The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 80 Mobilization Before the War

Chapter 80 Mobilization Before the War
Three months is not long, but it is very short for a campaign aimed at destroying the country.

About 20 days after Jun Wu left the summer palace, the garrisons stationed on the four sides of the Yue Kingdom finally rushed back to the capital of the Yue Kingdom.

Ordinarily, such a national battle is not suitable for making soldiers so tired.

But this is the idea of ​​killing stars.

He thinks that the Xia army and the Yue army are as weak as tofu.

If he is not given a period of time to train, he will undoubtedly lose in the face of the millions of Wu troops who are waiting for work.

What's more, the preparation of food and grass must start from the richest imperial capital.

All states and counties need to be mobilized to send this team to the front line.

When the four garrisons gathered on the outskirts of the imperial capital, this scene was really spectacular.

Jun Wu ordered the five armies to gather early in the morning, while he himself stood on a high platform built at the fastest speed.

Looking down from a height, the 70 troops assembled by the two countries stretched out for miles.

In his previous life, Jun Wu never thought that one day he would be able to command so many people.

But after going through life and death so many times in this life, he became extraordinarily calm.

It seems that they knew this day would come.

When Jun Wu stood on the high platform, the army finally became silent.

The one who followed Jun Wu was the killing star who folded his arms and looked a little honest.

Jun Wu cleared his throat, and used his internal strength to utter his own voice clearly: "Everyone, do you know why the Japanese crown prince is declaring war on Wu?"

No one answered, but everyone may have an answer in their hearts.

Jun Wu waited for a moment before saying: "For my personal grievances with Prince Wu."

Who would have guessed that the prince of the Dayue Kingdom would explain the reason for the army so straightforwardly before mobilizing the whole army.

It wouldn't be surprising if he talked about righteousness, or told some of Wu's mistakes.

Only when Jun Wu said in front of the entire army that the reason for his hastily raising troops was a personal grievance, was it eye-catching.

Sure enough, there were sparse voices of discussion under the high platform.

Even if it is slight, 70 people gather together, and the voice of discussion becomes impossible to ignore.

Even Sha Xing, who was standing aside, looked at Jun Wu with interest.

He already knew that this son was not an idiot.

But what he said at this moment is really not clever.

If the battle ended up failing because of his nonsense, then it cannot be blamed on him.

Then Jun Wu continued to say: "Before the four armies arrived, the four generals had already arrived at the imperial capital.

But the crown prince had to kill one of them first. "

This time the discussion turned into an uproar.

Jun Wu beckoned, and a soldier went up to the high platform holding a wooden plate.

There was a human head on the wooden tray.

And this head belonged to General Lian Bo.

The uproar grew louder.

Apparently one team in the Grand Army has had a change of atmosphere.

The expressions of many people became shocked, angry, and sad.

These people were all led by Lian Bo himself.

They suddenly saw their boss turned into a solitary head, how could they not be startled and angry.

Sha Xing even changed his posture to stand and observe Jun Wu, wondering if he was crazy or stupid.

Jun Wu and the others made noise for a while before continuing: "I know that Lian Bo has a high prestige in the army.

Not only because he is the oldest, but also because he leaks some benefits to the lieutenant soldiers from time to time.

As long as many people have benefited from him, they will regard him as a person who is closer than the king of Dai Viet. "

The voice of discussion suddenly became lighter.Because Jun Wu pointed out the pain points of many people.

The reason why these sergeants love and support Lian Bo is naturally because he has loose money for many years and has leaked a lot of wealth to his brothers.

And the origin of these wealth is well known to everyone, and no one will say anything about it.

When asked by the prince at this time, it is inevitable that I feel a little guilty.

Jun Wu went on to say: "It's just that everyone knows how much wealth Lian Bo himself has?"

Suddenly, the army became silent again.

Not only the soldiers and horses led by Lian Bo, but even the rest of the soldiers stretched their necks wanting to know the answer.

Jun Wu said loudly: "Lian Bo owns a five-in-one mansion in Jinyifang in the Imperial City of Yue Kingdom."

There was an instant burst of sobs.Every inch of land and every inch of gold in the imperial city of Yue Kingdom.

Not to mention owning a five-entry mansion in a place like Jinyifang.

I am afraid that this kind of wealth is not even comparable to the royal relatives.

Jun Wu said again: "There are eighteen Zhuangzi in various parts of the Yue Kingdom, with three hundred acres. There are twelve fruit forest hills, and one gold mine."

The discussion continued for a long time: even the Emperor Dai Viet would have to borrow money from him if he is so rich!

Jun Wu continued: "In addition to Yue, Lian Bo has industries in Zhao, South Korea, and Qi. Wu has the most industries.

It seems that there is a reason why he is unwilling to attack the state of Wu, and even issued a warning to remind the state of Wu.

If this battle is lost, all the soldiers will become bones.And General Lian can go to any country to continue to enjoy the blessings. "

Jun Wu's words obviously had an effect, and the soldiers who were quite angry at Lian Bo's death just now calmed down.

How could they think that when they were complacent about some oil and water, their generals could no longer be described as rich and powerful.

His wealth may exceed that of the king of a country.

If what the crown prince said is true, then old general Lianbo's estate would not be empty even if his descendants squandered it for ten lifetimes.

Jun Wu beckoned again, and then four groups of strong men stepped onto the stage one after another.

They exhausted all their strength to lift up the wooden boxes one by one.

Seeing the strenuous expressions of the strong men and the fact that the ground was about to break the bamboo bar, everyone guessed what was in the box that made it so heavy.

Could it be gold?

A total of ten such boxes were carried up.

When the boxes were all lined up side by side, Jun Wu waved his hand to signal for the box to be opened.

Ten boxes were opened at the same time.

Even in broad daylight, the golden light in the box is still to brighten people's eyes.

These ten boxes are actually filled with gold!So much gold!

Jun Wu waited for a while, and then said to everyone: "Besides, these are the gold found in Lianbo's mansion in the capital."

There was another louder exclamation.

It is already a miracle to have so many mansions, and there is still so much gold in the Fuchu.

This old general Lian has been operating for many years, and he can get so much money!
Really ashamed of his surname.

Jun Wu straightened his waist, and said with a calm expression on his face: "This gold should have been turned over to the national treasury, but the crown prince didn't leave any money today.

All distributed to the soldiers.

Everyone will get one today.

At this moment, everyone seemed to hear the sound of a string being tightened in their hearts.

No matter how much money other people have, it's just a shame.

Only the money that will belong to you is really meaningful.

Jun Wu watched the people in the audience change colors one after another, he knew that if he threw out the next words, then his mobilization of the five armies would be considered a success.

(End of this chapter)

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