Chapter 90
"Never have we fought such a smooth battle."

Although Sha Xing thought so in his heart, there was still a serious expression on his face.

Although he usually looks honest and honest, when he goes to the battlefield, he has an aura of calmness and prestige.

Now the army continues to advance towards the capital of Wu State.

There was no decent resistance along the way.

First of all, it was because they attacked Wu this time by surprise.

Even if Wu Guo wants to mobilize the army, it is too late.

Secondly, there are elephants in front of them.

This can be said to be invincible. Even if there were defenders stationed in some cities, they were all wiped out by this army.

Killing Star will naturally not be dazzled by the victory in front of him.

While the front army continued to advance, the rear army was not idle at all.

They sprinkled the salt water they had prepared a long time ago on the passing fields.

Although salt is a valuable item at the moment, Jun Wu still resists all opinions and asks the army to bring salt powder.

After entering Wu, it was boiled into water and carried in bamboo tubes.

As soon as he saw the people's fields, he stepped forward and poured salt water into the soil.

It's the time of spring plowing, and the sprouts are poking out.

When the farmers saw the army coming, they fled away early.

Who can care about what is going on in their own fields?

If you encounter a place with a canal, you can simply save the salt.

Break the dam of the canal, and the flood will flow directly into the wheat field before leaving.

As the marching distance got farther and farther, the rear army, which had the most heavy load, gradually became light-packed.

At this time, the ability to march and save strength trained by the killing star appeared.

This team fought all the way to Wu country with very little resistance, and its physical strength was not much different from that of the fresh army.

After marching all the way, Wu Guo had already reacted no matter how slow his movements were.

The state of Wu claims to have an army of one million, but it is also stationed in all directions.

Hastily summoned by the beacon, the starry night came galloping.

Compared with the team led by Killing Star, they became tired soldiers instead.

After Wu Guo's reinforcements arrived, they fought directly with the main force led by Sha Xing before they had time to recuperate.

There were more than 50 Wu troops in the first batch.

Although Wu Guo has become a master of fierceness under the efforts of several generations.

But compared with the team led by Killing Star, it is still too far behind.

Once the two armies clashed, Wu's soldiers would be defeated.

All this is not surprising in the eyes of Sha Xing, but should be.

Every time a man from the Yue Kingdom swung his waist knife, a stream of hot blood would be sprinkled on the dust.

A piece of land instantly turned into a flesh and blood mill.

Although facing a full army of 50, only 30 Yue people slowly killed Wu's man.

All this was carried out in an orderly manner, and Sha Xing, who was always standing on the commanding heights, was slowly calculating.

In his eyes, his achievements on the battlefield seemed to have a rhythm.

Now is the most favorable rhythm for him.

In just a few moments, the team under him will be able to consume almost 50 troops.

But when he raised his head and looked into the distance, his brows could not help but frown.

The second army should have arrived.

But with his eyesight, he didn't see any troops coming from that direction.

Killing Star gradually frowned.

The world is like chess, although every move is calculated.

But if the people who should come don't come, everything will be chaotic.

"Why hasn't the second team led by General Guo appeared yet?"

Not only killing heart, even other people in the vanguard think so.

Seeing that they had already killed Wu's soldiers to death.

But after calculation, Wu's reinforcements should be very close by this time.

If General Guo is no longer there, and the vanguard army has to face the new force after the old battle, it will not be able to maintain its current advantage.

Anxiety gradually spread throughout the army.

Even the hand that swung the knife hesitated.

It is impossible for Killing Star not to notice such a change.

He was originally a master at leading troops, and he had never experienced defeat in his life.

Even without Junwu's ability to recognize people's hearts, he could see what the soldiers who went to battle to kill the enemy were thinking now.

He continued to look up into the distance.

Still not, something must have happened to General Guo's Second Army!

Sha Xing sighed, seeing that Wu's enemies had been killed.

