The hardest emperor in history

Chapter 86 The Concession of Killing Star

Chapter 86 The Concession of Killing Star
In the big tent, several generals were rejoicing at the newly arrived information.

But Sha Xing said solemnly at this time: "Even so, how the three teams will lead the army must be decided now."

Generally, if you want to divide the army, you will always determine who will lead each team at the beginning.

But this time when they attacked Wu, they never saw the prince mentioning this matter.

Everyone also said that the prince is young and has no experience in leading troops.

But intimidated by the strength of the prince, everyone hid it in their stomachs and no one brought it up.

Seeing that the division of troops is imminent, the leaders of the three troops must be determined immediately.Otherwise, it is possible to delay the wartime and even affect the morale of the army.

Sha Xing's proposal at this moment is exactly what everyone has in mind.

The three generals immediately stopped flattering and listened attentively to the prince's idea.

This is Jun Wu who said with a smile: "The first army is going straight to Huanglong, and it is naturally led by Sha Xing."

Killing Star has established his prestige in front of the army of Yue State these days.

Everyone has seen the incredible martial arts of Sha Xing.

And his method of leading troops is even more fierce, and the 70 troops are submissive under his rectification.

Through the march of these days, it has proved the various methods of killing stars and their effectiveness.

Although their 70 troops marched in their own country, they did not attract the attention of other countries, which is also very rare.

It is indeed convincing to have him command the first army.

Then Jun Wu said again: "The second army will surprise attack from the side, and it will be led by General Guo."

Everyone nodded again and again.

Among all the generals of Yue, except for Lian Bo whose head had been beheaded, General Guo had the highest prestige.It is well deserved to let him lead the second surprise attack team.

Then Jun Wu said again: "The third army is responsible for outflanking the reinforcements, and this prince will lead it."

After a moment of silence, there was a burst of applause in the tent!
Several generals immediately praised: "The prince is highly skilled in martial arts and resourceful. It is really suitable to lead troops to outflank!"

"Looking at the end of the future, the third army will not be led by the crown prince, so I really can't find anyone else who can do it!"

"Based on the prince's martial arts skills, Wu Thief must be able to escape! Hahahaha"

There was a burst of laughter in the tent.

But everyone was thinking the same thing: the prince must lead the third army this time, it must be for some military merit.To prepare for his future enthronement.

That being the case, how could everyone be so stupid as to compete with the crown prince for military merit?

Naturally, everyone is flattering for a while, but this is the only thing that everyone is scrambling to be the first.

Only Sha Xing sat on the side and frowned tightly.

He wasn't worried that Jun Wu would not be able to handle the task of commanding the army.

On the contrary, besides himself, Junwu is the most optimistic about the killing star in this big account.

Although this young man is a prince, he practiced with the soldiers every day.

Sha Xing could see that he had grown up a long time ago, and he was no longer the brat who knew little about war.

Among all these people, it is really the most suitable for Jun Wu to lead the third army.


Sha Xing sighed silently in his heart, and said: "The third army cannot be led by you."

Sha Xing looked directly at Jun Wu and blurted out.

This made everyone gasp.

The people in the big tent have not yet realized that this general who seems to be over fifty years old is the legendary killing star more than a hundred years ago.

Although the killing star has already shown extraordinary ability.

But it still surprised everyone to see him directly opposing the prince's opinion.

At this time, Jun Wu also looked at Sha Xing calmly.

He knew that Sha Xing was straightforward, and he was also one of the four elders.

Killing Star came with the mission of monitoring Junwu, so how could he easily let Junwu go to the battlefield?

What if during this period Jun Wu confronts a master, causing his martial arts to improve again?
In fact, the things Sha Xing was worried about had long since ceased to exist.

Because Jun Wu has already raised his internal strength to 700 years under his nose.

There are very few people on this continent who can match.

The mere general of the Wu Kingdom could no longer allow Junwu's internal strength to continue to grow.

However, he insisted on commanding the third army, but he had his own reasons.

It's just not the time to say it yet.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Sha Xing emphasized again: "This time you cannot lead the third army."

As for the reason, he couldn't tell.

After spending all this time with Jun Wu, Sha Xing has long regarded Jun Wu as a year-end friend.

Even compared to his senior brothers, Sha Xing liked this young man even more.

Asking him to say that he came to Dayue Kingdom for the purpose of restricting and monitoring Junwu, Sha Xing felt that he was becoming more and more speechless.

But he couldn't disobey his senior brother's words.

So Sha Xing can only emphasize the same sentence again and again: "If you can't do it, you can't do it."

This kind of stubbornness has already made the rest of the generals in the account feel unhappy.

If it weren't for the fear of killing stars' martial arts, some of them might have rushed out to teach this disobedient guy.

At this time, Jun Wu's face suddenly turned cold, and he said to Sha Xing:

"This time, we will annihilate a whole country with only one battle against Wu.

This stop will surely go down in history.The prince cannot be wrong.No one can cause the defeat of the battle out of selfishness. "

Hearing these words in everyone's ears, they both felt itchy in their hearts and were also impressed by the majesty of the prince.

Although they haven't fought against the enemy yet, these people already believe that this defeat of Wu will surely return with victory.

It will definitely be recorded in the annals of history as the prince said, and it will shine through all generations.

Let me ask, who in this world doesn't want to be famous in the annals of history?
Not only the generals of the Yue Kingdom, but even Sha Xing didn't think so?

Although he was named Killing Star, he failed to leave a few battles praised by the world.

Now that he has survived for more than a hundred years, people in later generations can no longer remember him.

For a war idiot like him, fighting a big battle is both an addiction and a long-cherished wish.

Jun Wu said with a serious face: "If this battle is lost due to selfish desires, what will happen?"

Sha Xing was taken aback.But he soon realized that what Jun Wu said was not impossible.

After all, it is almost impossible to annihilate the mighty Wu State with a single battle.

Although Jun Wu's strategy is ingenious, there is also the possibility of failure.

What if you lose?Wouldn't all the wise men who killed the star be ruined!

It is said that victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs.

But Jun Chi Sha Xing has long put a lot of effort into this battle, just wanting to use it to regain his fame in the world.

Losing this battle means life and death for others.

Although it is impossible for Sha Xing to die on the battlefield of mere mortals, he is even less willing to see his reputation suffer defeat.

Finally Jun Wu stood up, looked around behind everyone with a solemn expression and said:

"For all of you, you don't want to lose this battle.

For me, this battle is even more blocking the country's luck.

Anyone who wants to beak more can leave now! "

No one dared to bear the prince's anger.

Everyone looked at Sha Xing, wishing to push his head down.

And the killing star was also disturbed by Jun Wu's words.

At this moment, he finally decided to temporarily forget his senior brother's orders, and murmured: "Please forgive me, Your Highness the Prince..."

(End of this chapter)

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