The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 70 Protective Low-key

Chapter 70 Protective Low-key

When Chong Zhiwu heard Jun Wu's words and saw his cold eyes, his heart skipped a beat.

But he quickly calmed down, and instead sneered, "I don't know how high the sky is."

After that, he charged over with his sword straightened again.

But Jun Wu casually took the sword from Liu Jin.

Ever since he mastered the Thirteen Miserable Moves, the sword skills of others are like monkeys dancing in his eyes.

He drew his sword sharply, Chong Zhiwu struck first but failed to arrive first.

His eyes protruded, and he watched Jun Wu's sword stabbing his chest.

The wound was extremely small, but extremely deep, cutting off the heart vein.

Jun Wu retracted his sword and saw a line of blood flowing from the wound.

And Chong Zhiwu could clearly feel the sharp object piercing his body.

But he didn't feel any pain, and when Jun Wu's sword was retracted, his wound healed quickly.

At this time, Chong Zhiwu mocked: "Did you see it? You can't beat God's will."

But Jun Wu asked: "God's will that can only be beaten?"

Chong Zhiwu's face froze, and then he became angry from embarrassment: "You kill me first and then talk!"

Then rush forward again.

It's a pity that Jun Wu's sword that was so fast stopped him again.

A silver light flashed in the room, and Jun Wu changed his sword move.

This time Chongzhiwu was cut open by Junwu's sword from his chest to his stomach,

Intestines were almost torn out of his stomach.

This scene was so terrifying that Rui Xin screamed and hid in the corner trembling.

But Chong Zhiwu was calm enough.

He held the stomach that was about to slip out with his hands.

Then the wound healed quickly again.

Chong Zhiwu sneered coldly, and said with a look of madness: "How is it? Are you scared?"

Before Jun Wu could answer, a calm female voice suddenly said:
"He should also be a different star. The talent may be quick healing.

Useless, you can't kill him the normal way. "

It turned out that it was Princess Xia who had been imprisoned all along who spoke.

She has been watching the two fight in the big house.

She didn't speak until this time.

Jun Wu glanced at her and said, "Chong Zhiwu is also a foreign star?

Then you too! "

Princess Xia was taken aback for a moment, and her complexion immediately turned pale.

Unexpectedly, she was shocked by Chong Zhiwu's strange situation, but made Junwu discover her secret by mistake.

Jun Wu flicked the sword flower as if teasing Chong Zhiwu.

But Chong Zhiwu tried his best to barely resist Jun Wu Xinshou's attack.

Jun Wu asked again: "What kind of martial art is Alien?"

Princess Xia hesitated, before saying: "Foreign stars are not martial arts, but talents.

Unable to practice, born with it.

The talents of different stars in the world are different.

There is no difference between ordinary people on weekdays, and it is difficult to know if you do not encounter it. "

Princess Xia saw that he was silent after listening to her words, and she was already scared when she still regarded Jun Wu.

But at this moment, Jun Wu has already adjusted the interface in his mind.

After inquiring, he already knew that the situation of Yixing was indeed the same as what Princess Xia said.

But Jun Wu sent another question:
"Can all the abilities of the alien star be used by me?"

Sure enough, a new text pops up on the interface:
"It is recommended to activate the Dafa of "Abstracting Stars and Crossing Aliens" to the full level."

Jun Wu's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, "Activate."

Then the interface changes to:
"The Dafa of "Abstracting Stars and Crossing Aliens". The inheritance has no source.

Using this method, the alien can actively introduce its own abilities to others.

If the Alien Star does not come out of its original intention, it will fail due to unstable fluctuations.

Even backlash against its master. "

Jun Wu snorted, and said in his heart: "We still need Yixing to volunteer. This will be a little troublesome."

But no matter what, a vague idea in his mind slowly became clear.

Maybe there is a new way to continue to get stronger.

Even in the end, he was able to surpass Xianguan and others.

He looked at Chong Zhiwu again.

The power this person has is fast healing.

Speaking of which, this ability is good, but he himself is also immortal in a sense.

Besides, it seems impossible for Chong Zhiwu to voluntarily transfer his abilities to himself.

This person is extremely dangerous, and keeping him will become a hidden danger.

Although he is the prince of Wu, he can't stay.

Jun Wu made up his mind, so he stopped playing with him.

He suddenly swung his sword, the blade was so sharp that it cut off one of his arms directly.

As his arm fell, the sword in Chong Zhiwu's hand also fell.

His face turned pale in an instant.

Without hesitation, Jun Wu picked up the sword on the ground, hooked the broken arm and shot it out.

The next moment, one of Chong Zhiwu's arms was nailed to the south wall by his own sword.

Then Jun Wu didn't look back, he just said: "Come with the sword!"

Without further ado, Liu Jin threw his sword at Junwu.

Jun Wu grabbed the saber with his left hand, and chopped off Chong Zhiwu's other arm with his right hand.

The left-hand sword was thrown as a flying sword, and the other arm was nailed to the north wall.

At this time, Chong Zhiwu lost two arms in a row, and he almost went crazy.

He no longer has the ability to fight again, and seems to be going crazy to bite Junwu.

Chong Zhiwu looked like a wild beast.

And Jun Wu is not calm like a normal person.

He slashed towards Chong Zhiwu's lower body with a sword.

In an instant, the two legs fell at the same time.

Chong Zhiwu's eyes were wide open, and his body fell down.

For a moment, Chong Zhiwu didn't even understand why he was overwhelmed.

But the next moment, his despair made him wail like a beast.

When Jun Wu kicked, Chong Zhiwu's legs hit two corners.

Liu Jin and Ye Yan had calmed down by now.

Each of them picked up a long sword and chased after Chong Zhiwu's legs.

Then both of them pinned their legs in the corner with the long sword in their hands extremely deftly.

Jun Wu swung his sword again, piercing Chong Zhiwu's chest.

A vigorous beating heart was strung on Junwu's sword body by him.

Chong Zhiwu's eyes were still protruding, looking at his heart helplessly.

Then Jun Wu cut his neck with the tip of his sword.

The head flew out and hit the wall.

Then Jun Wu flew out the sword in his hand again.

A bloody heart was nailed to Chong Zhiwu's head.

As time passed by, everyone in the room held their breath.

Except Rui Xin who hid in a corner and turned her back and couldn't help trembling, everyone stared at Chong Zhiwu.

He had been dismembered, and the light of life was rapidly draining from his dismembered body.

The blood flowed all over the ground, and finally slowly condensed and dried up.

The room had completely cooled down, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Apparently Chong Zhiwu couldn't survive at all.

This proud prince was actually divided up like this.

Jun Wu ordered: "Separate and burn."

Both Liu Jin and Ye Yan woke up.

Since following Jun Wu, disposing of corpses has become commonplace.

And Ruixin didn't need to order any more, and went to pick up water to wipe away the blood.

The imprisoned princess gasped deeply, looking at all this with a pale face.

For her, it was as if the world had collapsed at this moment.

Not because she saw such a bloody scene.

It's because she's finally convinced of one thing: Aliens can be defeated.

Princess Xia looked at Jun Wu with fearful eyes, suppressed the trembling in her voice and asked:
"who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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