Reiki Resurrection Begins with the Principal

Chapter 69 Innate War Beastmaster

Chapter 69 Innate War Beastmaster

"Which city wall are those beast kings?"

Li Chuang asked the chief guard again.

"At the east wall!"

The head of the guard said hurriedly.

"Thank you very much for your help. Today can be said to be very critical. If I can get through this time, I, Li Chuang, owe everyone! Let's go!"

Li Chuang heard the answer from the head of the guard, and said something to Fang Yun and the others, and he was the first to go to the east gate.


Fang Yun and several others also headed for the east gate.

At this moment, the east city wall,

Countless large beasts rushed forward desperately, and the moat had been filled with corpses.

They rushed towards the city gate stepping on the bodies of their companions one after another, and some large beasts that could not rush directly slammed into the city gate fiercely.

Fortunately, the city gate is still strong and has not been knocked open, and there are still some birds and beasts swooping down on it to attack.

The Yuxian county lieutenant is the commander of the county soldiers, controlling the divine power crossbow and some ordinary bows and arrows to shoot and kill the beasts in the ground and in the sky.

As for the defense equipment such as the base wood and some gold juice, they have all been used up.

There are only about half of the thousand county soldiers left.


At this time, dozens of giant birds flew from not far away in the sky.

The dozens of birds this time were all of the second-rank and above alien beasts, and there were even three or four of the third-rank alien beasts.

"Quickly, turn the divine power crossbow and aim at the sky on the upper right side."

County captain Song Chen saw these dozens of giant birds, and hurriedly said to the county soldier who controlled the divine power crossbow on the city wall.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

All the divine power crossbows immediately turned around and shot at the giant bird flying in the air.


The divine power crossbow is indeed a sharp weapon specially developed to deal with warriors.

Even if the giant bird of the second rank is shot, it cannot escape death.

Immediately, more than half of the giant birds were shot down by the first wave of divine power crossbow arrows.

There was even a Tier [-] giant bird that was shot down because of inattention.

But the remaining giant birds had already flown over, and it was too late to launch the divine power crossbow.

"All fighters above the second rank are ready with me!"

County Wei Song Chen drew out his waist knife and shouted loudly to the side.

Immediately, more than a dozen warriors also drew their weapons, and watched the giant bird approaching in the air in full readiness.


Finally, the remaining giant birds swooped down from the sky towards the city wall.


After the giant bird fell within striking distance, County Captain Song Chen roared loudly, jumped up from the city wall, flew up, and chopped down a swooping giant bird on the city wall.

Blood poured all over Song Chen's body, and the giant bird landed on the city wall, thumped twice and died.

Other second-rate fighters who were prepared on the top of the city jumped up one after another and chopped down the giant bird that swooped down into the sky, but they were not as good as Song Chen, and some of them succeeded in killing the giant bird that swooped down, but Similarly, after some people jumped up, not only did they not kill the giant birds, but were caught to death by their claws.

There are also some warriors with small divine power crossbows, who can also shoot at them.

But no one could stop the remaining three third-rank giant birds.

County captain Song Chen dealt with one, but the other two immediately criss-crossed the city.

And the wild beasts and alien beasts below also rushed to the gates and walls of the city even more frantically.

The entire east city wall even had a tendency to collapse.


Fortunately, at this time, a few darts flew out, and the two giant birds on the top of the city were killed directly.

"Deputy Battalion Commander Long, your injury!"

The county captain also dealt with the third-rank giant bird with the assistance of others, and ran to Long Ju and said worriedly.

"It's okay, I can still hold on, get ready, they're coming again!"

Long Ju gritted his teeth and said.


Sure enough, not long after Longju finished speaking, a fiery red giant bird several times bigger than those third-rank and second-rank giant birds flew over from the sky.


Long Ju looked up at the sky and said solemnly.


At the same time, a giant tiger tens of meters high leaped towards us from a short distance away.

And there are six huge figures watching from a distance.

"Old Shen, hold on to the lower one for a while, I have already sent someone to notify Lao Li."

Long Ju said to Shen Shen who was walking over.

"Okay, I'll try my best!"

He said solemnly.


Longju Shen soared into the sky.

With a flick of his hands, hundreds of darts were shot at the flying giant bird.


A giant ball of fire spewed out from the giant bird's mouth, directly knocking down countless darts.

But there are still plenty of darts that continue to shoot at the giant bird.


The dart hit the giant bird, cutting countless small wounds, and the giant bird suddenly screamed in pain.

But because the size of the giant bird is really too big, these small darts did not cause much damage to the giant bird.

And the ball of fire also shot towards Longju.

Seeing this, Longju ran away in a hurry.


But the fireball fell on the city wall, causing countless county soldiers to fall into flames.


Longju cursed secretly.

Then he rushed towards the giant bird quickly.


Long Ju can still deal with this giant bird, but Shen Shen's side is in danger.

Chong Chong was already seriously injured, but when he encountered this giant tiger, he was crushed and beaten, and almost died under the tiger's claws several times.

But Shen Chong could only grit his teeth and hold on, because if he got out of the way, Yu County would be destroyed by this giant tiger.

However, due to the injury, Shen Chong was unable to move. He was hit by the giant tiger's paw and hit the city wall of the county. The huge force directly made Shen Shen embedded in it.

He pulled out his hand with heavy difficulty, but because of the injury, he protruded and donated blood.

At this time, a mass of purple energy lines shot out from the giant tiger's mouth, shooting towards the heavy one embedded on the city wall.

"Old Shen!"

The dragon colt in the sky was about to burst into tears and roared angrily.

But he was dragged by the giant bird and couldn't get away.

"Heh, dying in battle is worth it!"

Seeing the energy line getting closer and closer, he grinned heavily, closed his eyes and said calmly.


Suddenly, a group of raging flames flew over, not far from the heavy, crushing the energy line.

Immediately, the flame turned into a fiery red long sword.

It was Fang Yun who came from Yujian to save the heavy one. It has to be said that Yujian's flying speed is fast, leaving a lot of others behind.

Thus saving Shen Shen at a critical moment.

Immediately, Lie Yanjian returned to Fang Yun's hands.

After the catastrophe, Yu Sheng found that he was not dead, so he opened his eyes, saw Fang Yun who saved him, and forced himself to pull himself out, shouting to Fang Yun: "Thank you~"

"Hahaha, wait until you get through this time, then thank me!"

Fang Yun also laughed and said.

"Okay, little tiger, let me play with you now!"

Immediately, Fang Yun pointed at the giant tiger with the flame sword in his hand and said.

(End of this chapter)

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