Martial arts giant

Chapter 161 Die!

Chapter 161 Die!
Game start!
The seven teams jumped into the arena from different directions, and in the blink of an eye, the originally empty competition field condensed the fighting spirit of the night!
The place where Gu Mochen and others jumped was just a little far behind the Fenglei team. As soon as they landed, the hell three-headed dog transformed by Chen Meng suddenly roared wildly. Three pairs of six eyes shot out flames of hatred. Passed the Fenglei team and came straight to Gu Mochen.

Together with his gaze, there is also his huge body, which is full of power once he runs.

"Hmph, do you think we are transparent?"

The Fenglei team was preparing for the battle, but when the three-headed hell dog was about to rush towards them, its powerful hind legs suddenly kicked off the ground, and the whole person... the whole dog jumped up in the air, and his first target was still It's Gu Mochen!
However, just as he took off, there was a piercing electric sound in his ears, and immediately after, the three-headed hellhound felt five white and blue thunderbolts flashing under his body.

Before he could react, someone in Hu Fenglei's team shouted: "Lei Palm, let go!"

The disciples of the Fenglei team showed a tacit understanding in all aspects of coordination and dispatching. The captain gave a shocking voice, and the five palms turned to the sky, and five palm thunders were pulled from the palms of the palms, pulling violent arcs!

Boom, boom boom boom——!
The five palm thunders hit the three-headed dog's lower abdomen firmly. Under the severe pain, the blue-white electric arc swam across the whole body immediately, and the blood-red bristles of the three-headed dog's body were instantly scorched black and smelly.


Under the pain, the figure of the three-headed dog froze in mid-air, and fell straight down. When the five people below saw it, the originally gathered formation immediately dispersed, and there was only a bang, and the huge three-headed dog His body hit the ground violently.

In the stands, Chen Yan raised his brows. Unexpectedly, he was the first to suffer from the Zhonglin team in this match. However, he was not in a hurry. Instead, he looked at the five members of the Fenglei team with interest, and even nodded. , said to himself:
"This is Palm Thunder? It's really powerful, but it's a pity, a pity, it's just five extreme warriors."

The extreme warriors are really not strong in this chaos. When the super warriors appeared one by one, the extreme warriors were reduced to cannon fodder just like the beast tide that Gu Mochen experienced.

Sure enough, after the three-headed hellhound that seemed to have been hit hard hit the ground, its first reaction was to jump up, and the six ferocious beast eyes turned around for a while, causing it to suffer a small loss The five people were immediately reflected in these six eyes.

"seal up!"

Hearing another sharp shout from the captain of the Fenglei team, the five scattered people clapped their palms together. In the flash of lightning, ten palms of thunder exploded again, and ten thunderbolts blasted firmly on the three-headed dog. , persists for a long time.


The hell three-headed dog roared crazily, but this time it couldn't afford to struggle. The ten palm thunders that came again turned out to be very resilient. After the thunder, ten blue and white electric whips were left behind. Cerberus three-headed dog tied in the center.

"Not bad, this palm thunder is miraculous, five extreme warriors can make this technique play a big role, it's just..."

Seeing this scene, Chen Yan was still sneering, looking at the Fenglei team with frost in his eyes, and said to himself with murderous intent: "There is more than one Zhonglin team!"


As if connected with his mind, Chen Yu was still talking to himself, while on the other side, Gongsun Liang waved his hand and gathered among the other three strange beasts in front of him. The red centipede roared up to the sky and jumped up , turned into a flying centipede in an instant, with cold lights on countless tentacles, and shot at one of the Fenglei team!
All of this happened in the blink of an eye. When the Zhonglin team and the Fenglei team suddenly broke out in a battle, the Chiyang team, which was the last of the seven teams, had even just gained a foothold. An extremely fierce posture kicked off.


After glancing at the confrontation between the Fenglei team and the Zhonglin team, Gu Mochen turned his head and looked at Luo Bufan. The Fenglei team was keeping their promise, and of course Gu Mochen and the others would not just stand and watch the two Team battles.

they want to...

Zhang Hua was the first to start, and Xing Luo's instant body made him jump straight into the formation of the long sky team.

A thousand hits in an instant!
The fist turned into light, and countless fine rays of light poured down like a torrential rain. The first to bear the brunt was the tall and thin young man who had clashed with Gu Mochen and the others that day.

At that time, Gu Mochen was about to attack the sky team regardless of Zhang Anhai. It was Zhang Hua who stopped Gu Mochen and stood up. At that time, the fight did not end, but today, it is a continuation of yesterday!


Suddenly, the thin and tall young man flickered in a panic, and was about to stay away from Zhang Hua's attack range. However, the next moment, he felt a sudden pain in his waist, and he was hit by someone's acupuncture point. One stagnation, the figure also loses its balance.

"Your qinggong... is so weak!"

At the same time, someone whispered something in his ear, the tall and thin young man was startled, his face changed dramatically at the critical moment, his whole head began to stretch and deform, becoming extremely sharp, and at the same time, the blood in his eyes reappeared!
This is his beastly state, which can bring him unparalleled speed. At the critical moment of life and death, he doesn't care about other things, so he can only use beastly to get out of Zhang Hua's attack range.

However, it was still a step too late.

Zhang Hua's thousand blows in a flash was a fast punch, and he didn't have much time to deal with it. He was hit on the acupuncture point from behind, and the moment his body stopped, it was enough for Zhang Hua's fist to hit!
Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff——!
The thin and tall young man hadn't had time to complete his beast transformation, and suddenly there were endless stabbing pains all over his body. Although his physique was thin and weak, Zhang Hua's instant thousand blows were all eaten by him, and he could not even punch him. Nothing was missed.

Crack...Crack, click!
The thin and tall young man had a sluggish face. Without any defense, he was hit by Zhang Hua's instant thousand blows, and the result was...

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!

When the punches stopped and the rain stopped, Zhang Hua had drifted to nowhere, but the bones of the tall and thin young man kept making cracking sounds. Then, his body was straight and shattered like a tall building collapsing. Cracked on the ground.

Consciousness disappeared, and the thin and tall youth became the first player to be killed in this chaos!

"Senior Brother Wu!"

The sky team was shocked suddenly. From Zhang Hua's flashing to the slender young man's collapse, it only took a blink of an eye. His teammates went from shock to reaction to wanting to rescue them in a short time. Here, our team has lost one person!

On the other side, the sound of killing is also loud!
(End of this chapter)

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