Chapter 121

Fang Yun had to adjust his strategy. Sima Zhan was guarding Jiang Feng before, but now he doesn't care about him anymore. Only Sima Zhan or Taoist Qingyun can stop those beast kings now.


And in the school, after the old village head announced the task, all the students also became excited.

"Hey, hey, take a look at your identity plate, is there any urgent mission?"

A student in the college looked at his identity plate and said excitedly.


Another student took a curious look.

"I'm going to kill the strange beast?"

The student was also surprised after reading it.

At the same time, this situation happened in every corner of the college, but all the students were students who had never experienced actual combat or blood. In fact, this task was too much for them, but there was no way around it.

Many students are actually quite afraid, so they are considering whether to go out. After all, if they go out, the mission also said that there is a possibility of death.

But in Tianjiao class, the situation is much better.

"I want credits again!"

Du Cai'er stood up excitedly, waved her small fist and said.

"Not bad!"

Sima Zhao also stood up and said.

"Hey, Sima Zhao, Zhang Hao, do you want to form a team? Kill the beast and divide the credits equally!"

Du Caier invited Sima Zhao and Zhang Hao who had just returned.


Both Sima Zhao and Zhang Hao readily agreed.

The rest of the Tianjiao class also formed a team in twos and threes, and started to go outside.

At the same time, the rest of the beasts also rushed into Stone Village. Stone Village is the nearest village to the college. Everyone in the village has already arrived in the college, so nothing happened.

But other villages are different. Because they are far away, they are rushing to the college continuously, but it is too late.


A blue wolf and strange beast roared and rushed at a group of villagers who were rushing to the academy.



But in a moment, three or four villagers fell into a pool of blood, and then the blue wolf beast turned its head and stared at another group of villagers.

"Daddy, I'm afraid!"

A five or six-year-old girl hid behind her father in fear.

"Don't be afraid, little Nier, dad is here!"

The strong man patted the little girl's hand and said.

"His mother, wait a minute, I'll stop this beast, you take Xiao Ni and run quickly, do you hear me?"

The brawny man drew out a plain knife, stared at the blue wolf beast walking towards this side and said to the woman next to him.

"His father, you..."

The woman was crying, not knowing what to say.


The strange beast blue wolf suddenly roared and rushed towards the strong man.


The strong man was a hunter from the nearby village, so he was barely capable. He quickly rolled to the side to avoid the pounce of the green wolf, and then swung his knife with his backhand.


The blue wolf was just a strange beast at the beginning of the first rank, and ordinary knives could still hurt him. With a simple knife, a bloody gash was cut on the blue wolf's waist, but this angered the blue wolf.

Attacking the strong man frantically, the strong man is just an ordinary person. Although he is a hunter and has some skills, he is no match for the green wolf after all.

Being slapped by Qinglang's paw, he fell to the ground and watched as Qinglang's sharp teeth bit down on his neck, but fortunately, the time was delayed, and the two of them must have been able to escape.


A long sword flew towards him, and when Qinglang was about to bite the strong man, he was stabbed by the flying long sword and landed not far away.

A group of three teenagers rushed over quickly.

It was Du Caier, Sima Zhao and Zhang Hao who came.

The person who controlled the sword was Du Cai'er. The three of them had just left the academy, and after walking for a while, they met this blue wolf who wanted to kill the strong man. It was too late to run over, so Yu Jian killed him.

"Uncle, are you okay?"

Du Cai'er stepped forward to help the strong man and asked.

"Thank you, little girl, I'm fine!"

The strong man struggled to stand up and said while clutching his chest.

"Okay, uncle, if you have nothing to do, go to Fangyun College to escape quickly. We have to go to other places to help, so we will leave first."

When Du Caier heard what the strong man said, she spoke to him again.

Immediately, the three of them broke off one of Qinglang's teeth and walked to other places.

"Are they the students of Fangyun College? They are indeed very good. After two years, when Xiao Ni reaches the age, I will definitely send her to Fangyun College."

The strong man watched the three leave and murmured.

Immediately, clutching his chest, he staggered towards the academy.

"Hey, Sima Zhao, Zhang Hao, where are we going?"

Du Caier asked the two of them.

"Let's be nearby, clear a way for the villagers who want to go to the academy."

Sima Zhao frowned and said.

"Okay, then we're here!"

Zhang Hao also nodded and said.

The three of them cleaned up the strange beasts not far from the college, so that villagers from other villages could enter the college smoothly.

But as more and more alien beasts rushed out of the Qingyun Mountains, everyone's pressure increased greatly.

The three of Zhang Hao were surrounded by seven strange beasts.

Two at the early stage of the second rank, three at the late stage of the first rank, and two at the middle stage of the first rank.

"I'll take the two early-stage second-rank ones, and share the rest between you two!"

Du Cai'er looked at the seven strange beasts surrounding them, and said first.

"Sister Cai'er, you are a bit domineering, you actually took away the two big heads."

Sima Zhao said jokingly.

"Then I'll just have these three!"

Afterwards, Sima Zhao pointed to the three late-stage beasts and said.

"Then leave the rest to Xiao Haozi."

Du Caier said with a smile.

As the few people fought side by side and worked together, the relationship became closer, and they joked with each other.

"it is good!"

Zhang Hao didn't argue with the two of them, he nodded and said.

"That's it!"

Du Cai'er rushed out first, and rushed towards the two second-rank alien beasts.

Zhang Hao and Sima Zhao also rushed out at the same time.

Among them, Sima Zhao was the easiest one. There were only three first-grade beasts, and they were killed by Sima Zhao's three punches.

Zhang Hao also solved it very quickly. After all, he has practiced the martial arts and also the Immortal Cloud Jue. The monks and third-rate warriors in the early stage of the mortal realm are all like ceilings. Very easily, after Sima Zhao, he also easily dealt with these two strange beasts.

But Du Caier was a little more troublesome. Although the two early-stage alien beasts of the second rank were not Du Caier's opponents, they were not so vulnerable. Exotic beasts.

"Okay, call it a day!"

Du Cai'er clapped her hands and said after stabbing the last beast with a sword.

(End of this chapter)

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