He suddenly conveyed the latest order with internal force:

"Advance with the whole army! Surround the capital of Wu Kingdom!"

This order was unexpected, but the Yue army had already been trained as a machine by Killing Star.

Although there are still sporadic enemies before the formation, they have not been able to wipe out all of them.

The man of Da Yue didn't stay any longer, and continued to move forward to forcefully crush him.

In fact, in Sha Xing's mind, General Guo had already given up.

Rather than continue to wait here until it is dragged down by Wu Guo's reinforcements.

It's better to take a gamble and directly surround Wu's imperial capital.

If Wu Guocheng, who can attack, breaks and surrenders, it will be a narrow victory.

Although it is not the best strategy for military strategists to forcefully advance in a chaotic army, there is no other way but to gamble!
Under the shock of iron hooves, Sha Xing led the vanguard forward again.

Seeing that the imperial city of Wu Kingdom was right in front of him, Sha Xing ordered: "Siege the city!"

With the fastest marching speed, the 30 troops surrounded Wu's capital in just over half an hour.

The engineering army also completed the construction of the wooden ladder at the fastest speed.

Who would have thought that it only took half a day to kill the star from the advance to the siege.

Sha Xing gave an order, and the arrows with sparks rained into the capital of Wu Kingdom.

And the soldiers defending the city of Wu State were like trapped beasts still fighting, pushing the Yue soldiers who had climbed up to the city wall.

The two parties saw each other on the city wall.

One looked like it was about to be breached, and the other ladder climbing up the city wall was overturned again.

Sha Xing frowned tightly, observing everything carefully.

Suddenly, his small eyes widened and he looked in one direction.

Coming from that direction was not General Guo whom he had been waiting for, but the reinforcements from Wu!
Soon, the shaking of the ground brought the news to everyone inside and outside the capital of Wu.

The Wu soldiers in the imperial city cheered, while the Yue soldiers outside the city walls were even more courageous.

Be sure to kill it!

Be sure to kill it before you are surrounded!

At this time, every Vietnamese person is thinking in this way.

The blood on the city wall covered one after another, scorching like a huge saw, pulling repeatedly on the city wall.

Finally, Wu's reinforcements arrived before breaking through the city.

The general who leads the army is also a veteran, and he knows the situation just by looking at the situation.

He was not in a hurry, and ordered reinforcements to besiege the city immediately.

This time, the team led by Sha Xing became a situation where the enemy was attacked from both sides.

The situation suddenly reversed.

He himself was inseparable from the battle with the defenders of the city, and suddenly there was another big knife coming from behind.

The screams and shouts of the Yue soldiers stimulated Sha Xing's nerves.

He suddenly picked up a spear from the side and flew to kill Wu Bing.

The star-killing martial art is extremely high, and no one in the world can stop it.

Every time he stabs with a spear, the powerful internal force can make dozens of people vomit blood and die immediately.

It's a pity that this is a battlefield of tens of thousands of people.

Even if Sha Xing is brave, it is impossible to kill the entire Wu army with one person.

Under the enemy's front and back, the life of the man in Yue country is slowly dying away.

Sha Xing's small eyes were full of blood red.

He hated that his undefeated reputation might be lost.

He hated the men he led even more and was slowly losing their lives.

These men who got along with him day and night, and listened to his abuse made them even more stubborn!
One by one they are never coming back.

Killing Star roared, rushing repeatedly like the leader of a pack of wolves, almost crazy.

At this moment, there was a voice that pulled Sha Xing back to sobriety.

"The prince is here!"

"The prince is here to save us!"

Killing Star raised his head, and a red flag was rushing towards the battlefield.

It was a young man who raised the flag.

Riding a fast horse, the red cloak flutters in the wind.

The silver armor on his head was shining in the sun, that handsome young man was Jun Wu!
For no reason, the soldiers of Yue State recovered their morale.

Even though the battle situation is still struggling, they believe that as long as the prince appears, they will definitely get out of the deadlock!

(End of this chapter)

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