Chapter 164 Fighting on all sides
In terms of actual combat experience, Zhang Hua still lacked a little.

Surprised by the turtle's back that suddenly appeared, he suddenly forgot that he was surrounded by five members of the Chiyang team at this time, so Luo Bufan saved him from the danger of beheading.

However, he broke out in a cold sweat.

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Hua looked at the place where the knife light came from, and Zhang Hua's heart trembled again.

Where is the knife light, it is clearly two praying mantis arms!
After the tortoise with a hard shell appeared, this time, it was a huge praying mantis as tall as a man. On the two huge emerald green forelimbs, Zhang Hua saw the cold sword light.

"One step too late!"

Luo Bufan sighed, and glanced at the blue wolf team who was also stunned, and said in a low voice to Zhang Hua: "Let's go, go and deal with the sky team and broken pulse team, and then concentrate on coming back to fight the red team." Team Yang!"

The five members of the Chiyang team have turned into five strange beasts. It turned out that the strength of the extreme warriors has instantly increased enough to compete with the super warriors. In addition, the Chiyang team is originally strong, and it is the only one since the opening. Under the harassment of Luo Bufan, who appeared and disappeared, there was no team that lost staff.

After turning into a beast, it was impossible for Luo Bufan and Zhang Hua to quickly kill someone in the Chiyang team, so Luo Bufan could only choose to take Zhang Hua away.

At this moment, the Cangwolves have been considered dead by Luo Bufan, and the only use value is to see how long they can hold off the five beasts of the Chiyang team, and how much more time they can buy them.


The five strange beasts were right in front of them, with a fierce and murderous intent. Although he knew that Luo Bufan's decision might be correct, Zhang Hua still hesitated.

At least so far, the Blue Wolves are still their allies, so let them be killed by the Chiyang team, is this really good?
"Hurry up and leave this place to us!"

Who would have thought that just as his thought crossed his mind, the captain of the Wolf team, who should be the captain, gritted his teeth fiercely and made the same decision as Luo Bufan.

Not only him, but also other members of the Blue Wolf team, although they were very frightened by the Chiyang team who suddenly turned into a beast, none of them showed any fear, but gritted their teeth and insisted on not retreating.


Zhang Hua was stunned again, knowing that he was invincible, the decision of the Blue Wolf team...

"Damn it, how can Changtian City let these beasts run rampant, you go and deal with the others first and then come back to help us, hurry up!"

The captain of the Cangwolf team yelled again. Fortunately, the five members of the Chiyang team had just turned into strange beasts, and they seemed extremely chaotic for a while. Except for the big praying mantis that attacked Zhang Hua, there were no other strange beasts yet. action.

"Go, if you waste any more time, you will be disrespectful to them!"

Luo Bufan's eyes flickered for a moment, and his figure became pale. After leaving this sentence, he ignored Zhang Hua, and he had already appeared at the Broken Pulse team, and cooperated with Wu Jie's Wuliang Flying Shadow Slash to bombard the Broken Pulse team. fry.

"hold onto!"

Zhang Huameng gritted his teeth. Although Luo Bufan was ruthless, it was the best choice at this time. The only thing he can do to help the Blue Wolf Team at this time is to kill the two teams of Changkong and Duanmai who have not yet turned into beasts as soon as possible. Warrior, gather your own super warrior power and rush back to help.

The afterimage of Zhang Hua maintained the gesture of saluting to the five members of the Blue Wolf team, and they had already returned to the Duanmai team.

Now he had to concentrate on killing one team first, so he didn't go back to the Sky Team who was panting, but chose to join Zhang Anhai and the others to launch a fierce offensive against the Broken Pulse Team first.


The words were divided into two parts. At this time, Gu Mochen's battle with the Ten Absolute Thunder Python was entering a fierce stage.

Gu Mochen's super-strong internal force, which is [-]% equivalent to that of a shadow warrior, exploded, and he pulled back violently while holding the black dragon bone whip.


Hearing Shijue Thunder Python open its mouth and let out a cry of pain, a large pool of black blood and black and blue snake teeth sprayed out from its wide open snake mouth.

Gu Mochen's pull was so powerful that he even pulled out the entire set of snake teeth of the Ten Absolute Thunder Python.

The bone-piercing pain made Shijue Thunder Python instantly furious, and the second and third joints on its back burst at the same time, and two bright lights, one blue and one purple, arrived in front of Gu Mochen in an instant with bursts and sharpness.

Gu Mochen's expression froze, and the mixed glory of these two groups gave him a feeling of palpitations, which was the first time he had appeared after he broke through to a super warrior.

Although the Xuanlong Bone Whip had been taken back, he didn't think that the Xuanlong Bone Shield alone would be able to block the two brilliance. Suddenly, his foot slipped, and he had already drifted away by more than one meter. Kankan passed through the gap between the two balls of glory.

Puff puff puff puff, bang!

There was a muffled sound behind him, followed by the unique angry roar of the strange beast.

Turning his head in his busy schedule, he saw that the two beams of light were impartial, hitting Chen Meng, that is, the right hind leg of the hell three-headed dog. It lingered around its body, until it was electrified so that its whole body trembled.

And on the strong right leg, several icy-blue ice picks were inserted, causing the three-headed hellhound to howl in pain.

What exploded from the second and third joints of the Ten Absolute Thunder Python was two attributes of ice and thunder. After Gu Mochen dodged, he happened to hit the hell three-headed dog who was fighting fiercely with the Fenglei team, which actually helped the Fenglei team. very busy.

So strong!

Gu Mochen frowned, and immediately let go of his original plan to abandon Shijue Thunder Python and attack Gongsun Liang.

It is already dangerous for the Fenglei team to resist the two alien beasts. If he leaves regardless, when the ten absolute thunder pythons also join the battle group, it will be the time for the Fenglei team to be wiped out!
Therefore, he could only choose to fight against the ten absolute thunder pythons first, and let Gongsun Liang, who was overlooking the overall situation, stand aloof.

Fortunately, at this time, Gongsun Liang is not too much of a threat.

The five members of the Chiyang team were activated at once, and the internal strength was doubled. In addition, the four beasts of the Zhonglin team themselves also needed his control. His shoulders were also gushing with blood, and with the loss of both internal strength and blood, even he couldn't stand it.

Without even thinking about it, he reached into his bosom and took out a pill, whether it was a elixir or a beast elixir, and stuffed it directly into his mouth, only then did he feel a lot better.

Then the next... is the sky team!
Gongsun Liang's face turned serious, and he was forced to do so by Gu Mochen and others as soon as the battle started, and he had a grudge with Gu Mochen, which aroused his anger even more.

At this moment, several battle groups were separated on the battlefield, but only the Sky Squad was idle, and the Sky Squad with only three members was taking advantage of the rare free time to adjust their injuries, and could not Join the fray.

Come on, let me give you some more ingredients!
Gongsun Liang's face was extremely ferocious, and after taking a breath, he had the ability to activate the long sky team again!
(End of this chapter)

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