Chapter 100 Negotiations
Dayun County, Lingwu Division,
The blood-stained dragon colt walked to the gate of Lingwu Division with vain steps.

"Stop, who?"

Two Lingwu warriors on duty at the door stepped forward and shouted.

"I want to see you all grow up!"

Long Ju took out a token and said to the two warriors on duty.

"Help your lord in, I'll go and notify the capital chief and deputy capital chief."

When the warrior on duty saw Longju's token, he immediately said to his companion next to him, and then quickly ran inside.

After a while, Lin Li and Murong Xue hurried to the meeting hall.

"Lingwu Division Chief Lin Li has met Deputy Battalion Commander Long!"

"Murong Xue, deputy chief of the Lingwu Division, has met Deputy Battalion Commander Long!"

Lin Li and Murong Xue naturally knew Long Ju, and when they arrived, they bowed down to pay homage.

"Quick, does anyone of you know where Grandmaster Fang Yun is?"

Long Ju ignored these etiquettes, and asked anxiously when he saw the two people coming.

"Fang Yun? What happened to him?"

Hearing about Fang Yun, Murong Xue's heart skipped a beat, and she asked Longju.

"Leave it alone, tell me first, do you know where Grandmaster Fang Yun is?"

Long Ju said anxiously again.

"Grandmaster Fang Yun's college is not in the county seat, but in Stone Village outside the county seat."

Seeing that Longju was in such a hurry this time, Lin Li also said hastily.

"As long as you know where it is, take me there!"

Long Ju immediately said to Lin Li.

"But my lord, your injury?"

Lin Li asked Longju worriedly.

In Longju's current state, his body was covered in blood, and his face was pale, obviously seriously injured.

Moreover, Longju's state also shocked Lin Li and Murong Xue. You must know that Longju is not only an innate master, but also the deputy battalion commander of the Lingwu Division. It must be a big deal to be so anxious.

"My injury is not a problem, find some fast horses immediately, let's go now!"

Long Ju waved his hands, stood up and said while covering his chest.

Originally, it would be faster for the dragon colt to fly directly, but now he is injured and can only ride a horse.


Lin Li can also tell the difference, since Longju attaches so much importance to it, it must be a big deal.

Lin Li hurriedly agreed and hurried down to prepare.


As for Fang Yun in the college, after watching the group of ghost-faced cavalry with the old village chief Shi, he rested for a while, and was ready to set off for Shanglin County.

This time going to Shanglin County, Fang Yun only planned to take Fang Daniu alone, so Fang Yun directly took Fang Daniu with Yujian.

After saying goodbye to Old Village Chief Shi, Fang Yun took Fang Daniu Yujian and flew directly to Shanglin County.

Just when Fang Yun had just left for a while, several fast horses came galloping from a distance.

Village head Shi, who was about to go back just now, turned around and stopped again.

After several people came to the college from far to near, they were shocked to see the building in front of them. After all, although they knew where Fang Yun College was, it was their first time to come, but now they couldn't care less about it.

"I don't know what's the matter with you guys coming to Fangyun Academy?"

Village head Shi Lao stood in front of the gate and asked the people who had dismounted.

"Hi old man, is the dean of the college, Master Fang Yun, here? I am Lin Li, the head of the Lingwu Division of Dayun County, and I have important matters to discuss with Master Fang Yun!"

Lin Li heard the old village chief Shi's question, and immediately spoke forward.

"It turned out that I was looking for the dean to talk about things, but unfortunately, the dean just left for a while. If you had been earlier, you would still have met the dean!"

Old Village Chief Shi nodded, and finally said with some regret.

"Old man, do you know where Grandmaster Fang Yun has gone and when will he be back?"

Long Ju on the side heard that Fang Yun was not there, and immediately asked anxiously.

"The dean went to Shanglin County. The dean said that he will go for a long time this time. I don't know when he will come back."

Old Village Chief Shi and Longju said.

"What? Shanglin County!"

"Oh, it's a step too late!"

Hearing the words of old village head Shi, Longju said bitterly.

"What should I do?"

Lin Li turned his head and asked Longju.

"Hey, we can only resign ourselves to fate, let's go back first!"

Longju sighed and said helplessly.


And Fang Yun and Fang Daniu came to Shanglin County in less than half a day.

Fang Yun brought Fang Daniu directly to the Blue and White Pavilion.

"Go tell your stewards to come out and see me!"

Fang Yun entered the Blue and White Pavilion, casually called a maid and said.

And this maid happened to be the maid introduced to Fang Yun last time. Seeing that it was Fang Yun, she immediately said excitedly: "Wait a moment, my lord, I'll call the steward!"

Then he hurried inside.

After a while

Li Er hurried out.

"Sir, you are here!"

After Li Er came out, he immediately greeted Fang Yun with a smile.


Fang Yun nodded.

"My lord, please come with me. The owner of my blue and white valley, the old man Qinghua, knows that it is you, my lord, and has already come here in person."

Li Er immediately said to Fang Yun.


Fang Yun nodded.

In fact, Fang Yun also admired the blue-and-white old man. The blue-and-white old man's own cultivation was only at the late stage of the innate true energy state, but his alchemy and spirit grass cultivation ability were extremely extraordinary.

Moreover, it is indeed extremely powerful for a generation of women in the world to make such a foundation and still be able to keep it.

In a luxurious room, Li Er brought Fang Yun here and retreated wisely.

"Master Fang!"

When the old man Qinghua saw Fang Yun coming, he immediately stood up and greeted him.

"I've seen the Blue and White Valley Master!"

Fang Yun also greeted with a smile.

After the two sat down, the blue and white old man smiled at Fang Yun and said, "Master Fang, I wonder what kind of cooperation you want to talk about?"

"Blue and White Valley Master, I know a vein of spiritual jade, but I don't have the ability to develop it. I want to cooperate with you Blue and White Valley."

Seeing that the old man in blue and white asked about something serious, Fang Yun also said.

"Grandmaster Fang, if you want to develop mines, you need permission from the imperial court. If you want to develop mines like these, private individuals must sign an agreement with the imperial court. It is necessary to let [-]% of the proceeds go to the imperial court. And this mine is exploited. But for a big event, especially the Spirit Mine, there are quite a few forces that are greedy."

The blue and white old man thought about it, and said to Fang Yun.

"Well, the court's income can be given away. As for the coveted power, whoever makes the move can cut off their hands!"

Fang Yun squinted his eyes, and said in a resolute tone.

"Since Grandmaster Fang has such courage, then I, Blue Flower Valley, can't get off my back, but Grandmaster Fang doesn't know how to distribute the income from this spiritual mine?"

Seeing Fang Yun's courage, the blue and white old man also said proudly, but in the end he also asked the most important question.

"I'll give you the address of the ore vein. You Qinghua Valley will contribute manpower and material resources to mine, and be responsible for transportation and sales. After excluding the cost, can we both be [-]%?"

Fang Yun thought for a while and said.

(End of this chapter)

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