Chapter 82

In order to facilitate the training of the army these days, Jun Wu did not live in the imperial city.

Instead, they set up a tent in the suburbs like the army.

After he left Killing Star, he galloped back.

After a while, a centurion was brought in as expected.

Jun Wu looked at the centurion carefully, his appearance was extremely ordinary.

At the age of 30, it is not too late to achieve the position of centurion.

But it also shows that this person has no family background support.

It cannot be said that the centurion was the pinnacle of his life.

And from the sound of his breathing, Jun Wu has judged that he has no martial arts other than his strong body.

Just an ordinary soldier.

Jun Wu nodded, and the guards released the centurion.

Afterwards, they saluted Jun Wu with their hands crossed, and then withdrew one after another.

Jun Wu said to the centurion: "Get up. Why do you want to see the prince?"

The centurion stood up. He took a deep breath before crossing his hands and said, "Chen Youde, the villain, came here to present a great treasure to His Highness."

Jun Wu's expression was calm, and he only asked, "What treasure is it?"

He didn't have much interest in gold, silver and jewelry by nature, if the centurion made such a big fuss just to offer these vulgar things.

Then he must be severely punished, as an example to others.

Centurion Chen Youde had an unconcealable nervousness on his face.

Apparently he was the most ordinary kind of little guy.

There is no extraordinary scheming, no amazing martial arts.

Coming to Junwu today was probably the most daring thing he has ever done in his life.

At this time, Chen Youde said: "There is something in me that Your Highness wants. So I decided to dedicate it to His Highness.

But the villain wants to ask for a reward from His Highness, which is to allow the villain to retire and return home at this moment. "

Jun Wu's complexion was a little ugly.

He mobilized on the high platform today just to boost the morale of the army.

And this person is obviously afraid of war and wants to escape.

If Jun Wu agrees, it will first affect the morale of the army.

No matter how stupid Chen Youde was, he could see that he would be dealt with by His Royal Highness under the military law if he tried to cheat.

He hurriedly said: "Actually, Your Highness, I am a foreign star."

After Jun Wu heard this, he took another careful look at Chen Youde.

Compared to Xia Yun and Chong Zhiwu, this Chen Youde is really too ordinary.

But if he didn't lie, then the three of them turned out to be aliens.

Only then did Jun Wu say: "Go ahead."

Chen Youde said: "The alien star of a villain is the ability to perceive a person's strongest desire."

For a moment, Chen Youde seemed to feel Junwu's strong killing intent, he hurriedly said: "So the villain wants to give this ability to His Highness!"

Jun Wu's heart moved slightly, but he didn't make a sound, still watching what Chen Youde wanted to say.

At this time, Chen Youde said: "The alien star shouldn't be born on an ordinary person like a villain.

Being able to know the strongest desires of others is not beneficial to the villain, but it will make the villain's life miserable. "

After that, his expression became gloomy.

Such an expression is extremely difficult to fake, it seems that he really suffered a lot because of this ability.

Chen Youde continued: "When a villain sees the prince in the army, he knows that the prince is wise and powerful, and he will definitely be a person who will make great achievements in the future.

And the villain also sensed His Highness' wish.This desire is very strong.If you want to describe it.

The wishes of ordinary people are like the singing of insects and birds, but the wishes of the prince are like dragons singing to the world.

The villain clearly felt that His Highness's wish at that time was to find enough alien stars.

So that they can transfer their abilities to His Highness, so that His Highness can try to defeat some god. "

Chen Youde sighed and said: "The villain is just like an ant in an army of hundreds of thousands.

And His Royal Highness stood on the high platform like a god.

When the villain sensed the prince's wish, he suddenly felt that this seemed to be the mission given to the villain by heaven.

This alien star should have belonged to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!It's just borrowed from the villain.

What the foreign star brings to the villain is a lifetime of misfortune, but if it is on the prince, it can play a miraculous effect. "

Jun Wu looked at Chen Youde carefully, analyzing whether there were loopholes in his words.

But Jun Wu no longer doubts that he can see other people's desires.

Since he knew that there are alien stars in the world, he has really been planning whether he can use this power to defeat the four elders.

He never said this idea, and even the four elders didn't notice it.

But now he was discovered by this seemingly ordinary Chen Youde.

It's just that he came to him rashly, is it really enough to just ask for a stable life?
Chen Youde plucked up the courage to look at Junwu, sighed and said:

"It seems His Highness doesn't trust villains anymore.

No wonder.It's just that the villain really doesn't want to go into battle.

Because as long as you raise your saber, you can hear the killing intent in the opposite person's heart.

The villain really doesn't have such a strong mind to endure these things.

I just want to let me go back to my hometown, no more alien troubles, and live a stable life.

Is such an extravagant hope too difficult for an ordinary person like me? "

Speaking of this, there was a trace of tears in Chen Youde's eyes.

When Jun Wu saw his emotions came from his heart, he also made a decision to take a gamble in his heart.

Firstly, Chen Youde's words did not seem to be false.

Secondly, his Alien Star is too tempting for Jun Wu.

Seeing through people's true thoughts is perhaps the most important ability in this troubled world.

Although Jun Wu has the ability to travel to other planets, he is afraid that the other party will not be willing, which will cause fluctuations instead.

If you can detect the true wishes of others, you will be much safer.

All of this must start with today's big gamble.

And more importantly, if the desire to perceive can be combined with the ability to stop...

There was a vague plan in Jun Wu's mind, but he stopped thinking about it in time.

He glanced at Chen Youde who could sense other people's hearts, and said, "The prince is willing to make a deal with you.

But there are some things I want to tell you right now.

I want to take your memory with me.Don't worry, it's just about my memory. "

At this time, Chen Youde suddenly bowed to Junwu, and said, "Thank you, Prince, for fulfilling your wish."

Jun Wu nodded. To be on the safe side, he still quietly cast the deterrent magic to control Chen Youde's emotional stability.

The prince's big tent is made of extremely thick leather and several layers of woolen cloth.

Although there are guards guarding the outside layer by layer, they will never listen to what is said inside the tent.

Jun Wu asked Chen Youde to sit cross-legged on the felt mat, and he only needed to close his eyes and relax.

And Jun Wu pressed Chen Youde's Baihui acupoint with one hand, and silently performed the Dafa of "Absording Stars and Crossing Strangeness".

A trace of consciousness fluctuations switched between the two.

Under the control of Deterrence Technique, Chen Youde was extremely relaxed.

Although the two of them were running the most dangerous exercises, time passed without any disturbance.

Until a moment, Jun Wu clearly heard a strong thought in Chen Youde's heart: "I really want to go back to my hometown quickly and marry a wife!"

Jun Wu knew that this alien star had been completely absorbed by him.

 It is true that I am not good at writing about wars, and even the common sense of wars is relatively lacking.

  Please bear with the book friends who can see here, I really can't bear it and come back after a while!
  I will not touch the trap of war in the future, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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