Chapter 113
Gathering the corpses of the four people together, Fang Daniu began to touch the corpses.

I don't know if these guys are really poor or if they don't have any good things with them.

Except for a few 1 taels of silver bills, they were their weapons, and four bottles of healing pills in small bottles.

After touching the corpse, Fang Daniu also rushed over and sent all the things to Fang Yun, Fang Yun put away the banknotes and pills, and let Fang Daniu hold the weapon first.

"Okay, just dig a hole for these guys and bury them, and then let's go to Shanglin County first!"

Fang Yun said to Fang Daniu again.


Fang Daniu nodded and ran to dig a hole.

Fang Daniu's efficiency was good, but after a while, several people were buried.

Immediately, Fang Yun took Fang Daniu to Shanglin County.

Fang Yun went directly to Lingwu Division of Shanglin County.

"Stop, who?"

The two gatekeeper warriors of Lingwu Division stepped forward and said.

"I asked you, Battalion Commander Li Chuang, and said it was an old friend visiting!"

Fang Yun said to the two of them.

"The battalion commander is not in the Lingwu Division these days!"

The two warriors of Lingwu Division waved and said.

"Then where did Battalion Commander Li go? Li Battalion Commander is not here, so what about your Deputy Battalion Commander Longju or Chong? They can do it too!"

Fang Yun asked again when he heard that Li Chuang was not there.

"We don't know where the battalion commander has gone, and the two deputy battalion commanders are not here either!"

Seeing that Fang Yun came here by flying, the warrior answered Fang Yun's question patiently.

"What? They're not there either?"

Fang Yun said with a little surprise.

It seems that something happened. It is impossible for the three of them to be absent at the same time. The robbery before the contact was already in Linjun when Fang Yun was in Linjun. The words of the old man in black immediately made Fang Yun uneasy.

"Okay, thank you very much!"

Fang Yun thanked the warrior guarding the gate, and then walked out of the city.

At the same time, not far from Lingwu Division, several street vendors dressed in commoner clothes quietly left their stalls.

After Fang Yun took Fang Daniu out of the city, he rushed all the way to the academy.

Fang Yun flew with all his strength, and after a while, he returned to the academy.

Flying directly to his principal's office, Fang Yun was also slightly relieved to see the college as usual. Fortunately, the college is fine.

But Fang Yun was still a little worried, so he hurriedly found the old village head and asked if anything had happened in the few days since he left.

When the old village chief saw Fang Yun came back, he told Fang Yun that a man named Long Ju had come to find him just after Fang Yun left a few days ago.

"Dragon Colt? Where is he now?"

Fang Yun immediately asked the old village chief.

Now Fang Yun immediately wants to find Long Ju, and ask him what happened.

"It seems to be back to the Lingwu Division of Dayun County."

The old village head thought for a while and said.

"it is good!"

Fang Yun agreed, and then hurriedly got up again to guard the sword and headed for Dayun County.

After a while, Fang Yun rushed to the Lingwu Division of Dayun County.

Fang Yun came directly to the door of Lingwu Division.

"Master Fang!"

The fighters in the Lingwu Division of Dayun County all knew Fang Yun, and when they saw Fang Yun coming, they hurriedly bowed and said.

"Well, go in and report, just say I'm here!"

Fang Yun hurriedly said to the warrior at the door.

"Yes, Master Fang, just wait a moment!"

One of the warriors heard what Fang Yun said.He hurriedly agreed, and then ran inside.

After a while, Lin Li and Murong Xue hurried out.

"Master Fang, you are back."

Lin Li said eagerly.

Even Murong Xue was anxious.

"I just came back too!"

Fang Yun also nodded and said.

"Quick, let's go in first!"

Lin Li said hastily.

Following Lin Li and Murong Xue to the Lingwu Division, they saw Longju who had just recovered from his injuries.

"Master Fang Yun, you are back, is there any danger on the way?"

Seeing Fang Yun coming back, Long Ju immediately stepped forward and asked anxiously.

"Someone did rob me, what happened?"

Fang Yun frowned and asked.

Seeing Longju asking himself this question, Fang Yun was even more confused.

"Grandmaster Fang Yun, you come with me first."

Long Ju dragged Fang Yun to a room.

"You two watch the outside, no one can come in."

When Fang Yun entered the room, Long Ju said to Murong Xue and Lin Li outside.

"what happened?"

After Long Ju also entered the room and closed the door, Fang Yun frowned and asked.

"King Zhenbei, we are about to rebel!"

Long Ju said with a trembling tone.


Fang Yun was also a little surprised, this Zhenbei King actually wanted to rebel against the Great Zhou Dynasty?
But what made Fang Yun even more puzzled was that he rebelled against King Zhenbei, so what happened to Fang Yun?

It may be reasonable to attack Lingwusi. After all, Lingwusi is the emperor's eyes and ears and the sword in his hand. It is normal to solve them.

But it's a bit too much to assassinate yourself.

"But what does that have to do with me? Why do people from Zhenbei Palace come to rob and kill me?"

Fang Yun immediately asked the question in his heart.

"Zhenbei Prince's Mansion has been fully prepared for this rebellion. Even according to Lingwusi's investigation, this Zhenbei Prince's Mansion is also involved with Tianmo Sect, and even with alien beasts. The last time the alien beasts attacked the city, according to Our later investigation found that what happened that time was not that simple at all.”

"But the Zhenbei Palace has been looking for someone, that is, Jiang Feng who was exterminated in the Jiang family. He seems to be the key to unlock something, and the Zhenbei Palace has been looking for him. It is precisely because he was not found that Zhenbei Wang did not act immediately, but blocked the entire Mozhou."

"Now I estimate that the Lingwu Division in the entire Mozhou has been secretly controlled by the people of Zhenbei Wangfu, and the Zhenbei King ordered the blockade of the entire Mozhou. We can't do it if we want to send news to the capital, but what we can do now , it was only to prevent the people from Zhenbei Palace from finding Jiang Feng."

"Then what's going on with you? And how did Zhenbei Palace know that Jiang Feng is with me?"

Fang Yun frowned and asked.

Speaking of this, Longju also had a look of grief and indignation.

"It's heavy. He leaked the matter to Zhenbei Palace. The people in Zhenbei Palace took advantage of our ignorance of the whole story and transferred me and Lao Li outside, trying to get rid of us. Lao Li desperately sent me away. out."

Longju said in a sad tone.

He also never thought that the brothers he had been with for so many years would actually betray them.

"Originally, if you didn't come, the Lingwu Division of Dayun County would not be able to stay. The Lingwu Division Town North Prince's Mansion in the county has not yet pulled out its hand to solve it, but it will come soon."

Immediately, Long Ju continued to speak to Fang Yun.

"Grandmaster Fang Yun, if you can't do it, then leave here first."

After Long Ju finished explaining the whole story, he proposed to Fang Yun with a worried face.

In terms of Longju's eyesight, Fang Yun was only an innate talent at the Real Qi Realm, but his talent was not bad, and his combat power was comparable to that of the Inner Gang Realm, the kind that was on the same level as Li Chuang.

(End of this chapter)

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