Martial arts giant

Chapter 121 Devouring Fire

Chapter 121 Devouring Fire
"Brother Hai!"

"Fatty Hai!"

Gu Mochen and Wu Jie yelled at the same time. Although Zhang Hua didn't make a sound, his body flickered for a while, and he had the idea of ​​rushing to the stage to snatch Zhang Anhai.

Gu Mochen was even more regretful.

After hearing what Duan Kangde said about the beast warrior, he had decided to give up the game for Zhang Anhai if the situation was not good.

But when Hu Yi appeared on stage just now, it was really disgusting. Gu Mochen forgot about it for a while, until Zhang Anhai and Hu Yi bumped into that palm, and when Hu Yi's body started to ignite raging black flames, He woke up suddenly.

This person, Team Agni, is the so-called Beast Warrior? !

It was too late to admit defeat for Zhang Anhai, the situation on the field changed too fast, Zhang Anhai knocked Hu Yi away, and immediately after that, his whole body burst into black flames!
Grab it!
With the same thought as Zhang Hua, Zhang Anhai's situation at this time is probably not good, and if he hesitates a little longer, what he snatches back may be a coke.

Brush, brush!
The two were about to move, but they suddenly stopped abruptly.


On the ring, the black flames on Zhang Anhai's body were suddenly extinguished, revealing Zhang Anhai's stunned and terrified expression.

He...wasn't turned into a coke.

what happened?

Gu Mochen and Zhang Hua looked at each other, not knowing why for a while.

Not only them, but even Zhang Anhai himself was at a loss.

The did it go out?

He looked at his hand, it was still the same hand, and there was no trace of burnt, and the pain from the black flames burning all over his body just now came and went quickly like a tide, and he couldn't feel the slightest bit.

what's the situation?
Zhang Anhai blinked his eyes, completely confused about the situation.

Even if he was the person involved, Gu Mochen and others who were outside the situation were also puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, and no one moved for a while.

"Fuck, what happened just now?"

"I didn't see clearly, the way the big guy was on fire just now really scared the baby, hey, where's the fire?"

"Who knows?"

"What is that, why did you hit a flamethrower after a fight?"


The other end of the barrage exploded, fire, it was so hot just now!
How do you say that when it is destroyed, it will be destroyed?

Everyone was stunned, completely confused about the situation.


In the monitoring room, Duan Kangde and the woman in black are watching the game.

"what is that?"

The woman in black asked Duan Kangde, a know-it-all, in the spirit of asking if she doesn't understand.


Duan Kangde crossed his legs to express his pride first, and then said in a deep voice: "This is the fire of the harpies, no wonder that Hu Yi looks neither male nor female, it turns out that he has cultivated his talent .”


The woman in black was puzzled, turned her head and asked, "Is this a strange beast?"

"Yes, it's a strange beast."

Duan Kangde solemnly said: "The harpies, as the name suggests, are strange species with the body of an eagle and the head of a woman. According to legend, when the natural disasters and beasts first broke out, humans and eagles were forcibly merged into the world by the huge energy of heaven and earth at the same time. formed together."

"Is there such a thing?"

The woman in black's eyes flickered slightly, and asked again: "What's the matter with the black fire?"

"That's the innate ability of the Harpy, called the Devouring Fire!"

Duan Kangde frowned and said: "This fire has a characteristic, that is, it only devours internal force. The stronger the internal force, the greater its power. Of course, the internal force mentioned here is the enemy's internal force!"

Hearing this, the woman in black was silent for a while before saying: "That is to say, when Zhang Anhai slapped Hu Yi's head just now, the internal force attached to the right palm was swallowed up by the black flame?"


Duan Kangde nodded and said: "The harpy's devouring fire is nourished by the enemy's internal force, which is why Zhang Anhai slapped it down with his palm, not to mention that it did not cause any harm to Hu Yi, but instead set his own palm on fire. The reason."

The woman in black followed his train of thought and continued: "So Zhang Anhai anxiously wanted to use his internal force to push back the black flame on his palm after shocking Hu Yi away, but in the end it was counterproductive and instead provided a source for the devouring fire. After getting more nourishment, it directly burned all over his body?"

"As for why the fire suddenly went out, Zhang Anhai probably lacked actual combat experience. He panicked as soon as he was engulfed by the flames. He couldn't keep his strength together, and his internal energy suddenly dissipated. Without the support, the engulfing fire naturally disappeared. off?"

The woman in black talked eloquently, she was obsessed with martial arts, and only at this time did she talk more.

"Yes, that's how it should be."

Duan Kangde put down his legs, and solemnly said in a rare way: "This is troublesome. I didn't expect someone from the Agni team to have the talent of the harpies. The devouring fire is simply a good talent for both offense and defense. With this fire, the enemy If you want to attack him, you can't use your internal force at all, and if you don't use your internal force, it's no different from ordinary people, and you still can't beat Hu Yi, who is already at the peak of extreme martial artist!"

"Use weapons!"

The woman in black suddenly said: "With the strength of the weapon and the fast enough movement, I don't believe that the devouring fire can burn the weapon in an instant."

As she spoke, she stretched out her palm, and the pure black dagger that had killed Hong Yuan was suddenly held in her hand and danced with a knife.

Duan Kangde glanced at her and said with a wry smile: "Sister, I know you are good at lightness kung fu, that kid named Hu Yi will naturally die if he meets you, but Zhang Anhai is a defensive fighter, if he can't use his internal force, he will still guard against a ghost ah!"

He does not deny that the woman in black's method is effective, but it is useless to Zhang Anhai. For defensive warriors, internal force is the most important thing in life. Without internal force, any defensive martial arts cannot be used. come out!

What should I do?

Duan Kangde looked at the ring through the monitor, Zhang Anhai... Is it really like what Gu Mochen said, the only way is to admit defeat?
"You admit defeat."

In the arena, Hu Yi happened to be saying the same thing to Zhang Anhai.

"What did you say?"

Zhang Anhai frowned, put aside the mystery of the black fire for the time being, and said coldly, "You just want me to admit defeat just because you're playing a trick?"

He didn't know what the black flame was, but what he knew was that he was standing here intact, the flames hadn't burned him into charcoal, and his whole body, including the right hand, didn't appear to be burnt. Traces, everything is as if it never happened.

So, it is still an illusion, right?

What's so scary about illusions, the big deal is just to endure the deep-fried pain, anyway, there is no real harm, right?

The one who is invincible is yourself, right?

Zhang Anhai condensed his body, and the image of the Arhat of Subduing Demons rose behind him again!

(End of this chapter)

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