Chapter 52 Weird
However, this guy also went to Jiang's house.

But judging from the Jiang family's attitude towards this matter, based on Fang Yun's own feeling, the Jiang family's matter may not be so easy to solve.

Although he was also investigating the Jiang family's affairs, he couldn't make it clear.

Afterwards, Fang Yun wandered around Yu County.

Fang Yun planned to take a look around Yu County during the day, and then sneak into Jiang's house at night.

However, wandering around until sunset, Fang Yun roughly walked around the entire Yuxian County, and Fang Yun's feeling after walking around this circle is generally one word, weird.

It's really weird, everyone is normal, but there is an unspeakable weirdness.

Moreover, Fang Yun felt more and more uneasy in his heart. I'm afraid it's not just the Jiang family that has problems here.

After walking around the street for a while, Fang Yun left for Jiang's house when it was completely dark.

Fang Yun came to the gate of Jiang's house, at this time, Jiang's house closed the door tightly.There are no guards at the gate.

Fang Yun escaped directly into the Jiang family. At this time, in the Jiang family, there were teams of guards holding torches and swords, patrolling every corner of Jiang's house.

Fang Yun didn't disturb them, and directly came to the reception hall of the Jiang family. At this time, more than a dozen people gathered in the reception hall of the Jiang family. Take the wind for them and discuss how to solve the problem.

Fang Yun glanced at it, then hid secretly, observing the situation here!
Fang Yun planned to follow this group of so-called capable people to see the situation first.

At this time, Fang Yun looked at the situation in the living room, but was a little speechless, a bunch of idiots!
They drank and bragged one by one, bragging how powerful they were.

Only two people sat aside silently, one was Sun Jiaer, and the other was a bald monk.

As for the Jiang family of Nuo Da, there is only one elder in the second-rate realm left, who drinks with capable people and strangers at the top.

"Let me say, Third Elder, your Jiang family is really in a hurry to go to the doctor. You really invited everyone. Even beggars who cheated on food and drink came in."

Suddenly, a guy in Taoist robes and with a mustache spoke to the third elder of the Jiang family in a shrill voice.

"That's right, Master Sanyuan is right. I'm not only a world-renowned master, but I'm also well-known here in Shanglin County. How can I sit with a little beggar?"

Hearing the words of Sanyuan Daoist, another warrior in gray training clothes responded.

"Hmph, it's just a group of money-grubbing people who are deceiving the world and stealing names, and they are still talking about me here. Shameless!"

Sun Jiaer could tell that he was talking about himself, and he said it unceremoniously, pointing directly at a group of people.

"Hmph, you little beggar who doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth!"

"I can't find death!"


Seeing that Sun Jiaer scolded all of them inside, everyone got up and shouted at Sun Jiaer angrily.


Just when swords were on the verge of breaking out in the living room, a sudden scream immediately quieted the entire living room.

"not good!"

The third elder of the Jiang family stood up first.

"Go out and have a look!"

The Sanyuan real person with the mustache took the lead and said.

"it is good!"

A group of people also said in response.

Immediately, a group of people headed towards the place where the sound came from.Even the monk and Sun Jiaer hurriedly followed.

Even Jiang's guards ran towards that direction one after another.

Fang Yun didn't follow, because Fang Yun saw something behind them.

Seeing that thing also followed them, Fang Yun followed behind him.

At this time, a group of members of the Jiang family had arrived at the place where the accident occurred, and a group of Jiang family guards died and disappeared.

A team of Jiang family guards fell in a pool of blood, but the captain of the third-rate guards disappeared.

Everyone immediately searched for the dead guards on the ground.

Those guards all died miserable, and all of them were bitten to death.

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, biting people to death meant that there was something real, no matter what it was, it was easier to deal with than those gods and ghosts.

"Since the accident just happened, it means that the ghost thing is still nearby. If everyone is scattered, I don't believe that the ghost thing can't be found."

Sanyuan Daoist with mustache said angrily.

"No, they can't be separated. This will only increase casualties and give the monster an opportunity."

Sun Jiaer immediately said anxiously.

"Amitabha, this little monk also thinks what this little benefactor said makes sense. It is really dangerous to separate."

The little monk uttered a Buddhist name and said to the third elder of the Jiang family.

"Hmph, I'm waiting for so many talented people here, each with a team of guards, and I can't believe that this thing can't come out after going through the entire Jiang family."

Seeing Sun Jiaer and the young monk rebutting him, the Sanyuan Taoist immediately spoke again.

"That's right. Daoist Sanyuan is right. I'm waiting for so many people, and I'm afraid he won't succeed as a mere beast who doesn't dare to show his true colors."

Everyone agreed.

Seeing that everyone agreed, the third elder of the Jiang family agreed to Taoist Sanyuan's proposal.

Immediately, everyone led a team of guards to explore other places.


Seeing that everyone didn't listen to him, the Sun family stamped their feet angrily.


Taoist Sanyuan immediately raised his head when he passed by Sun Jiaer, and snorted coldly.

"Amitabha, little benefactor, since all the other benefactors have gone, why don't we help too."

The little monk made a Buddhist name and said to Sun Jiaer.

"Okay, hope it's ok"

Sun Jiaer sighed worriedly, and said helplessly.

The crowd led a team of guards to shuttle around every corner of the Jiang Mansion.


Just when everyone searched for a long time without any results, there was another burst of screams from the family's residence in the backyard of the Jiang Mansion.

"Quick, hurry over!"

Everyone ran to the Jiang family's backyard.

After everyone gathered in the Jiang family's backyard, they saw an eight or nine-year-old boy running out in a panic.

"Sister, my sister was captured by a monster."

The little boy immediately ran to the crowd and said in a crying voice.

"Xiao Song, quickly take us to the place where the monster appears."

The third elder immediately knelt down and said to the boy named Xiaosong.

This Xiaosong and the elder sister he was talking about were the sons and daughters of the missing head of the Jiang family. The third elder still attached great importance to it, so after hearing that Xiaosong's elder sister was arrested, he was very anxious.

"Third Grandpa, come with me,"

After speaking, Xiao Song immediately ran to the rear.

Everyone immediately followed Xiaosong to the back.

Sun Jiaer, who followed at the end, frowned, he always felt that this kid was a little abnormal.

"Little benefactor, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that the Sun family's second son was stunned in place, the little monk couldn't help asking.

(End of this chapter)

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