The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 84 Arrangements

Chapter 84 Arrangements
At the same time, in the palace of Wu, the emperor of Wu yawned.

He still doesn't know anything about the tragic death of his son thousands of miles away.

There are more than a dozen dancers with graceful figures dancing the most fashionable Hu Xuan Wu.

Gold and silver ribbons and bouquets are constantly shuttled in the air but never collide.

Accompanied by brisk drumbeats and seductive dancing postures, it is really beautiful.

Emperor Wu yawned again.

At this time, someone from the palace suddenly came to report that the eldest prince Chong Zhiwen had military matters to report.

Only then did Wu Huang arouse his interest a little bit, he lay lazily reclining and said: "Xuan."

After a while, a handsome young man walked in.

His appearance is quite similar to the prince Chong Zhiwu who died suddenly.

It's just that there is no pride and confidence in Chong Zhiwu's temperament.

He was born as the first prince, but he looked a little humble.

I saw Chong Zhiwen salute Emperor Wu and said:
"Father, my son found out from a big businessman in Korea a few days ago that he has a thousand elephants in his hands.

Originally planned to sell to Yue.It's just that the emperor of Yue suddenly regretted it.

A thousand elephants fell into the hands of the merchant.

He wanted to sell it at half price, but no country in the world could afford such an order. "

The Emperor Wu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he sat up quickly and said:

"Elephants? I remember that 15 years ago, Siam relied on the surprise attack of elephants to resist the invasion of the enemy country.

This elephant is a good thing.What's more, there are a thousand..."

Chong Zhiwen saw joy in his father's eyes.

This could not help but encourage the great prince.

Then he said: "My son has asked the dark thread to inquire about it.

There is indeed such a thing.It is said that the treasury of the State of Yue has been deficient in recent years.

I promised to buy an elephant, but in the end I couldn't pay enough money.In the end, I can only resign. "

After finishing speaking, a contemptuous smile appeared on Chong Zhiwen's face.

His father even laughed heartily and said: "Yue Kingdom is a traitor.

He also wants to play the whole army?Don't beat yourself up first! "

Chong Zhiwen laughed along with his father.

Even the dancers dancing Hu Xuanwu and the musicians playing the drums also laughed and leaned forward and back together.

Chong Zhiwen went on to say: "The big businessman actually wanted to test his son, whether he would like to buy a thousand elephants.

Naturally, Erchen ruthlessly killed the price again, buying [-] elephants at only [-]% of the price. "

Wu Huang was very happy.His second son is a descendant of true dragon blood, and he will one day lead Wu to rule the world.

And the eldest son is also his right-hand man.

Often can do a few beautiful things out.

Then Wu Huang leaned forward excitedly and asked, "Where is the elephant now?"

Chong Zhiwen said with a smile: "The businessman has sent it to Jingshui Garden to keep it temporarily.

You can practice as soon as the trainer that Erchen has found arrives! "

Wu Huang got up immediately and said, "Let's go! Let's go and have a look!"

As the king of a country, it is natural for Emperor Wu to go out of the palace and come to Jingshui Garden.

But this time Emperor Wu was happy, and even brought a lot of beauties and a group of civil servants.

The guard of honor set off toward Jingshuiyuan in a mighty way.

Ordinarily, this Jingshui Garden was originally a special place in the capital of Wu State.

Jingshuiyuan is located in the center of the capital, but it occupies a very large area.

Among them, the pavilions are extremely gorgeous, and there is also a huge garden.

It is precisely because of this that there is a place for the thousand elephants to temporarily rest.

But when Emperor Wu got off the dragon chariot, he frowned deeply.

So much so that the eldest prince Chong Zhiwen began to feel uneasy, for fear that he had done something wrong in this matter.

Wu Huang saw that his favorite lawn was trampled by these elephants in disgrace.

Although these behemoths are good helpers on the battlefield, their destructive power is indeed astonishing.

But so many elephants stayed in his beloved Jingshui Garden, it became a smelly water garden.

Sure enough, the Emperor Wu frowned and said to the First Prince Chong Zhiwen, "It stinks!"

The beauties on both sides also covered their mouths and noses with their sleeves, whining repeatedly.

Chong Zhiwen was stunned, it was the first time he came to Jingshui Garden since he bought the elephant.

He also didn't expect the destructive power of these behemoths to be so high.

The originally green and flat lawn is now trampled and bald.

There are also many huge feces piled up everywhere.

These feces alone are ugly.

Sweat broke out on Chong Zhiwen's forehead.

He couldn't help but his mind turned sharply, wanting to say something to restore his image in Father Huang's heart.

Finally, he had an idea and said to the Emperor Wu:

"Father, these elephants were originally used as sharp weapons for war.

It is not suitable to be placed in the capital.Erchen ordered people to drive these elephants to the frontier.

This is how they work! "

After hearing this, the Emperor Wu nodded his head.

Although Chong Zhiwen is not as good as his younger brother, he is still quite clever.

Although these elephants have devastated the beautiful Jingshui Garden.

But they are still offensive weapons.

He also sleeved his sleeves and said, "Sure."

Then the Emperor Wu yawned again, and several beauties helped him to board the dragon chariot again.

This time the civil servants and beauties who followed him once again formed a mighty team and returned to the palace again.

On the high golden hall, fine wine and dancers have already been arranged to celebrate this important military achievement.

And the eldest prince Chong Zhiwen took a deep breath when he saw that his father, Huang Mozhong, did not blame himself.

He turned his head to look at those behemoths, and even covered his nose with his sleeve and said, "It stinks!"

Then he immediately ordered his men to drive the elephants to the frontier.

Then he hastily ordered the craftsmen to restore Jingshui Garden to its original state immediately.

If he can't recover as soon as possible, maybe his father will look down on himself in this matter.

The eldest prince Chong Zhiwen secretly hated him.

I was originally better than my younger brother in every way, and I was also the eldest prince.

But because his younger brother has some kind of immortality, he was forced to become the prince.

If not, Chong Zhiwen should be the arrogant person at this moment.

Why do you need to carefully please the emperor here?
He vented the resentment in his heart on the servants indiscriminately.

Only then did he leave with his men.

What he didn't expect was that Chong Zhiwen had just left not long ago.

A carrier pigeon flapped its wings and flew away.

There was a letter box tied to his leg, on which the words of Emperor Wu and the eldest prince Chong Zhiwen were recorded today, and they were just code words.

The homing pigeons flew away into the distance familiarly.

After half a day, I arrived at a small tea stand on the side of the road.

The tea stalls were empty and empty.

An unremarkable man suddenly reached out, took the carrier pigeon, and copied five copies of the letter on its foot.

Soon after, the five pigeons each carried the information in the foot tube and flew out.

In a few days, one of these pigeons will surely bring the news on the foot tube to Prince Junwu of Yue.

 It is true that I am not good at writing about wars, and even the common sense of wars is relatively lacking.

  Please bear with the book friends who can see here, I really can't bear it and come back after a while!
  I will not touch the trap of war in the future, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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