Chapter 94
After the capital city of Wu State was destroyed, the people of Wu State received the second bad news immediately.

The Emperor Wu died.

Originally, these Wu people still had luck in their hearts.

Maybe the Yue Kingdom just came to make a grassland, and the emperor would withdraw after paying enough ransom.

But now that Emperor Wu died suddenly, wouldn't the country of Wu also perish?
In their anxiety, the people of Wu State also heard that all the royal families and clans of Wu State had been taken away by the Yue people.

Some people speculate that these noble children will be executed by the Yue people.

It was also said that he was taken as a hostage and sent to Yue to be imprisoned.

There are various rumors.No one knows whether it is true or not.

But the only thing that is certain is that the emperor of Wu is gone, and the Wu army no longer has a trace of resistance.

Under the eyes of the people of Wu State, Junwu, the prince of Dayue State, rode a tall horse and led the soldiers of Yue State into the capital of Wu State in a grand manner.

The soldiers of the Yue Kingdom walked in unison. Although there were scars and blood stains on the armor, they were meticulously dressed at the moment.

Especially Prince Junwu, with his shiny armor and scarlet cloak, he looks like a god.

The most loyal people of the Wu Kingdom will admit that Prince Yue's appearance is really good.

His heroic demeanor and handsome appearance even made some Wu girls who peeked at him hesitate.

Is such a handsome man really a murderous demon?

The most astonishing thing is that the Yue army led by Jun Wu actually showed no offense to the people of Wu State.

Even Killing Star, who was walking at the end with his arms folded, had to admire this point.

He is an old man who has lived for hundreds of years, and he no longer cares about those false names.

So he didn't show off his power at the front of the team, but followed at the end silently observing everything.

Jun Wu once promised the Vietnamese army when the army was mobilized: Anything they grab will be theirs.

So Sha Xing always thought that after breaking the city, these soldiers from the Yue Kingdom would definitely slaughter the city.

Who would have thought that the expected thing did not happen.

Because after Jun Wu broke the city, he warned all the soldiers of Yue State with the dragon singing skill.

The robbing is to be robbed, and if it is robbed, it will belong to the soldiers of Yue State.

But it is not the common people who are robbed.

It is the palace of Wu State.

Jun Wu promised to open the Wu Palace for three days, and all Yue soldiers, regardless of rank, could enter and rob.

No matter what you grab, don't ask.

The more Sha Xing thought about it, the more he felt that Jun Wu was killing two birds with one stone.

First of all, it created an image of Qiu Wuwu in front of the people of Wu State.

The second is to satisfy the promise of the soldiers of Yue State in advance.

Such a heartfelt voice was conveyed directly from the end of the team to Jun Wu's heart.

Jun Wu just smiled and said nothing.

In fact, Sha Xing didn't guess that he had a third plan.

Relying on the soldiers of the Yue Kingdom to plunder the Wu Palace, even if there are any hidden channels in the Wu Palace, the royal family who hides can find out one by one.

Letting Yue soldiers go to Wu Palace to plunder is far more effective than letting Yue soldiers go to Wu Palace to search.

As for the Yue soldiers, they were even more happy to learn that the looting place was in the palace.

How much money can the poor people have in one family?
Looting the palace and getting a lamp at random may be more valuable than killing a few families.

Besides, the soldiers of Yue State also had fathers, mothers, wives and sons.

Letting them plunder in the Wu palace, on the contrary, made many Yue soldiers breathe a sigh of relief.

So Junwu's order went on without any resistance from the Yue soldiers.

At this moment, everyone was happily marching towards Wu Gong.

The financial resources of this country are all in the Wu Palace.

Even if the 70 soldiers can't grab the land, it's impossible to grab all of them.

It is precisely because everyone knows this that they are elated, and no one is scrambling to be the first.

After entering the Wu Palace, it is not to see who comes first, but to see who is stronger and can carry more things.

There are even some secretly plotting in their hearts, not to touch gold, but to get those calligraphy and painting decorations.

This large army entered the Wu Palace with all kinds of dreams of making a fortune.

In Wu Gong at this moment, there are only a few court ladies Huangmen left.

They knelt neatly outside the palace gate.

The mighty ground is extremely spectacular.

When Jun Wu's war horse approached, they sang in unison: "Welcome Your Highness the Prince!"

As for the prince of which country?

The emperor is dead, which country's prince is important?

Jun Wu rode on the horse, looking down at these palace people.

They are all the most ordinary people, not even a single person who can kill himself with a knife.

The backhand left by Wu Huang before his death was not among them.

Not afraid of poison, Jun Wu, who is extremely skilled in martial arts, didn't take a second look at them, and continued to move forward slowly.

Occasionally, some court ladies looked up at the tall and straight figure, wondering whether they could live or not this time.

Afterwards, the soldiers of the Yue State rummaged through the Wu Palace according to Jun Wu's instructions.

People in the Wu Palace had long been ordered to kneel and wait outside the main hall.

In every palace, Yue soldiers swarmed and searched.

The locks of the boxes and cages were chopped off by waist knives.

The mattress was also completely turned up, looking for a cassette under the bed.

The water in the lotus pond was completely drained by caring people.

The rockery was also pushed down in unison shouting.

The magnificence in the Wu Palace has now become a mess.

Jun Wu didn't intend to stop it at all.

After three days of searching, Jun Wu didn't know whether all the gold and silver in the Wu Palace had been found.

But Jun Wu knew that if there were any secret channels in the Xia Palace, his subordinates must have noticed it.

So Wu Huang's last trump card is not the organ in the Wu Palace.

Jun Wu slowly calculated, and crossed out another possibility.

It's not a mechanism, it's not an assassination, and with Junwu's heart, he won't be tempted by any pink bones.

Although he didn't know what Huang Wu's final ultimate move was, Jun Wu believed that no matter what the move was, it would not be able to shake the iron cavalry he led.

Just like a mayfly cannot shake a big tree, the person whose destiny belongs to will not be framed by conspiracy.

It will only retaliate a hundredfold to the clown who tried to jump on the beam.

Three days passed quickly, and Jun Wu also had to settle the matter of Wu Guo.

He has already asked his subordinates to issue an order, and he will announce an amnesty order to the people of Wu State in three days.

When the third day came, Jun Wu stood on top of the Jinshui Hall in the Kingdom of Wu according to the auspicious time.

The Golden Water Hall is located on the outermost floor of the Wu Palace, with five stories high, it is extremely majestic.

There is an extremely wide square outside the main hall.

Although the weather is true, there are clouds everywhere.

For various reasons, the people of Wu Kingdom came to the square one after another.

Their Wu Kingdom should have perished, and how they should live their lives in the future depends on what the prince of Yue Kingdom wants.

When Jun Wu stood on the highest floor of the main hall and looked down, the whole square was crowded with people.

At the beginning, the people of Wu State were still cautious, but gradually when the crowd gathered, they could see pairs of eyes full of fear.

They all stared at Jun Wu on the high pavilion.

Waiting for what he would say.

And Jun Wu finally cleared his throat, and he said to the people gathered under the square with his dragon singing skills:
"The prince announced that from today onwards, this place will be the territory of Dai Viet."

(End of this chapter)

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