Chapter 344 Take the mission

"In addition, the Venerable Masters of the Supernatural Realm belonging to all alliances that form the alliance can get a breakthrough experience of the Shattering Void Realm and cultivation experience of the Supernatural Power Realm. As for the four, they can each get a pill. On the basis of the Shattering Void Realm, one level is raised, while Venerable Haoran and Baiwu Venerable can directly break through the Shattering Void Realm! Is this benefit enough for you?"

Then Fang Yun continued.

After speaking, he leaned back on the chair, and looked at the four of them indifferently. Fang Yun didn't believe that the four of them would reject him. Venerable Baiwu and Venerable Haoran have been in the late stage of supernatural powers for many years, so naturally they hope to break through Void Realm, it can even be said that for these old guys who have been stuck in the late stage of Supernatural Realm for many years, breaking through to the next realm has almost become their inner demon, and they will not refuse at all.

And Hong Ling and Zhou Hong can go one step further in their cultivation, ahead of others, as a warrior, plus he has kindness to the two of them, he will not reject himself
"We promise!"

As Fang Yun expected, all three of them nodded in agreement.

Fang Yun had a good idea. This kind of affordable benefit directly hit their hearts, and they would never refuse it.

At the same time, they were also lamenting that Fangyun College is really too mysterious, and this dean is even more mysterious and unfathomable, even taking out the elixir that can break through to the next level of supernatural powers.

"This is the treaty, and the content on it is what we just talked about. Among the four boxes, two are the pills of Venerable Baiwu and Venerable Haoran, and the other two red boxes are the pills of Zhou Lao and Linghong Already!"

Then, Fang Yun took out the four-point contract and four boxes containing pills and said to them.

"it is good!"

The four of them took the elixir excitedly, and signed the contract impatiently.

Especially Venerable Haoran and Venerable Baiwu, their hands were shaking when they signed.

"Okay, the matter is over, after two months, I will trouble the four people with your forces to do it again!"

After putting away the contract, Fang Yun got up and said.

"I will definitely come!"

The four also got up and said.

Then, the four of them went back impatiently, and they all couldn't wait to break through.


At the same time, within Fangyun Academy,

Zhang Hao, Du Caier and Sima Zhao were in the mission hall, staring intently at the screen where the mission was released.

"Hey, let me tell you, are you two reliable? We've been squatting here for a long time!"

Zhang Hao poked Sima Zhao and Du Caier helplessly and said.

"Of course it's true!"

Du Caier nodded and said as before without taking her eyes off her.

"Yes, it is absolutely true!"

Sima Zhao also nodded and said.

"All right!"

Zhang Hao continued to nod helplessly, and then waited here with the two of them.

The thing is that before dawn this morning, Du Caier and Sima Zhao came to look for Zhang Hao.

He said he learned from Du Caier's grandfather and Sima Zhao's father that this time the academy will release a task that is very simple but has a lot of credits.

Starting today, go to Dayun County to be a college representative, to receive some forces in Dayun County, or to maintain order.

This is also the request of the magistrate of Dayun County, because Fangyun College is located in Dayun County, so many forces began to arrive early one after another, and then they all lived in Dayun County first.

But the county magistrate and Lingwu Division of Dayun County dare not and can't control these forces at all. After all, the last ones are the forces of pseudo-supernatural powers. How dare the county magistrate and Lingwu Division of their small county take care of them?

So the county magistrate of Dayun County opened Fangyun College and asked Fangyun College to send a few representatives to Dayun County to help maintain order in the county.

As for Du Caier and Sima Zhao, they heard from their grandfathers and fathers that they only need three innate students or teachers to go out this time, each with a thousand credits.

So with this scene in front of them, the three of them stood here like idiots, neither accepting the task nor leaving, just staring straight at the task screen, if the guarding teacher knew the three of them, probably Now it's time to drive people away.

"Wow, here we come!"

Suddenly, Du Caier yelled excitedly.

Zhang Hao, who was about to fall asleep, was startled suddenly. Sure enough, a task to go to Dayun County appeared on the screen. Each person had [-] credits, and only three people were allowed.

"Mr. Sun, Mr. Sun, we have to take on that mission!"

Du Caier hurriedly waved her hands and said to the teacher.

"Ah? Good!"

The guardian teacher was also shocked, and then he stammered.

Then, the three of them accepted the task as quickly as possible, and at the same time, the task showed that it was already full.

"Okay, let's go!"

After accepting the task, Du Caier and Sima Zhao both heaved a sigh of relief, and then said to Zhang Hao.


Zhang Hao also said in a relaxed manner, he no longer needs to be treated as a psychopath here.

Then, the three of them started to fly to Dayun County.


"Notify Lord Protector that the target is out!"

Just after the three of them flew out, in the woods not far from Fangyun College, a few men in black said.


A black man retreated immediately, and then the other men in black continued to follow the three of them quietly.


"Heh, I'm really looking for death. If you do something on my land, you will suffer a bit!"

In Fang Yun's office, Fang Yun crossed his legs and said with disdain.

These few people outside of Fang Yun Academy have been marking for more than half a month. Fang Yun has discovered them a long time ago and has not touched them. Seeing that their target is Zhang Hao and the three, Fang Yun has nothing to worry about. up.

Not to mention that this is under Fang Yun's nose, these guys can't make any waves at all, even in other places, these people are just some experience monsters, just giving experience to the protagonist, Zhang Hao is one of the sons of the car transport , plus two strong supporting roles, how could something happen.


"Little guy, someone is following you!"

Zhang Hao, who was flying, suddenly heard the voice of the Eight-Colored Poisonous Spirit Snake.

Ever since the eight-colored poisonous spirit snake broke through the eight-colored snake, its attitude towards Zhang Hao has become much better. I don't know what the plot is. This time someone followed and reminded Zhang Hao.


Hearing the eight-color poisonous spirit snake's words, Zhang Hao also frowned slightly, and then secretly distributed his spiritual knowledge.

Sure enough, there were four or four people following him below the three of them, quite far away, but Zhang Hao could also be sure that they were following them.

"What's the matter, Xiao Haozi?"

Du Caier and Sima Zhao also noticed Zhang Hao's abnormality, and asked immediately.

"Sister Cai'er, brother Zhao, someone is following us!"

When Zhang Hao saw the two people asking, he immediately told them.

(End of this chapter)

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