Martial arts giant

Chapter 115 Zhang Hua's Determination

Chapter 115 Zhang Hua's Determination


No, it's not over yet!
After the first day of the game, when Gu Mochen and others returned to the hotel where they stayed, the expressions on their faces were still not relaxed.

The reason lies in Zhang Hua.

Li Xin had tried her best, but she could barely suppress Zhang Hua's poison. Besides, she didn't have a good way to get rid of He Weijun's snake poison.

Looking at Zhang Hua's darker and darker face, the boulder in everyone's heart sank more and more.

Li Xin said that if the poisonous gas attacked his heart, Zhang Hua's entire face would turn pure black, and by then... there would be no salvation.

"Is there no other way?"

Gu Mochen frowned and asked.

"Yes, but not now."

Li Xin also frowned, and said: "If you give me a little more time to analyze the composition of the toxin in his body, I believe I can still prepare the antidote, but it may take three days or more for this time! "

"Then how long can the fourth child hold off?"

Hearing that there is still hope, Zhang Anhai hurriedly asked.

"One hour."

Li Xin glanced at him and said a cruel answer.

" hour?"

Zhang Anhai's body shook, and he couldn't help taking a step back.

It takes three days to prepare the antidote, but it only takes one hour to poison a person to death. Isn't this...isn't there no solution?
"Then what are you waiting for?"

Gu Mochen's face darkened, there is no way?

No, they have a way!
"Do you really want to do this?"

Li Xin hesitated a little, and spread out her hands, revealing the small medicine bottle that she had squeezed sweat out of.

"why not?"

Gu Mochen didn't hesitate, even calmly.

"You know, this is a seventh-level elixir, a seventh-level elixir that can give you an extra life as a guarantee!"

Li Xin sighed, even though she said so, she still poured out the crystal-clear seventh-level elixir, the Qibao Returning Spirit Pill.

Level seven pill!

The conversation between the two, and when Li Xin poured out the Seven Treasures Returning Spirit Pill, the whole hotel room was filled with a refreshing and pleasant medicinal fragrance, Zhang Anhai and Wu Jie stared straight.

"Seven... is this a seventh-level pill?"

Zhang Anhai's fingers trembled a little. After working hard for a long time and even using his internal strength, he raised his hand and pointed at the small pill in Li Xin's hand.

Wu Jie was more direct than him. After swallowing hard, he immediately petrified on the spot.

Level seven!
Although they knew that Gu Mochen seemed to have a way to get the pill, and when the three of them broke through to extreme warriors, they also relied on the help of the pill provided by Gu Mochen.

But the seventh level is still too high, too high to exceed their psychological tolerance.

"Xiao...Xiao Gu, level seven pill, are you willing?"

Zhang Anhai's voice was quite bitter.

Just because he hasn't seen it doesn't mean he doesn't know the value of the seventh-level elixir. Gu Mochen can almost buy half of Changtian City for just this elixir. What a huge fortune this is?
Not to mention that Li Xin said just now that this elixir can guarantee Gu Mochen's life!

Gu Mochen shook his head, but his expression remained unchanged, and continued: "But I am even more reluctant to bear the life of the fourth child, are you willing?"

He turned his head to look at Zhang Anhai and Wu Jie, with a free and easy smile on his face, and said again: "If it is the life of any of you, what is the seventh-level pill?"

"When the pill is gone, you can go to the beast pill again. If there are no people, it will really be gone."

As he said that, he ignored the reactions of Zhang Anhai and Wu Jie, and said to Li Xin, "Submit him to it. If it drags on, I'm afraid the situation will change."

Li Xin nodded, the medicine belonged to Gu Mochen, he could use it as he wanted, even more anticipation in her eyes.

After all, she made the Seven Treasures Regenerating Pill by herself. Now that she can see the effect of this medicine with her own eyes, it is also a great experience for her as an alchemist. Maybe when she understands the seven-level medicine better After being thorough, one will go further along the path of alchemy.

Gently pinching the elixir with his thumb and forefinger, Li Xin opened Zhang Hua's mouth and was about to put the Seven Treasures Returning Spirit Pill into his mouth when suddenly...


A hand that also started to turn black grabbed Li Xin's hand towards his mouth, stopping Li Xin's movements.

Zhang Hua... woke up.

"no need."

He spoke with difficulty, a pair of turbid and dark eyes revealed a firm light.


The three of Gu Mochen took a step forward at the same time, shouting in surprise.

"Cough cough..."

Zhang Hua let go of Li Xin's hand, tried his best to support his body and wanted to sit up. Zhang Anhai saw the opportunity quickly, rushed up to support Zhang Hua, and said with concern: "It's better to lie down first!"

"no need."

Zhang Hua still had those three words, smiled at Zhang Anhai, and then said to Gu Mochen: "Little Gu, you still have important things to do, and the seventh-level elixir will play a greater role if it stays with you! "

As a brother, Zhang Hua also knew the longing in Gu Mochen's heart. Going deep into the dangerous area to find the whereabouts of his parents was the only thing Gu Mochen really wanted to do.

How dangerous is the danger zone?
Zhang Hua had never been there before. The only time in his life that he had anything to do with the danger zone was when he came to the hunter stronghold to participate in the tournament.

But it doesn't mean that he doesn't know the horror of the danger zone, especially after going deeper, the horror of the alien beasts there is simply unimaginable for human beings.

With a seventh-level elixir by his side, it might be able to save Gu Mochen's life at some point.

This elixir is equally important to Gu Mochen!
"Are you a fool?"

As soon as Zhang Hua finished speaking, before Gu Mochen could speak, Wu Jie burst out with foul language, furiously said, "Is your life not important anymore?"


Zhang Hua smiled wryly, and said, "What's so important about my life?"

"I was an orphan since I was a child. My parents were killed by alien beasts when I was still a baby. If my grandma hadn't worked so hard to bring me up, I wouldn't know how many lives I have been reincarnated in now."

Speaking of this, a drop of black tears fell from the corner of his eyes, and he said bitterly: "But when I was in college, my grandma also passed away due to overwork, and my only relative in this world was gone."

"So, I understand Xiao Gu's feelings, the feeling of losing a loved one!"

Zhang Hua stared at Gu Mochen scorchingly, and said: "Little Gu, I don't know how to take pills, you stay here, and don't be merciful when you encounter strange beasts in the future, and avenge my parents, that's enough Already!"

"No, I will not avenge you."

Gu Mochen shook his head. This was the first time he heard Zhang Hua mention his family affairs. He never thought that he, like himself, had no parents since he was a child, and he was even more pitiful. He had no parents when he was a baby.


"If you want to take revenge, you can do it yourself, I won't help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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