Chapter 27

Immediately, a group of guards rushed to the ring and surrounded Du Caier.

Under the ring, the old man saw his granddaughter surrounded by people, his eyes gradually became dangerous, and his two wrinkled hands slowly reached into his rag pocket.


On the high platform, Fang Yun frowned and said.

"Everyone back down, and you do too."

Fang Yun first finished speaking to the bottom, then turned and said to the president of the Lanlin Chamber of Commerce next to him.

"Master Fang..."

"Wuzhi, your son is fine, it's just that the acupoints are temporarily paralyzed, just rest for a while and he will be fine."

Fang Yun turned to stare at him and said.

"That, that's good!"

In the end, President Fang did it with a blushing face and embarrassment.

In fact, it's not because he can't see it, the second-rate fighters in the Lanlin Chamber of Commerce are all hired, and the president Fang Zhi's cultivation is only third-rate.

It was Fang Yun who had practiced the basic internal skills to understand the various acupuncture points of the human body, coupled with his own keen attention and innate cultivation advantages, he could see it.

Otherwise, even second-rate or even ordinary first-rate warriors would not be able to tell.

Take the eight major forces on the stage as an example, there are also a few who have second-rate cultivation, but they don't see it.

"Okay, little girl, you won this round."

Fang Yun said to Du Caier who was a little nervous below.

"In addition, our Fangyun Academy plans to form a Tianjiao class, are you willing to join?"

Fang Yun said again suddenly.

Originally, Fang Yun didn't plan to form this Tianjiao class for the time being, but now Fang Yun suddenly changed his mind.

The so-called Tianjiao class is Fang Yun's recent idea, to gather young people with high talents or special talents into the Tianjiao class, and then teach them by himself.And the Tianjiao class will also become the backbone of Fangyun Academy.

"Tianjiao class? Okay, okay, I'll join!"

Du Caier said excitedly without even thinking about it.

"Hahaha, good!"

Fang Yun was also very happy to see that Du Caier agreed, after all, gifted students want everyone.

But below, the old man really looked helpless, standing in the crowd and sighing.

Immediately, the matter of Du Cai'er was over, and the competition continued. There were nearly a hundred people participating in the competition this time. After several rounds of competition, it was finally time for the final battle.

At this point the top four have been selected.

They are Wang Yi of the Tianfeng Escort Bureau, a third-rate mid-term realm, who makes one hand overbearing with marksmanship.

The eldest daughter of the Song family, Song Ying, was in the mid-third-rate realm, and she had cultivated a set of fierce whipping techniques.

And Liu Bai, a civilian boy who is somewhat surprising, although only a third-rate early stage, has practiced an unknown body training kung fu, which can leapfrog against third-rate mid-stage fighters and reach the top four all the way.

Finally, there is the mysterious Du Caier.

At this time, the lottery ended, Liu Bai played against Song Ying, and Du Caier played against Wang Yi.

It was Liu Bai and Song Ying who started first. Song Ying's whip method was indeed very fierce, and she attacked first when she first came on stage, but Liu Bai on the opposite side really had no fear on her face. She intuitively took three whips from Song Ying, and then quickly approached Song Ying.

Song Ying didn't expect that Liu Bai could resist her three lashes. After Liu Bai got close, she fell into a disadvantage. Afterwards, she retreated again and again, and finally was knocked out of the ring by Liu Bai.

And the next battle between Du Caier and Wang Yi will be even faster. Wang Yi is actually very strong, and his first-hand marksmanship is also very sharp, but his opponent Du Caier is really too mysterious. Immediately, Wang Yi Yi's defeat method was the same as Fang Rui's defeat method.

In the competition proposed by the eight major forces, the final first place was fought by two teenagers who did not belong to the eight major forces.

After both parties regained their strength, they both came to the stage and stood still. Du Cai'er still had a smile on her face, and she didn't look nervous at all, but on the other hand, Liu Bai on the opposite side did have a dignified face.

Both of them were unarmed, and in the end it was Liu Bai who struck first, quickly approached Du Caier, and punched Du Caier.

Du Cai'er quickly dodged, walked around behind Liu Bai, and pointed at Liu Bai in the same way.

At this time, Liu Bai couldn't dodge, he was hit, and Liu Bai frowned when he was hit, then turned around and punched.Du Cai'er didn't expect that Liu Bai was fine, she didn't react all of a sudden, and was hit by Liu Bai's punch.

Backing away suddenly, Liu Bai took the opportunity to follow up and punched several times in a row.

Fortunately, Du Cai'er's body skills are very good, and she managed to dodge it, but she also fell into a disadvantage.

And Du Cai'er seemed to be angered by Liu Bai, her little face finally became serious.

Just like that, suddenly, Liu Bai, who was constantly attacking, became dizzy, staggered, and fell on the ring.

Fang Yun, who was watching earnestly above the high platform, also frowned. He didn't realize why Liu Bai suddenly fell down.

And the eight major forces on the stage and the people watching the battle in the audience are all whispering, discussing what happened to the young man, obviously he has gained the upper hand!

The old man in the audience frowned and sighed uncontrollably!
So Fang Yun immediately got up and floated down to the ring, first he felt Liu Bai's pulse, seeing that Liu Bai was fine, he was only relieved after muddling through.

Then Fang Yun began to observe this poisonous Caier.

Seeing Fang Yun frowning and looking at her, Du Caier also seemed a little scared, so she kept her head down.

Fang Yun suddenly sucked in the air, then looked at Du Caier again, and finally found out the reason. Just now Fang Yun smelled a faint smell of medicine in the air, and the source was Du Caier.

It's still the kind of colorless and odorless drug like drug, if Fang Yun's realm is not comparable to innate, he might not be able to smell it.

"Okay, the boy is fine, just wash his face with cold water after stepping down, and take good care of him."

Fang Yun then turned and said to the guard on the side.

"Yes! Then a group of guards came and carried Liu Bai down.

"Then I announce that Du Cai'er won the No.1 in this competition."

Fang Yun then announced in person.

"The top four in this big competition can all enter the Tianjiao Class of Fangyun College to practice, and teach the Zhenyuan Gongfa Xianyunjue Refining and Transforming Qi Chapter, and the No.1 Du Caier will teach the Zhenyuan Gongfa Refining Qi Transformation And a spirit weapon. Wait until the academy reports and teach it."

Then Fang Yun said loudly again.

On the stage, the Patriarch of the Song family and the chief escort of the Tianfeng Security Bureau, Mr. Wang, laughed and got up to congratulate each other.

The other eight major forces also stood up enviously to congratulate. Although they didn't know this Tianjiao class before, they knew that this Tianjiao class must be extremely important just by hearing the name.

Immediately, the crowd began to gradually disperse, and people from Dayun County also began to enroll with their suitable children one after another. After all, this is the academy that even the eight major forces are rushing to enter.

Seeing that the form was good, Fang Yun chatted politely with several major forces for a while, so he planned to return to Lingwu Division first.

(End of this chapter)

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