Chapter 165 Decisive Battle ([-])


Fang Yun directly divided the Thunder into dozens of strands, and then landed towards General West Wind and the dozens of innate masters.

"Quick defense!"

West Wind hastily roared to the side.



Although it was divided into dozens of thunderbolts, the power has weakened a lot, but with Fang Yun's current state, even if it is divided into dozens of thunderbolts, ordinary innate masters can't stop it.

Among the dozens of people, only Xifeng and five other innate masters who had practiced external skills or had special life-saving methods carried them down.

The rest of the people were either directly hacked to death, or fell down with serious injuries.


Seeing that there were still a few fish that slipped through the net, Fang Yun drew Thunder again, this time only divided into six, and the power increased dramatically.

"Get out!"

This time, even Xifeng didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly shouted at several people.

But it was already too late, as soon as they turned around, Thunder landed.


After this thunderstorm, except for Xifeng, the rest of the people were also knocked down.

Xifeng also used his hole cards to barely save his life, and then took the opportunity to retreat, relying on his strength to block Fang Yun is no different from mantising his arms to block a car.


Fang Yun didn't take care of him either, and continued to lead the army of warriors to attack the rear army of the Zhenbei Army. The rear army of the Zhenbei Army without an innate master is like paper, and it can be broken with a poke.

Soon the Zhenbei Army, whose rear army was dispersed, began to riot as a whole.

"Great, the people of Yunmeng have succeeded, Sun Xing, immediately lead the Huben Army to launch the final attack, defeating the Zhenbei rebels in one fell swoop."

After seeing Fang Yun successfully break through the rear army of Zhenbei Army, Zhan Weixiao in the formation of Great Zhou Army immediately said excitedly to Sun Xing who was already on standby.

"Yes, General Zhan!"

Sun Xing also had an excited expression on his face, and immediately took the order to go down.

"Come on!"

After a while, all the troops in the Great Zhou Army formation got out of the way, and [-] cavalry in golden armor began to rush out, rushing towards the Zhenbei Army on the opposite side.

At the same time, the Second Great Zhou Army, which was still entangled with the Zhenbei Army, began to move to both sides, handing over the battlefield to the Huben Army.

"Oh, the general situation is gone!"

In the camp of the Zhenbei Army, the King of Zhenbei also sighed with an ugly face.

"Ahem, General, I can't stop you from behind!"

At this time, General Xifeng, who was sent out by the king of Zhenbei, also flew to kneel down in front of the guard of honor of the king of Zhenbei and said.

"Then you escaped back?"

King Zhenbei glanced at him coldly, and said coldly.

"My lord, please forgive me, that person really cannot be stopped by a lowly position!"

General Xifeng's expression changed when he heard King Zhenbei's words, and he immediately kowtowed to King Zhenbei and begged for mercy.


"Then you became a deserter?"

However, King Zhenbei showed no mercy. After standing up, he pulled out the sword in his hand instantly, and then inserted it into the scabbard again.

"Eh! King, my lord!"

Then Xi Feng, who was still begging for mercy, clutched his neck unwillingly and fell down.

"The whole army obeys orders! Abandon the rear army and flanks, use the ghost-faced iron cavalry as the tip, and cooperate with the central army. The whole army will attack the opposing Dazhou army formation, and fight to the death. If you succeed, you will win, and if you fail, you will perish. Whoever dares to escape will not be killed immediately Forgive me."

Then King Zhenbei stood up and immediately said to the generals next to him.

"I will follow the prince to the death!"

The generals next to King Zhenbei's guard of honor all knelt down and shouted.

Then they all began to quickly retreat into the army formation and began to command the various ministries.

The king of Zhenbei is worthy of being a generation of heroes, and his courage is really great. A strong man will cut his wrists without hesitation.

Now the rear army has been disrupted by Fang Yun, and the flanks are also entangled by Da Zhou's second army. If the whole army is rectified, it will not be able to move at all.

Resolutely gave up the rear army and flanks, and then used the ghost-faced iron cavalry as the tip, assisted by the central army. If he could defeat the tiger army of the Great Zhou head-on, King Zhenbei would still have a chance to come back.

Soon, a row of black ghost-faced cavalry rushed out of the formation of the Zhenbei Army, and then the entire central army of the Zhenbei Army began to follow the ghost-faced cavalry.

"Huh? As expected of King Zhenbei, this courage is really great, but don't underestimate me and Zhan Weixiao!"

"Send the order, the whole army presses down!"

Zhan Weixiao, the general of the Central Army in the Great Zhou army, watched the actions of the Zhenbei Army, and understood the intention of Zhenbei King. He said something in admiration, and then ordered the whole army to press on.

Now is the time to fight, who is braver and who is stronger.

At the same time, Zhan Weixiao also directly flew into the sky in the Great Zhou army formation.

"Traitor Qin Zhen, come out and fight!"

Zhan Weixiao, who flew into the sky, stretched out his momentum and shouted towards the opposite side.

"Hmph, that's exactly what I mean!"

At the same time, King Zhenbei on the opposite side also flew into the sky, and said with great momentum.

"Come on, Ba Duan Zhan!"

Zhan Weixiao shook the big knife in his hand, and instantly swung eight swords out. Once the eight swords were released, the powerful aura froze the air. This was no longer the aura of the Xiantian realm.

"Hehehe, half-step supernatural powers, you are still a bit behind!"

The king of Zhenbei on the opposite side twitched his mouth and said disdainfully.


Zhenbei King Qin Zhen yelled, and a phantom of a golem with a hideous face formed behind Qin Zhen.

When this phantom of the golem appeared, an extremely evil and powerful coercion could be felt within tens of miles of the world.

The golem was full of black energy, directly blocking Zhan Weixiao's eight cuts.

"Here, this is the statue of the demon god enshrined by the Tianmo Sect? You, you actually have a private relationship with the Tianmo Sect and also cultivated the supernatural powers of the Tianmo Sect?"

Zhan Weixiao was also surprised when he saw the phantom of the demonic image.

"Hehehe, as long as you can increase your strength, what are these?"

"I didn't expect that you haven't stepped into the realm of supernatural powers yet, hehehe, I know, you must want to comprehend supernatural powers and step into the real realm of supernatural powers, but in today's situation, although I'm just a fake At the supernatural power level, it is easy to defeat you! This battle, I have won!"

Zhenbei Army Qin Zhen laughed and said.

Then Qin Zhen slapped Zhan Weixiao with his palm, and at the same time, the golem behind Qin Zhen also stretched out his palm to slap Zhan Weixiao.


Feeling the power of Qin Xiao's supernatural power, Zhan Weixiao also had an ugly face.

"Battle knife, cut!"

Zhan Weixiao also quickly condensed the prototype of a knife in front of him, which is also the prototype of Zhan Weixiao's supernatural power, but it's not perfect yet.

This is also the reason why Zhan Weixiao has been reluctant to use the supernatural power inheritance scroll to break through the false supernatural power realm.

If you give him a year or two, when he perfects his supernatural powers, he can rely on his own supernatural powers to step into the real supernatural realm.


Zhan Weixiao's slashing had barely possessed a certain level of supernatural power, but the supernatural power of Zhenbei Wang Qin Zhen was obviously not just a first-grade supernatural power, it was very powerful.

Zhan Weixiao's saber was directly shaken away by Qin Zhen, and then continued to hit Zhan Weixiao.

(End of this chapter)

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