Chapter 22

Even though he was mentally prepared, Wei Hong was still shocked.


The female disciple also seemed to be quite frightened, and said in an exclamation tone: "It is said that a punch smashed the beast pill of the Bone Thunder Horse!"

"This kid!"

Wei Hong snatched the information from the female disciple's hand and looked at it himself, waved his hand at the same time and said: "Order, and send another six fourth-level beasts to continue to test the suspects of each team!"


The female disciple was a little hesitant. Her status in the gang seemed not low, so she dared to question Wei Hong's instructions and said:

"Is the price too high? Eleven fourth-level alien beasts have been lost before. According to my subordinates... Since the situation of Gu Mochen is even more suspicious, should I send an alien beast to focus on him first? ?”

Wei Hong glanced at her and said: "This matter is of great importance, and we should do it in a safe way. The fact that Gu Mochen's situation is the most suspicious does not mean that the other five people are not suspicious. At the same time, testing can save time and avoid long nights and dreams!"

He is the head of the Golden Dragon Gang, but he didn't get angry when his subordinates questioned him, but patiently explained something.

"Yes, this subordinate understands!"

The female disciple was not entangled in this issue, and said again: "There is also news from the guild master that he has successfully triggered a level five beast horde, and is currently on his way back."

The importance of the Golden Dragon Gang to this matter can be seen.

Not only did Hong Yuan go deep into the danger zone to provoke a level-[-] beast tide, he was even willing to spend a lot of money to sacrifice the level-[-] beasts secretly raised by the Golden Dragon Gang.

The eleven alien beasts sent out were all killed in the end. The fourth-level beast pills are still affordable for the Golden Dragon Gang who controls the entire hunter stronghold, but the cultivation of these alien beasts is also extremely difficult. No matter what Yuan thought, at least Wei Hong felt a burst of heartache.

In addition, he had to continue to lose. Wei Hong gave the order, and Hong Yuan could make the decision. He didn't know how many losses from different beasts he would have to use to really get the desired result.

After dismissing the female disciple, Wei Hong could not help sighing as he held the information in his hand, hoping that this time, the Golden Dragon Gang would not make a loss-making business.

Look back.

After a period of rest, the exhausted Gu Mochen team finally recovered.

Out of prudence, they did not choose to enter the woods.

Keeping out of the forest is a safety rule recognized by hunters. In the dense woods, the vision is unclear and the perception is impaired. The prevention of some potential dangers will be minimized. The strange beast with the technique will cause a devastating blow to the hunter.

And this also made Gu Mochen breathe a sigh of relief.

There should be three corpses of Qingyanhu and Baofeng in the woods.

With the knowledge of Zhao Zichao and others, they can easily recognize the traces of being killed by Leihu Xiaotian Fist from Yu Ba's body.

This can also be explained, after all, although the Thunder Tiger Roaring Fist is powerful, it is not very practical. It is the most widely circulated mysterious martial art in Changtian City, and many people know it.

The traces on Qingyunhu, Baofeng and Liu Cai are not so easy to explain.

Everyone has seen the thunder tiger's thunderous power. The traces on the corpses of Qingyunhu and Baofeng Liucai in the woods are almost the same as those of the thunderbolt bone horse. In the Thunder Tiger Howling Heaven Fist, Gu Mochen's doubts will be greatly increased.

This time, he escaped by luck, which also made Gu Mochen secretly decide that if something like this happens in the future, he must deal with the corpse no matter what.

The team went deep all the way, and after bypassing the forest, they advanced two kilometers into the vast wilderness. This place was already the territory of strange beasts, and the attacks they encountered along the way gradually increased.

But they never met level [-] beasts like Ben Lei Guma, most of them were wandering around level [-] or [-], which was nothing to the strength of Gu Mochen's team.

Zhong Han shone with metallic luster all over his body, blasted the head of a third-level alien beast Gale Wolf with a punch, and wiped the blood on his face with a grinning grin.

Gale wolves belong to the group of alien beasts. There are as many as a dozen of them at a time, and there are as few as three or four. They are good at group combat and are more difficult targets among the third-level alien beasts.

And that's compared to some lone hunters.

Like Gu Mochen and his team, whose highest combat power has reached the level of super warriors, they are simply a crushing existence against Gale Wolf.

What Zhong Han killed was the last of the Gale Wolf pack, and the Zhang brothers beside him were already using bone knives to cut open the stomachs of the other five wolf corpses in search of beast pills.

Fortunately, this group of six Gale Wolves provided them with four third-level beast pills, which were even more generous than the powerful Thunder Bone Horse.

"If this goes on like this, we'll get rich!"

Zhao Zichao chuckled, and put the four beast pills in his pocket, and he, the captain, took care of all the trophies.

Using the Wild Jue secretly, Gu Mochen is slowly and steadily recovering his internal strength. Due to his deliberate actions, there is no large-scale change in the energy of the world when he performs the Wild Jue.

In this way, although the recovery speed of internal strength will be much slower, it is still much better than being noticed by four people in the same team.

At the same time, under the doubts in his heart, Gu Mochen became more distracted when he acted. When fighting with strange beasts, he no longer used the Thunder Tiger Roaring Fist, which consumes a lot of energy, but used the Tieshan relying on it, which consumes less energy. , unhurriedly, exerting the combat power that a warrior of his realm should have.

In this way, although the speed of recovery is slowed down, the amount of internal force exerted is also reduced. At the same time, it is more deliberately guaranteed that more than [-]% of the total amount of heaven and earth energy is stored in the wild dragon pendant at any time, so as to deal with possible changes at any time.

But his worries seemed unnecessary.

After the battle of the Ben Lei Bone Horse, the relationship between the five members of the team seemed to be more harmonious, and they cooperated very well under Zhao Zichao's command. They went deep all the way, it can be said that they were invincible, and Gu Mochen never secretly suspected again things happen.

If there is anything to say, it is on this strange beast.

The number of alien beasts they encountered increased, but no matter how they looked, they belonged to the alien beasts that existed in this dangerous area, and it was not like the riots that should occur when the beast tide occurs.

This phenomenon does not match the situation reported by the Golden Dragon Gang, which inevitably makes people suspicious.

"I said... why doesn't it feel like a beast tide?"

His doubts seemed to be shared by everyone. After packing up the booty, Zhao Zichao also frowned slightly, and he didn't know who he was asking.


Zhong Han also agreed.


Zhao Zichao thought for a while, and said: "Anyway, we have gained a lot this time. Seven third-level beast pills and twelve second-level beast pills are enough to sell for a good price. Why don't we go one kilometer deeper? If you don’t encounter a beast horde, how about going back to the stronghold and sitting on the ground?”

He seemed to be in a good mood and cracked a joke.

However, before everyone expressed their opinion, there was a sudden vibration under their feet.


The Zhang brothers were sitting on the ground adjusting their breath, and they were more sensitive to this. When they raised their eyes, they suddenly pointed into the distance in surprise.

There, billowing smoke and dust hit the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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