Martial arts giant

Chapter 18 Level 4 Alien Beast!

Chapter 18 Level [-] Alien Beast!

The two loud noises sounded almost in sequence, and the sound waves rushing out of the woods were shaken by the two of them to create a gap. Zhong Han's Lei Zhen and Gu Mochen's Tieshan leaned on to guard the teammates behind them tightly.


Behind the two brothers Zhang Hua and Zhang Lin drew their swords at the same time, fully alert, with a nervous look on their faces.

The only one who could remain calm on the spot was Zhao Zichao, a super martial artist with a higher level of cultivation. He squinted his eyes slightly, not being moved by the sound waves, and looked into the woods.

Boom, boom, boom——!
As soon as the sound wave passed, there was another violent tremor on the ground. Every loud noise seemed to shake the heart, as if someone was holding a hammer and hammering at the door of the heart. Here comes.

At the same time, a huge black shadow rampaged, smashing down several towering trees along the way, and heavy tanks charged violently towards Gu Mochen and the five of them.

"Running Thunder Bone Horse?!"

Zhao Zichao was not surprised but pleased when he saw it, and couldn't help blurting out.

Ben Lei Bone Horse, a fourth-level top-grade beast, has a huge two-story-high body that has long since rotted and fallen off. Its black skeleton that reflects the metallic luster shines in the sun, but its pair of huge horse eyes are shining. Glowing with bloodthirsty red light!
According to the level of human warriors, it is the fourth-level Dacheng realm. However, this Thunder Bone Horse already possesses the characteristics that a fourth-level strange beast should have, and has evolved innate abilities. Compared with human warriors of the same level, it is invincible.

The Bone Thunder Horse has two talents, one is the previous sonic attack, and the other is that the horse's hooves, which only have bones left during the run, shake the ground like thunder, which can disturb the mind of the enemy.

Gu Mochen's face was serious, and his expression was far less relaxed than Zhao Zichao's.

He and Zhong Han were the first to bear the brunt of the charge of the galloping thunder horse, and the violent pressure came in waves one after another, making him feel like a flat boat in a stormy sea, which might be destroyed at any time.

Zhong Han gritted his teeth, he was an honest person, but when he saw the thunder bone horse roaring towards him, he knew it was unstoppable, but he also rushed forward without hesitation.

At this moment, the blood in his chest seemed to be ignited, and Gu Mochen was almost only half a step behind him, and he also gritted his teeth and followed closely behind.

In any case, the five members of the team are all companions at this time, if they leave their companions and escape alone, what kind of warriors are they?

With three wild steps, three thunderbolts rushed out from under Zhong Han's feet, in an attempt to slightly block the speed of the thunder-bone horse's impact. Didn't work.


The roar was not only from Zhong Han, but Gu Mochen was also throwing his fist at the same time. With a Thunder Tiger Roaring Fist, a ferocious tiger was condensed, and with a roar, it slammed into the huge head of the Thunder Bone Horse.

at the same time--

Hearing the rattling sounds behind him, Gu Mochen felt a flash above his head, and a slender figure flew past, it was Zhao Zichao who was holding a nine-section whip.

Facing in the air, he flicked his whip, and following the roaring tiger, a majestic black dragon suddenly emerged and rushed up, aiming at the thunder bone horse's head.

There was a loud bang, and the roaring tiger hit the bone horse's forehead first, just like Zhong Han's Thunderbolt. Although the Thunder Tiger Roaring Fist is famous for its violent fist, it is not the enemy of the bone horse. The vitality disappeared, and the huge body of the thunder bone horse rushed out from it, without being affected in the slightest.

In his busy schedule, Zhong Han gave him a sideways glance. Judging from his experience, it was extremely unwise for Gu Mochen to use the Thunder Tiger Fist to empty his whole body of internal energy when the two parties first met.

However, he could only stare at him, and the current situation didn't even allow him to say a word.

The tiger shape was gone, followed by the majestic nine-section whip, just like a real black dragon, which was about to follow it and collide with each other again, and there was another clattering sound coming from the sky.

Zhao Zichao charged in mid-air, his movements were not in the slightest disorder, and he turned into a phantom with one hand, and the body of the black dragon that rushed upwards changed accordingly, and it suddenly doubled in size before it hit the bone horse!
Zhao Zichao's weapon is not a nine-section whip, but... an eighteen-section whip!
I saw that the dragon's head slipped, and the dragon's body also bent and twisted. It actually let the thunder bone horse hit the front with the strongest force, and then went around from the side, making a giant python entanglement, which happened to push the bone horse with both of its full strength. Stampede's hind legs entangled.

At the same time, Zhao Zichao just leaped over the head of the bone horse, and as soon as his feet landed, he exhaled and let out a loud roar, the veins on his arms burst out, and his face turned red.

A super warrior is a super warrior after all. Even though Zhao Zichao is not a major in strength, after breaking through the limit of the human body for the second time, his own strength also skyrocketed. The whip showed its true shape, wrapped around it three times to tighten its hind limbs, and kneeled on the ground with the momentum.

With two hind limbs missing, the galloping momentum of the Thunder Bone Horse was finally broken, but the inertia was still there, and its huge body was still ramming towards the four people headed by Zhong Han.

"Quick, I can't hold it for long!"

Zhao Zichao's face turned red, he shouted loudly, and he was no longer as friendly as before.


While Zhao Zichao was dragging the running thunder bone horse, Zhong Han was also exerting his strength. The bone horse rushed forward. He immediately seized this great opportunity, his voice was as deep as a thunderstorm, and suddenly his whole body was like that bone horse. Generally flashes with a metallic luster.

"Alloy combat body!"

Zhong Han roared furiously, stomping heavily on the ground with one foot, and there was a loud bang, and his people also jumped into the air, like a meteorite falling from the sky, hitting the head of the running thunder bone horse heavily.


The charge was restrained, and the bone horse was also extremely angry. The horse's head raised up and there was another loud roar that didn't look like a horse's neighing. Visible to the naked eye, a circle of shocking sound waves suddenly brewed from the angrily opened horse's mouth, this time pointing directly at the sky. , but I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, just facing Zhong Han who fell from mid-air.

Gu Mochen's expression froze. At this time, Zhong Han had obviously used his proud defensive martial arts. Although he didn't know what level of martial arts the alloy combat body was, he couldn't just watch him being blasted by the sound waves.

So when the sound wave was about to come out from the bone horse's mouth, without even thinking about it, he mobilized the little remaining internal energy in his body to run wildly, and immediately activated the energy of heaven and earth stored in the dragon pendant, striding forward and punching!


The roar of the tiger shook again, and the tiger rushed forward. This punch was extremely fast, and before the sound of the galloping thunder bone horse could be heard, the ferocious roaring tiger's head hit its neck directly.

Bang, as before, the tiger's energy was scattered, and it didn't cause much damage to the bone horse, but Gu Mochen's purpose was not there. What he wanted to do with this punch was just to make the bone horse's head hang down a little.

A huge explosion occurred, shaking the ground under the feet of the running thunder bone horse.

This punch, success!

(End of this chapter)

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