Martial arts giant

Chapter 119 Angry

Chapter 119 Angry

Silent all night.

The practice of everyone's cultivation, the perception of perception, seize the rare free time to absorb the benefits brought by today's competition.

It is worth mentioning that Duan Kangde went back and forth in the early hours of the morning, but kept his promise and brought five sixth-level pills.

He even considered the problem of drug resistance. The five pills he brought had different ingredients, but the effect was the same. They were all pills that could maximize the internal strength of the user.

It can also be seen from this that Duan Kant is rich and powerful.

It is not easy for an ordinary force to come up with a sixth-level elixir, let alone be so thoughtful, and come up with six elixir with different ingredients but the same effect.

At the same time, it can be seen that he attaches great importance to the game.

Duan Kangde even wanted Gu Mochen to go under the ground again to try to see if he could break through to the realm of a super warrior. If Gu Mochen breaks through, he can really feel relieved.

But was rejected by Gu Mochen.

Trying to push the limit of the human body for two consecutive days is not a small load on the body. It's okay to break through, but if he doesn't break through, his meridians will suffer serious damage.

There are quite a few people with advanced cultivation in this hunter stronghold, and Gu Mochen can't use the barbarian formula without any scruples, and mobilize the energy of the world to repair his body. In that case, the risk of exposure will definitely increase greatly. , it will definitely be exposed!

Because of this, even Zhang Anhai and Gu Mochen had specifically told them not to run the Wilderness Art with all their strength, unless it was absolutely necessary.

So just to be on the safe side, Gu Mochen rejected Duan Kangde's proposal, and after accepting the elixir, he began to practice on his own.

Instead, he made a small fortune.

until the next day.

Top [-] showdown!
Early in the morning, a black group of people surrounded the entrance of the Golden Dragon Martial Arts Hall, and it seemed that there were even more people than yesterday.

From a distance, Gu Mochen and others saw someone pulling up a banner at the entrance of the Golden Dragon Martial Arts Hall. The words on it made Gu Mochen break out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly pulled Zhang Anhai and the others to the back door.

That banner reads:

"Invincible God of War Gu Mochen, we will give you a monkey!"

Holding the banner is a group of beauties of all colors with different looks on their faces. It seems that after seeing Gu Mochen showing off his supernatural power on the live broadcast platform yesterday, Lu Zhuanfan became so passionate that he couldn't control himself, even though this place belongs to the danger zone Hunter stronghold, a group came to chase stars.

Seeing Wu Jie envious for a while, while being dragged away by Gu Mochen, he looked back reluctantly, not without envy:

"The Invincible God of War team has five members, why do they only mention Gu Mochen?"

He is a person without big ambitions, very casual, if he is not looking for a big ambition, he just wants to be in the limelight.

Today, the limelight was given by Gu Mochen, so that when he entered the Golden Dragon Martial Arts Hall, Wu Jie secretly made up his mind that today he must fight a beautiful battle, and let those beauties outside change the name on the banner to him Wu Jie...

With Duan Kant's care, he didn't need to lead the way this time. When they reached the back door, someone would naturally open the door for Gu Mochen and the others.

As soon as I entered the martial arts hall, the atmosphere at the scene was different from the outside, and the atmosphere was very dignified.

Out of the 98 teams, only thirteen were left, and it was just one day. The cruelty of this knockout match can be seen.

The remaining teams are all strong teams, but the strong teams are naturally divided into weak teams. So far, among the thirteen teams, there are two teams recognized as the strongest, and the existence of these two teams is like two high mountains. The other teams were overwhelmed.

The Invincible God of War team and the Zhonglin team.

Thinking of these two teams, the faces of the contestants at the scene inevitably had solemn expressions, of course, not all of them.

Chen Meng had arrived early, and he was lying on his back in the rest area of ​​the players belonging to the Invincible God of War team, looking at Gu Mochen and a group of people who were gradually approaching with disdain.

The provocation was so full of meaning that the other two teams that were close to the rest area of ​​the Invincible God of War team also silently adjusted their seats, deliberately staying away from the center of the storm that was about to erupt.

"What is Chen Meng thinking?"

After all, there were only thirteen teams, and the players' rest area was very empty. Gu Mochen and the others saw Chen Meng occupying the dove's nest at a glance, and Wu Jie's eyes were fixed with anger on his face.

Simply deceiving!
"Chen Meng, get out of here!"

Before Gu Mochen could respond, Zhang Anhai couldn't hold back, he took a step forward, pointed at Chen Meng's nose and cursed.

When he was at Dongyuan University, Zhang Anhai had long been displeased with this unreasonable bastard, but now seeing him blatantly occupying the rest area on his side, he obviously didn't take them seriously, and was immediately angry.


Chen Meng picked his teeth disdainfully, spat out the non-existent residue with a bah, slumped on the chair, waved to Zhang Anhai, and sneered, "Why don't you teach me?"


Zhang Anhai was even more furious, and immediately rolled up his sleeves and was about to rush forward, Chen Meng was so arrogant, even if his aunt could bear it, his uncle couldn't!


Gu Mochen pulled Zhang Anhai back, but his eyes were not on Chen Meng, but at another place.

It was the rest area of ​​the Zhonglin team, and there, Chen Yanzheng looked at everyone on Gu Mochen's side with a sneer, especially Li Xin.

"Xiao Gu, can you bear this?"

Zhang Anhai was still angry, he thought he had little chance of winning against Chen Meng, but relying on his defensive martial arts skills, it was not a problem to fight this man well.

"Brother Hai, he is deliberately provoking you, don't be fooled!"

Gu Mochen glanced at Chen Meng coldly. If he wanted to kill Chen Meng, he was definitely the one with the most murderous intentions present. Without him, this person was already harmful to him, and he even invited the killer to go to the danger zone to plot against him. How could he let go of himself, such an enemy who has become superficial?
However, it cannot be killed yet!

Steady Zhang Anhai, Gu Mochen didn't go to the rest area on his side, but turned his lower body slightly, and walked to the rest area of ​​the Zhonglin team instead.

"You ordered it?"

Standing under the auditorium, Gu Mochen said to Chen Yan very calmly.

"This method is a little tricky."

Seeing no response from Chen Yan, Gu Mochen added another sentence.

Yes, Chen Meng appeared in their rest area, and his purpose was to anger Gu Mochen and the others, forcing Gu Mochen to attack him.

There are regulations in this martial arts competition. Except during the competition, the contestants are strictly prohibited from doing anything except when their lives are in danger.

Just now, if Zhang Anhai made a move, let alone the rules, at least Chen Meng would have an excuse. He is the party being attacked, so it can be said that his life is in danger, so it is within a reasonable range for him to do it again. .

In that way, he could kill Zhang Anhai and even more people without any scruples.

And even though Gu Mochen had a high level of cultivation and rescued Zhang Anhai and the others before he killed someone, the Invincible God of War team still violated the rule of not being able to do anything, and the only end is...

(End of this chapter)

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