Chapter 357
The release of the stellar energy is originally a method that can only be achieved in an outer stellar environment. The stellar energy surrounds the whole body, which can greatly improve the defense.Through the exercises, Prince Dawu can form Gang Qi on the body surface in the inner world to increase defense.


However, the prince still underestimated the ruthlessness of these people. With all his strength, the prince only supported for a while, and the qi was directly broken. Take the shot, but the prince in the early stage of the Inner Gang Realm couldn't hold it.


After several blows, the prince was directly blasted out.

"Come on!"

With one blow, the priest in the Outer Gang Realm said immediately.

He didn't believe that the prince could survive under the full attack of him in the outer world and so many strong men in the inner world.

At this time, I waited for someone to take me in before I left, but was stopped by those pro-army, and they couldn't leave when General Namu came back.

General Namu is the pinnacle master in the late stage of the Outer Gang Realm, and it is still very easy to deal with them.


The surrounding pro-military masters were forced away by the joint efforts of several people, and they were still worried about the comfort of the prince, so they did not pursue and were escaped by several people.

Among the prince's pro-army, only General Mu is a master of the outer gang in the later stage of the outer gang. The rest of the deputy generals are only in the inner gang. They want to escape, and these people can't stop them.

"His Royal Highness!"

At this time, the pro-army on the side hurriedly found the prince who was beaten out. At this time, the prince, covered in tattered clothes and donated blood, had passed out, and there was only a slight trace of breath on his body, floating in the air. In the body, it seems to be dying.

"His Highness should have medicine on him, find it quickly and give it to His Highness."

Several pro-military lieutenants on one side said hurriedly.

"The things on His Highness have already been destroyed."

But another deputy general found that the prince's body was already in tatters, and there was no medicine at all.

"Here, use our elixir first!"

Another lieutenant at the side saw that the prince was dying, and he didn't care about the good or the bad, so he took out the healing elixir that he had with him and fed it to the prince.

"what happened?"

At this time, General Mu who went out also returned quickly.

This grove is not very big. Following the sound, General Mu quickly found the flute player. Although the flute player had strange means, his personal strength was only in the inner realm, and he quickly found him. solved.

After it was resolved, General Mu hurried back, and when he came back, as expected, something happened.

"General, it was those priests who attacked His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

After seeing General Mu's return, the deputy general at the side hurried forward and said as if he had found the backbone.

"Get out of the way!"

General Mu became anxious when he heard the lieutenant general's words and saw the miserable appearance of the prince.

Hastily brushed away the guards standing aside, and then stretched out his hand to test the prince's nose. When he felt that the prince was still breathing, General Mu also heaved a sigh of relief. If the prince died, including him, All the pro-army gave the prince death to make amends.

Immediately, General Mu hurriedly took out a purple bottle from his arms, poured out a pill from it, and stuffed it into the crown prince's mouth.

The elixir in this bottle is a high-quality elixir produced by the elixir department of Fangyun College. Now Fangyun Academy not only rewards the elixir for improving cultivation, but also sells the elixir to make money.

There are not many of these high-quality pills, there are quite a lot of ordinary pills, but there are very few high-quality pills. After all, the pill department has not been established for too long, and the work of alchemy cannot be done quickly, so these pills Most of them are made by the students of Fang Yun College's elixir department, most of which are ordinary elixirs. Although alchemy teachers such as Wang Cong and Fang Yun often make alchemy, they are two people after all. In the whole world, it is extremely scarce, and this General Mu has some tricks to get a high-quality healing pill.

After the prince took the elixir, the injuries on his body immediately began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his breath gradually strengthened, which directly pulled the prince back from the ghost gate.

However, General Mu also had a face full of pain. He knew how much he had spent on this elixir. All alchemy masters are ashamed of themselves. I heard that after the establishment meeting of the Human Race Alliance, the first alchemy master of the Great Wu Dynasty asked Fang Yun for advice. He exchanged this elixir to save his life at a critical moment.

But this can be regarded as an indirect registration, General Mu rejoiced in his heart, fortunately he still has this elixir, otherwise he would have to be buried with the crown prince when he died.

After a while, the prince's aura completely stabilized, and the injury was basically healed after such a short while, but the true energy on the prince's body was gone.

But the surrounding pro-military forces and even General Mu didn't notice this.

Then under the command of General Mu, temporarily put the crown prince on a cart carrying grain, and then rushed to the county for a while, intending to change to a better carriage first, and then return to the imperial capital immediately. Now they are ambushed Well, General Mu was worried that someone from the Demon Sect would be ambushing them. If the crown prince were to solve the problem, he would really be dead.

A day later, the crown prince and the remaining hundreds of guards came to the county town of Shangshui County and temporarily lived in the government office of the county town.

"Ah, where is my true anger, where is my true anger!"

In a room, the prince sat on the bed with a distraught face, and then yelled frantically.

Not long ago, the prince who had recovered from his injuries woke up, but found that his true energy was gone.

"Don't worry, His Royal Highness, I will check this for His Royal Highness at the end!"

General Mu, who was standing by, was also taken aback by the prince's state, and then hurried forward and said.

Then, General Mu came to the prince's side, put his palm on the prince's arm, and slowly breathed in a wisp of true energy, which circulated around the prince and quickly dissipated.

Feeling this, General Mu also frowned. The prince's veins were all broken, his dantian was crippled, his body's cultivation base was also crippled, and he couldn't store a trace of true energy on his body. It can be said that if there was no If there is a special method to restore the veins, then the prince will be useless in this life.

"His Royal Highness, you, your dantian is broken!"

General Mu said to the prince with an ugly face.

"What, what? My cultivation!"

The prince became even more depressed after hearing General Mu's words, and he completely lay down on the bed with a dull expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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