Chapter 92

Following Jun Wu's use of Dragon Yin Kung Fu, the sound of "Broken Wu!" spread throughout thousands of troops.

The soldiers of Yue State seemed to have blood surging in their hearts.

"Broken Wu!"

"Broken Wu!"

The roar beat against the city walls of Wu State like raging waves.

It seemed that the city wall that blocked the progress of the men from the Yue Kingdom was about to be smashed into pieces.

Jun Wu gave up the commanding banner to the lieutenant general, while he brandished his mace and rushed directly to the top of the city.

Now that General Guo's troops arrived again, the situation on the field was almost determined.

Even if Jun Wu handed over the right to command, it would no longer affect the battle situation.

He simply ran on the wall.

Wherever the Vietnamese army was in a tight spot, he went up and waved his mace away.

Wu Bing, who was trying to overthrow the ladder, had his brains burst and died immediately.

No matter how many Wu soldiers are rushing, they are just coming to reincarnate.

Under Jun Wu's powerful power, how can the flesh and blood of Wu Guo resist?

Sure enough, with Junwu's help, many Yue soldiers climbed to the city wall of Wu immediately.

Seeing this, the Sha Xing, who was sticking to the command post, couldn't hold back anymore.

His blood surged, and he even gave up commanding.

Sha Xing raised his spear just like Jun Wu, and flew onto the city wall, aiming at the burning place, and stabbing him with a spear.

Although Jun Wu is superb in martial arts, he deliberately restrained his strength in front of the killing star.

But Killing Star doesn't need to look around like this.

His spear stirs up a tornado everywhere.

Wu Guoren naturally settled the account immediately.

Even the soldiers of the Yue State had to hold on to the city wall tightly to ensure that they would not be swept down by the powerful internal force.

Under the assistance of these two "Heavenly Soldiers and Generals".

Soldiers from the Yue Kingdom continued to successfully kill the top of the city.

Holding knives in their hands, they rushed down the city wall as soon as they crossed the city wall.

The head of the knife kept slashing at Wu Guoren's neck.

The blood and water couldn't fascinate the eyes of the man from Yue.

They trampled on the corpse and rushed to the city gate.

Regardless of how the Wu people rushed to obstruct them, they had to remove the obstacles piled up in front of the gate.

Someone from behind raised a knife and slashed and never looked back.

Because there are still further fraternities to protect themselves.

Finally, after repeated attacks, the first gate of the imperial capital of Wu Kingdom opened with a bang!

Men from the Yue Kingdom rolled in through this gate like a torrent.

After the city was broken, the second and third city gates were knocked open one after another as if they couldn't bear it.

The soldiers of Yue State rushed into the capital of Wu State from all directions.

Because Yue's attack came too suddenly.

Until the time when the soldiers approached the city, a large number of nobles in the state of Wu had not had time to escape.

The people even hid in the cellar and had nothing to do but tremble.

After the city gate was breached, the soldiers of Wu State seemed to have completely lost their courage.

Jun Wu and Sha Xing marched to the palace of Wu State with the team.

Along the way, there was no longer any decent resistance.

At the same time, in the palace, the old Wu Huang's face was pale.

There are still some high-ranking officials of the Wu Kingdom around, and the dancer has completely disappeared.

A middle-aged courtier persuaded: "His Royal Highness, let's go north hunting now!"

Wu Huang slapped the middle-aged courtier's face, knocking him over.

Wu Huang said angrily: "Fuck you! Those thieves in Yue Kingdom have already broken the city, where can we go?"

The rest of the courtiers lowered their heads even more and dared not speak.

There has already been news that the million-strong army that Wu Guo has always been proud of has been smashed to pieces.

Now there are no more reinforcements to support.

Their country of Wu really encountered a catastrophe today.

Wu Huang suddenly waved his sleeves and roared: "Get out!"

These courtiers didn't need to push any more, they immediately lifted the corners of their clothes and rushed out of the hall.

Even the etiquette of resignation was too late.

At this time, Emperor Wu suddenly said again: "Zhiwen, please stay here for a while."

The eldest prince Chong Zhiwen turned his head in surprise, and then stayed in a well-behaved manner.

After all the officials had retreated completely, Wu Huang supported his forehead tiredly and said:
"Zhiwen, it is said that the Vietnamese army can attack so quickly this time.

It's all because of the elephants leading the way. "

When Chong Zhiwen heard this, he knew that what he was most worried about was still beyond his control.

His face turned pale, "I, I..." couldn't speak.

Wu Huang closed his eyes in pain and said: "Okay, I know you will not betray the country.

Most of them were fooled by Yue people. "

Chong Zhiwen's heart that was tightly hanging for a moment suddenly let go.

The father who always loves to get angry with him is so easy to talk to.

Then Emperor Wu said again: "Behind my bedroom, there is a secret passage.

There is also a set of monk's uniform and degree certificate.You immediately change your clothes and leave. "

Chong Zhiwen was taken aback, he never knew that his father valued him so much.

He stammered: "Father, how dare my son... How dare... It's still you, Father..."

"Fart," Wu Huang scolded angrily, extinguishing Chong Zhiwen's words.

Seeing Chong Zhiwen's pale face again, Wu Huang regretted being too harsh on his son.

Now is the time when he is needed, and he should control it.

Then Wu Huang turned a kind voice and said: "I am the emperor of Wu. How can I escape secretly?

Even if I want to die, I must die on the dragon chair! "

Chong Zhiwen didn't know what to say.

Wu Huang continued: "Although I don't know why Yue suddenly raised troops.

But their men and horses must not stay for long.

Otherwise, the interior of their country will also be empty.

Based on my guess, most of them will not kill them all.

Maybe some gold and silver women will leave.

So get out of the secret passage quickly... go find your brother and come back.

He is still in Xia Kingdom now, so I don't know if he has received any news.

Let him lobby with other princes, there will be greedy people in other countries.

Take advantage of this opportunity to attack the empty Yue Kingdom.

At that time, the crisis in our country of Wu will be incomprehensible. "

When Chong Zhiwen heard this, he lowered his head to hide his frustration.

He thought that his father wanted to save his life at the last moment.

But he didn't know that his father wanted to risk his life to find his younger brother.

To put it bluntly, the most important thing in the eyes of the father is only his younger brother Chong Zhiwu.

Chong Zhiwen pointed his nose at the ground, controlled his voice and said as calmly as possible: "Of course."

Without looking up, he bowed quietly and walked out.

Only Wu Huang sat on the chair tiredly.

Now that the army is in chaos, even the eunuchs on duty don't know where they are.

He was the only one in the entire magnificent hall.

But Wu Huang sighed silently in his heart: "It's not time to die yet.

As long as my crown prince is still alive, there is a chance for Wu Guo to stand up. "

It wasn't until this time that Wu Huang showed a proud look on his face.

"I am the one who gave birth to the blood of the real dragon! The world should be in the hands of Da Wu!
Just to be safe, I plan to plan for a few more years.

Since the country of Yue can't bear to jump first, then I will take the country of Yue first in the future! "

Wu Huang thought about it, and there was a ruthless smile on his face.

At this time, a high-pitched voice sounded from outside the main hall: "Prince Dayue has arrived!——"

Wu Huang felt flustered for no reason, and saw a young man walking in with arrogance.

It seems to be able to see through all plots and destroy all resistance.

(End of this chapter)

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