Martial arts giant

Chapter 181 Defeated

Chapter 181 Defeated

Turning around in the air, the situation in the arena has completely fallen into Gu Mochen's eyes.

Without even thinking about it, he kicked his legs vigorously in the air, and a sonic boom was broken by him, and he rushed down quickly.

Swipe, swipe, swipe——!
The person is still in the air, there is a black light flashing in front of him, the black dragon bone whip has suddenly transformed into a bone shield, and a large number of extremely dense sharp dragon teeth are shot down. His target is the weakest dragon on the field at this time. In one place, frantically biting the Cerberus of the Wolf Team.

Under Gu Mochen's deliberate control, Bailong Lianshan's sharply shot dragon teeth covered a wide range, as if he had made a dog cage with vigor, and immediately slammed down on the hellhound.


With a sharp move above its head, out of the beast's natural keen sense of danger, the hellhound suddenly raised its head and roared at the sky. At the same time, a burst of extremely high-temperature flames spurted out from its bloody mouth, and it was caught off guard. Under Mo Chen's lock, its reaction was also extremely fast, and it found a way to deal with it in an instant.

Use the extremely high-temperature hell flames to melt and destroy the dragon teeth!

The flames charge wildly, although the hell three-headed dog is divided into three, but the power of the hell flame is still undiminished. If Zhang Hua hadn't supported it before, so that the hell dog could not lock the target, this extremely high-temperature flame might have been released a long time ago. Burned the remaining two of the wolf team into two balls of coke.

Regarding the flames of hell, the Cerberus is extremely confident. Even after spewing out the flames, its fierce eyes flashed, and it was already looking for a possible breakthrough.

However, its self-confidence seems to be overdone.

Before the Cerberus could find the breakthrough point to break out of Gu Mochen's blockade, it heard the crackling wind above its head, and its scalp suddenly exploded.

This is... the instinctive reaction of the alien beast from the crisis of life and death!
In a hurry, the hellhound only had time to look up, and saw that the flames of hell it spewed out had been extinguished at some point, but the sharp white dragon's teeth were still sharp!

The moment it looked up, the sharp Dragon Fang Qi was unavoidable!

Puff puff puff puff puff——!
That look was the last look of this hellhound in this world, countless dragon teeth pierced down, how could the hellhound with one body and three points be able to resist it, it was immediately smashed into a sieve by the intensive shooting!



At the same time, when this hellhound was killed by Gu Mochen Bailong in a flash, the hellhounds on the other two sides simultaneously let out mournful roars.

Although the three-headed hellhound has three parts in one body, every time the hellhound is still a part of its body, at this time one of them is killed, and the other two senses immediately, and the severe pain caused by Bailong Lianshan is also transmitted to their bodies. body, causing the remaining two hellhounds to roar in pain.


A light flashed in Wu Jie's eyes. The Cerberus on his side was slightly sluggish due to the severe pain caused by the killing of his companion. Wu Jie keenly caught this flaw!

"Boundless...Moon Shadow Slash!"

Without any further hesitation, he raised his stature abruptly, swung his right leg that was raised above his head, and slashed down, drawing a huge crescent black hole in the air.

The blood was blooming, Wu Jie's timing was just right, the shadow of the moon appeared, when the hellhound was startled and was about to dodge, before it was too late, starting from the center of the head, the whole body was split into pieces by the huge sharp crescent. In two halves!

"If I don't believe you, you'd be more troublesome to split the two ends?"

After a successful blow, Wu Jie felt aggrieved in his chest, and couldn't help but let out a loud cry, but from time to time, his eyes aimed at the body of the Cerberus that had been split in half.


The hellhound that was cut in half did not split again, but the last hellhound on the side of the Fenglei team let out another howl mixed with pain and anger.

The two clones were killed, and all the sanity was concentrated on the last hellhound. Chen Meng's consciousness recovered slightly, but all he could do was burst out that howl of anger and pain. Besides...

Boom boom boom!
The Fenglei team also seized the opportunity, and the thunder in the palm of restraining the beast finally fell on Chen Meng. Although there were only four, but at this time, Chen Meng was also seriously injured, and he couldn't get out of the shock for a while. .


Gu Mochen landed right next to Chen Meng who was locked up.

"Is there so much hatred between me and you?"

He looked coldly at Chen Meng who was completely in a frenzy, and sighed in his heart when he saw the other party's miserable state.

At the beginning, if Chen Meng hadn't been aggressive and wanted to use Gu Mochen to establish his prestige, many of the following things would not have happened.

In fact, Gu Mochen had no intention of snatching the meaning of the limit room in the Martial Arts Club of Dongyuan University. After breaking through with the help of the limit room, his journey has already been placed in the vast and boundless dangerous zone, so why would he care about that small room? Extreme room?

But Chen Meng was deeply ashamed because of that incident, hated Gu Mochen to the bone, and even spent money to hire an assassin to assassinate him in the danger zone.

If Chen Meng hadn't been so extreme, he wouldn't have been willing to go to Chen Yu's side, and ended up being turned into a human and a beast. Now, it seems that all this has finally come to an end.

"Gu... Mo Chen!"

Gu Mochen's name was vaguely spit out from the mouth of the hell dog. If the burning flames in the eyes of the angry dog ​​had any substance, they would have burned Gu Mochen to ashes long ago.

But it's a pity that the flame couldn't reach Gu Mochen's body after all.

"It's over."

Gu Mochen shook his head, unwilling to say anything more to Chen Meng, who had become a strange beast. With a wave of one palm, the condensed hand knife drew a wisp of knife air, and gently wiped it across Chen Meng's neck.

Chen Meng's anger stopped abruptly.

His eyes were wide open, with anger and unwillingness, or a trace of remorse and fear, his head slowly slipped from his neck, and blood spurted out, looking from a distance like a well-crafted headless building. The Dog Fountain, but instead of water, blood spewed out of that fountain.


The head of the last Cerberus fell to the ground and rolled a bit, and the pair of darkened eyes just reflected Chen Yu's angry and distorted face.

Chen Yan... was very angry.

Gu Mochen jumped out of the deep pit, and killed Chen Meng in one fell swoop, that is to say, in that deep pit, Gongsun Liang had become a corpse.

Gongsun Liang is dead, Chen Meng is dead, as well as the previous Yunhun Dianluan and Shijue Thunder Python, what is left of the Zhonglin team at this time is just a red centipede without self-awareness.

This word was constantly enlarged in Chen Yu's mind, and all the disadvantages and losses to him caused by it were also magnified to the extreme in an instant.

"Okay, okay... Gu Mochen, Luo Bufan, very good, very good!"

(End of this chapter)

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