153 - Cloud Alliance
"Brother Fang, you just agree, we have passed through the other major forces, as long as Brother Fang agrees, we will definitely follow Brother Fang!"

Seeing that Fang Yun was still hesitant, Zuo Xiaotian cupped his hands again and said.

"Well, since that's the case, then I'll take over the burden!"

After thinking about it for a while, Fang Yun raised his head and agreed.


Seeing Fang Yun agreeing, Zuo Xiaotian was also very happy.

"Since we want to fight against the Momeng, we also need to have a charter. I will establish an alliance called Yunmeng, and then Brother Zuo, please notify other major forces to come to Fangyun College to form an alliance within ten days, and then jointly Crusade against Momeng!"

Fang Yun is not a procrastination person either, since he has already figured it out, he should do it directly, so Fang Yun said directly to Zuo Xiaotian.

"Brother Fang, don't worry, I will convey it as soon as possible."

Zuo Xiaotian nodded immediately and said.

After talking about the matter, Zuo Xiaotian didn't have time to stay and left the academy directly.

At the same time, Fang Yun also found the old village head again, and asked the old village head to inform other people in the academy to extend the departure time.


After three days,
The news that Fang Yun established the Yunmeng to fight against the Momeng also spread throughout Mozhou.

At the same time, the original nine major forces left six major forces, and five major forces responded one after another and joined the Yunmeng. At the same time, many forces who were forced to go nowhere by the Momeng League or loyal to the Great Zhou Dynasty joined in one after another. Yunmeng.

For a moment, all the forces in Mozhou were shocked, and they all considered whether to join or not. The rivers and lakes in Mozhou were all shaken by the appearance of Yunmeng.

At the same time, in the Momeng headquarters in Beihu County,
"Damn it, this damn Fang Yun, it's him again!"

Feng Ce, who was seated at the top, patted the table next to him with a gloomy face and gritted his teeth.

Although Fang Yun's Nine Heavens True Thunder Technique didn't kill him directly that day, he was seriously injured and passed out directly, which can be regarded as humiliating in front of all the forces in Mozhou.

So Feng Ce hated Fang Yun terribly now.

"Tell me, what do you think of this Yunmeng?"

Feng Ce glanced at the crowd below, and said in a gloomy tone.

The following are the masters of the major forces that have joined the Momeng.

But looking at Feng Ce who was sitting at the top with a gloomy face, no one wanted to speak first, how could he see it?The ally leader is stronger than you?After all, many people were forced to join, and their affiliation with Momeng was not strong.

"Hmph, how could this Yunmeng be our Momeng's opponent? My Momeng has assembled most of the forces in Mozhou. Under the general trend, it is Fang Yun. How can one person stop it?"

The person who was speaking was the new suzerain master of the Qingyu Sect, that is, the former senior brother of the Qingyu Sect. Because of the secret support of the Tianmo Sect and the explicit support of the Lingtian Sword Sect, the senior senior brother of the Qingyu Sect successfully killed his master and took over the Qingyu Sect. , became the suzerain of the Qingyu sect, and also broke through the first-class realm, got the suzerain's daughter in an upright manner, and thought he had reached the pinnacle of life.

However, Qingyuzong has no innate power, it is no longer an innate force, but because the elder brother of Qingyuzong licked Lingtian Jianzong very well, he almost became a dog of Lingtian Jianzong, so Lingtian Jianzong held a meeting When it was time, he was allowed to participate.

But at this moment, seeing that his master's words were ignored, he immediately came out to rescue Feng Ce and said.

"Well, well said!"

Feng Ce glanced at him appreciatively, then said pretendingly.

"The major forces go back and immediately gather the forces of the various forces. Since Fang Yun wants to attack me, then I am not afraid of him. I will confront him head-on and defeat the Yunmeng head-on!"

Then Feng Ce stood up and said eagerly.

Being defeated by Fang Yun has almost become a heart problem for him. He has always been the best in style and has never failed. Admiration, but he was severely defeated by Fang Yun, and he was defeated so badly, so he especially wanted to defeat Fang Yun head-on, even if it was to defeat the forces he formed.

"Yes, I will obey!"

Although they were very reluctant, Feng Ce was a strong man in the Outer Gang Realm after all, and they still couldn't afford to lose face to him too much. They had already done it once just now, so everyone stood up and said this time.

"Okay, let's all go back and prepare!"

Seeing everyone's performance, Feng Ce was quite satisfied, so he waved his hand again and said.

Then the leaders of the Momeng's various factions dispersed, but when the day of the war came, it was not known whether they would really contribute.


At the same time, Fangyun Academy, which is several counties away from the headquarters of the Momeng League, has also welcomed many forces.

Among them, Lingyunzong, North-South Business Alliance, Yanyu Pavilion, Shanqingzong, and Kongqing Taoist Temple came the earliest.

At this time, Fang Yun and the masters of the five major forces were in Fang Yun's principal's office.

"Dean Fang!"

"Dean Fang!"

Several people sat down together after seeing each other.

Among the major forces, only the Buddhist faction, Shangqing Temple, did not come, because Shangqing Temple has a large Buddhist group, so they are not afraid of anything at all, and they can completely avoid helping each other and stay out of the matter.

As for the Taoist force, Kongqing Taoist Temple, it is entirely because Fang Yun is also a Taoist force, and Master Changqing came to help Fang Yun for this reason. Otherwise, Kongqing Taoist Temple would not bring someone else to be the leader. .

Several people discussed with each other about the general strength of the two sides, as well as specific countermeasures.

With the general strength of my own side, plus the five major forces, Fangyun Academy and other forces, there can be more than 150 Xiantian Grandmasters, and Momeng and the others estimate that there must be at least 200 Xiantian Grandmasters. After all, the Lingtian Sword Sect also gathers With nearly two-thirds of the forces in the entire Mozhou, even if those forces cannot exert their full strength, they can at least gather two hundred innate masters.

Except for Fang Yun, the more they discussed, the more dignified they became. They felt that the odds of winning this battle were not great.

However, only Fang Yun has 100% confidence. Not to mention that his strength has improved so much, the wind strategy in the early stage of the Outer Gang Realm can be solved easily, this time Fang Yunke still plans to bring Poison Wind and Sima Zhan , because with the development of the college's strength, some things can be handled and resolved. Now even if they are involved in the college, I can solve it now, so I brought the two of them, plus these two big brothers, with them With three, it is impossible to lose.

But Fang Yun didn't tell them for the time being, after all, it was his hole card. Fang Yun just told them to reassure them that he still had his hole card, so that they could feel a little more at ease, so that they would not give up before the battle.

After a few people discussed for a while, Fang Yun asked them to go back to help greet the incoming forces.

This time, many innate forces came with many affiliated forces. Under each innate force, there are many other affiliated forces, including the Momeng side, so there are a lot of people.

(End of this chapter)

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