Martial arts giant

Chapter 123 Zhang Anhai's Chance

Chapter 123 Zhang Anhai's Chance
The whole place was silent.

Not to mention Hu Yi's shocked face, even the referee couldn't recover for a while.

He just used an iron bridge... Why did Zhang Anhai disappear when he straightened up again?

Seeing the white handkerchief in Hu Yi's hand representing surrender, he was even more dizzy. He heard the confession, but... who the hell surrendered?
One side was missing, and the other side was holding a white handkerchief. For the referee who happened to have not seen the scene just now, it was really a little confusing.

How about...

The referee gave Hu Yi a malicious look. Since the white handkerchief was in Hu Yi's hand, he might as well just leave him alone and sentence Hu Yi to admit defeat!

He didn't forget that he was from Duan Kangde's side.

"There... there!"

Fortunately, besides him as the chief referee, there were also line referees on the sidelines, so of course he would not be allowed to make such a blatant black call behavior.

Looking along the line referee's hand, Gu Mochen and others are forming a circle on the edge of the arena on the side of the Invincible God of War team. From the gap exposed by the crowd, the referee saw Zhang Anhai's strong body lying flat on his back. The ground... trembled violently!

"Brother Hai! How are you?"

Gu Mochen tried his best to press Zhang Anhai, and Wu Jie pinched Zhang Anhai's mouth to prevent him from shaking too much and biting his tongue.

At this time, Zhang Anhai's face was flickering, and his face was distorted to the extreme in pain. From time to time, he could vaguely see one or two small black flames flickering from the low roar of pain that burst out from his throat.

Gu Mochen was fast enough to snatch him from the ring, but it was a pity that he was still a step too late.

After all, this time Zhang Anhai plunged headlong into the black fire that erupted from Hu Yi. Suddenly, not only the surface of his body but also the meridians in his body were burned!

Gu Mochen's palm just now blew away the black flames on Zhang Anhai's body surface, but it couldn't blow away the flames that had penetrated into his bone marrow and meridians!
After snatching him off the ring, Gu Mochen urgently sent him to Li Xin for treatment, and at the same time tried to force his internal force into Zhang Anhai's body, hoping to use his own internal force to dissolve the intrusion into Zhang Anhai's body. black fire.

However, he found out that he was wrong!
His own internal force entered Zhang Anhai's body, not only did not help him suppress the raging black fire in his meridians, but it went a step further, making the flame burn even more violently!
It wasn't until then that he realized that the black fire... turned out to be fueled by burning internal energy!
Then, maybe Zhang Anhai just needs to cut off the supply of internal force in the meridians, retract all the internal force into the dantian, and then lock the dantian firmly, so that without the internal force, Heihuo cannot get enough nourishment Used for burning, it can extinguish itself!

However, it is a pity that Zhang Anhai has already fallen into a state of insanity at this time. Gu Mochen mentioned this method in his ear, but Zhang Anhai did not respond at all. He only knows to follow the instinctive reaction of his body and use all his internal strength to resist the invasion of the black fire!
This is counterproductive, the more he pushes out his internal energy, the more intense the black fire will burn, and in the end, when his internal energy is burned out, Zhang Anhai will become an empty frame, and will be burned by the last trace of black fire Into ashes!
What's going on here?
Gu Mochen was in a hurry, he looked at Li Xin, but saw that Li Xin was also frowning, and seemed helpless.

Click -!
Inexplicably, a flash of rage flashed across Gu Mochen's heart, he clenched his fists and turned around suddenly.

The current plan, if you want to get rid of the black fire, I am afraid the only way is to capture Hu Yi.

It is said that the person who tied the bell is needed to untie the bell. This black fire belongs to Hu Yi, of course he can control it, arrest Hu Yi, and let him suck back the black fire in Zhang Anhai's body!
Zhang Anhai's situation at this time is very similar to Zhang Hua's yesterday. The difference is that Zhang Hua was poisoned. It is really hard to say whether the other party has an antidote, but this black fire clearly belongs to Hu Yi. , if he dares to say a word, he can't suck it back...

Gu Mochen killed him!

Thinking of this, with killing intent all over his body, Gu Mochen was about to charge up again, his fierce wolf-like eyes startled Hu Yi, and subconsciously, there were black flames all over Hu Yizhou's body Burning, always on guard against Gu Mochen's surprise attack.

Is this all right?

Can it be prevented like this?

I don't know why, as long as he is stimulated, Gu Mochen will inevitably have a violent urge to kill people. It was the same for He Weijun before, and it is the same for Hu Yi now!


He exerted strength on his feet and was about to rush back to the ring when suddenly...


A slightly cold hand happened to grab him just before he moved.

Look back.

It was Li Xin who was pulling him.

"Don't be impulsive!"

Li Xin's eyes are very cold, so cold at this moment, Gu Mochen has a feeling that he has directly seen through the bottom of his heart, and suddenly, a coldness penetrates from his eyes to his heart, that violent killing intent It disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Can you save him?"

Ignoring her own situation for now, since Li Xin held her back, there was a reason for it. Could it be that she thought of a way to save Zhang Anhai?

"Actually, there is no need to save it. This is an opportunity for your brother."

Li Xin was silent for a while, then looked directly at Gu Mochen and said, "It depends on whether you dare to bet this round for him!"

"Betting? How to bet?"

Gu Mochen was taken aback, "What opportunity?"

"Of course it is an opportunity to improve your strength. Although there are risks, it is a pity to miss it."

Li Xin glanced at Zhang Anhai who was still trembling violently, bright brilliance flashed in those cold eyes, and said:
"Think about it, if the black fire is endless, what warrior in this world would be the opponent of that person on the stage?"

Gu Mochen was startled again, and couldn't help but glanced at Hu Yi who was still guarding against his surprise attack on the stage. The black fire around him was still burning, but from Li Xin's words, he seemed to hear something.

"That's right, if that black fire is really what I think, then any warrior with internal strength in this world will not be his opponent!"

Gu Mochen was chattering, a flash of light flashed in his mind, but there was still some vague feeling in his heart. This was all because Zhang Anhai was too important to him, and if he cared about it, he would be in a mess, so he might as well keep calm Li Xin sees it clearly.

"Therefore, this black fire must have a limit. As long as we keep providing internal energy for it, until the limit is reached, the black fire will naturally go out under extreme circumstances!"

Li Xin nodded. She spoke very slowly. While speaking, she was always thinking about the feasibility of this method. After all, the other party was Gu Mochen's best friend. She didn't want to let Gu Mochen at this time. Misunderstand yourself.

"Provide... internal power?"

Gu Mochen repeated Li Xin's words with a solemn expression.

(End of this chapter)

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