Martial arts giant

Chapter 152 The Troubled Little Dragon

Chapter 152 The Troubled Little Dragon

The huge energy of heaven and earth is constantly pouring in from the depths of the ground.

Duan Kande looked up at the sky above the passage with a thoughtful expression on his face.

The aura of heaven and earth is very strong, and it was actually attracted by Gu Mochen, and it was rushing straight into Gu Mochen's sky cap one after another violently, but he didn't hear about him, a shadow warrior whose cultivation base was two levels higher Do not ask.

He stretched out a hand and tried to absorb it, but found that these heaven and earth qi seemed to have spirituality, and avoided his swallowing with great flexibility, as if he only recognized Gu Mochen.

It seems... weaker?

Although he didn't absorb the energy of heaven and earth, he was also by the side when Gu Mochen tried to break through last time.

The rage of the air of heaven and earth that time was much more serious than it is now!
Even the last time he couldn't break through, this time Gu Mochen's breakthrough method like boiling a frog in warm water, can he succeed?
Duan Kangde was wondering, but Gu Mochen knew it well.

The reason why the energy of heaven and earth became violent several times last time was because the wild dragon pendant played a huge role in it. Although the energy of heaven and earth aroused was massive, most of it was absorbed by the wild dragon pendant.

This time, although the amount was not as much as before, it had actually entered his body.

Gu Mochen was running the wild art with all his strength, and his internal energy flowed rapidly in his body, resisting the huge pressure from the outside world. The huge pressure brought to Gu Mochen by the seventy steps made his internal energy crazily consumed.

Consume, replenish, consume, replenish.

The cycle goes back and forth, the air of heaven and earth coming from the depths of the ground seems to be incessant, it is continuously absorbed by him and transformed into internal energy, and then consumed by the huge pressure, and transformed again.

During this process, his dantian and meridians are all under severe load, especially the absorption of heaven and earth energy has gradually failed to keep up with the consumption of internal energy, and his dantian is running violently, hoping to absorb more internal energy for the master to use.

Unknowingly, Gu Mochen has been gradually pushing his limit.

Limit barrier!

In sensory awareness, Gu Mochen seemed to feel a thick and high wall standing not far in front of him, which was his second human limit. As long as he broke this high wall, he could break through the limit in one fell swoop. The blockade of the martial artist's realm has rushed to the super warrior's realm in one fell swoop!

Feel it, but not touch it.

Whenever Gu Mochen ran vigorously and wanted to get closer to the high wall, he found that no matter how he ran, the high wall in front of him was still in front of him, like a mirage, visible but intangible !

How could this be?
He mused in his heart, maintaining the current state would not last long, when his internal strength could no longer withstand the exhaustion caused by pressure, he had to wake up and retreat.

So he doesn't have much time.

Gu Mochen is not a rookie who has broken through the limits of the human body for the first time. He has had an experience once, and that experience is very deep in his memory.

The first limit of the human body stuck Gu Mochen for three years. During those three years, he could always feel the existence of the limit barrier, but suffered from not having enough strength to break through it.

But even then, he always knew where the limit barrier was.

It's not like what it is like now. He obviously has a feeling, but he can't catch up no matter what. Not to mention breaking through in one fell swoop, he can't even touch it.

This time, the limit barrier seemed to move by itself. Whenever he rushed to the front, the high wall retreated a certain distance, like a cat catching a mouse, giving him hope, but it was only hopeless hope.

It can't be like this!
Gu Mochen was secretly anxious. The huge pressure has gradually turned against the guest, breaking through his internal strength, and is oppressing his body. If this continues, if he doesn't retreat, maybe he can only...


A flash of inspiration flashed through his mind, so what can he do?If you don't want to retreat, you can only force out the power in the wild dragon pendant for your own use!

So, is the problem still in the wild dragon pendant?
Gu Mochen was dumb.

He wholeheartedly wanted not to rely on the wild dragon pendant to break through, so he deliberately blocked the connection between himself and the wild dragon pendant, but this also made him ignore the wild dragon pendant. At this time, the wild dragon pendant in his spiritual world... …doing what?
As soon as his consciousness sank, he searched for the little dragon that kept cruising in his mind. He didn't spend too much effort, but he found the goal he wanted to find in the vast spiritual world.

The little golden dragon transformed from the wild dragon pendant!
At this moment, the barbaric dragon was swimming in his mind very freely, as if he didn't feel that the host itself was under huge external pressure, and might be squeezed into a ball of flesh at any time.

However, Gu Mochen just glanced at it, and was surprised to find that the little dragon was swimming, whether it was intentional or unintentional, while swimming, the wild dragon would open its mouth from time to time, which was a pure breath of heaven and earth. The air spurted out.

At the beginning, Gu Mochen didn't notice it, but after taking a second look, he found out angrily and amusedly that every time the wild dragon pendant spews out the energy of heaven and earth, it is just that he is about to touch the limit barrier. when.

That is to say, every time he feels the distance from the limit barrier, it is actually this savage dragon falling in trouble?

"What are you doing?"

In the spiritual world, he tried to talk to the wild dragon pendant for the first time. Although he felt that he could communicate with the wild dragon pendant with his heart before, this communication was more about taking the energy of heaven and earth for himself It was the first time that we had a serious conversation when we used it.

However, the barren dragon Zhuo ignored him at all, and still swam around happily, breathing out the air of heaven and earth from time to time, which made Gu Mochen stay away from his limit barrier again.

"Enough, stop!"

He was so angry that he was about to be unable to hold on, and the wild dragon pendant was still making troubles. He believed that when his body could no longer bear the pressure brought by the seventy steps, the wild dragon could no longer hold on. Zhui will inevitably spew out a large amount of heaven and earth energy like last time to protect his master.

So the painstaking effort was wasted again.

It's just that no matter how much he yells, Wild Dragon Fall simply ignores him, and still goes about his own way.

"I want to break through, it's very important for me!"

In desperation, Gu Mochen yelled again, with the trouble of the wild dragon pendant, if he wanted to break through, it would indeed be a problem.

This time, the wild dragon pendant actually reacted.

I saw the little dragon turn away from the dragon's head, and the pair of dragon eyes that became incomparably bright because of absorbing the two brilliance glared at Gu Mochen. The eyes were very humane, at least Gu Mochen understood it in these eyes. What Xiaolong wanted to express.

That is contempt and disdain!
(End of this chapter)

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