, said sarcastically again: "If General Lu really wants to avenge Lu Bin.

So I have to check the Prince Yue Junwu carefully.

Robin had been doing well for many years at the Sacrament School.He, Jun Wu, died for no apparent reason when he arrived.

What's more, they had an argument that morning.Jun Wu extorted 30 taels of silver from him, and so many people saw it. "

After finishing speaking, he looked at Jun Wu again and said, "What, Prince Yue, am I right?"

But Jun Wu sneered and said: "The silver taels you owe me, originally Lu Bin said that he would bear it all by himself.

Now that he is dead.I also ask all of you to chip in and return it to me. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone was even more angry.

Especially when Lu Bu heard this, he became even more convinced that the person who killed the prince must be Prince Yue Junwu!

He lifted the long halberd in his hand, stood up and said loudly: "Even if I live up to His Majesty's will today, I will take you down first!"

After all, he raised his gun and wanted to openly use force on Xia Zi's main hall.

It was only when he stood up that everyone felt a strong cold wind blowing into the hall.

A man's voice sounded: "For the sake of poverty, let's forget about today's affairs."

(End of this chapter)

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