Martial arts giant

Chapter 24 tragic

Chapter 24 tragic
Gu Mochen only punched Leihu Xiaotian fist and then stopped.

Anyway, based on everyone's understanding of the Thunder Tiger Roaring Heaven Fist, this one punch will consume most of the internal energy, and there is no way to make a second punch.

So even though he stopped fighting, there were no other hunters questioning him, but some experienced people glanced at him sideways, and the meaning in their eyes was obvious:


In the face of the great enemy, it was not Gu Mochen who had the idea of ​​preserving his strength. On the contrary, everyone had such an idea. Although it could not be said that they did not work hard, they still had reservations to some extent.

In the eyes of other hunters, this young boy is just a stunned young man, just digging a hole, and he punches with all his strength. When the tide of alien beasts comes later, why should he deal with it?

Of course, at times like this, everyone has their own little calculations running in their hearts, and no one is kind enough to remind him.

Gu Mochen was noncommittal about this, he felt the eyes of everyone but ignored it, punched him, and he stood on the spot to recover his internal strength secretly.

After staying with Zhao Zichao and the others for a long time, he has also gained some experience in the secret emissary to the wilderness. He will not make a big show every time. On the premise that it is not easy to be detected, the absorption of heaven and earth energy will also be improved.

When Ling Hu called everyone back, about half of the internal energy consumed by that punch was recovered, and the barren dragon pendant was full of heaven and earth energy as early as when he ran back. At this time, even if his state was not at its peak , also replied most of them.

Following the crowd and running back to the top of the mountain, the semicircle of animal swarms of smoke and dust was about to encircle one place.

Ling Hu's judgment was very accurate. He told everyone to blow out the [-]-meter-wide deep pit. It was not aimless. At this time, the width of the beast tide after closing was actually exactly [-] meters wide, but the thickness doubled.

Ferocious and crazy animal faces, sharp animal claws were faintly visible from the smoke and dust, and the beast tide was very fast. After such a short effort, it was less than [-] meters away from the deep pit dug by Gu Mochen and the others.

"Defender, go to the front of the pit!"

Ling Hu's rough voice roared.

When directing Gu Mochen and the others to leave, he grouped the members of each team one after another, and the warriors who were good at defense were divided into a team, with four or fifty people.

In this era of wild beasts, life-saving ability is far more important than offensive ability, so the number of warriors who practice defensive martial arts is also more.

In the team of defenders, Gu Mochen saw Zhong Han's figure. At this time, his face was resolute and without any color, and he rushed straight to the edge of the newly dug deep pit with the team of defenders.

Shouting and shouting continued for a while, the defenders exploded with colorful vigor, each of them used their housekeeping skills, Zhong Han was in it like a steel giant.

At this moment, the densely packed alien beasts rushed closer.

Boom boom boom!
The huge rushing sound was deafening, shaking everyone's heart and drumming intensively, and everyone's face began to look dignified.

Although they didn't pay too much attention to the fifth-level beast horde, when the beast horde approached, the huge and shocking pressure hit their faces, which also made everyone secretly vigilant.

Quantitative change can lead to qualitative change!

Although some people have identified from the gradually revealed strange beasts that most of the beasts in this tide are second- and third-level strange beasts, which is comparable to the fifth-level beast tide, but this number is too much. When facing ten third-level alien beasts at the same time, they can only be torn to pieces!
If you want to get cheap, you must also have cheap strength. Only those who can survive this intensive charge of alien beasts can become the real winners!


The alien beast rushing in front roared wildly, found the dug deep pit, and stomped on the ground with all four hooves to stop the charge, but the crowd of its kind behind it was so dense that it couldn't stop at all, and a sudden brake was caught instead. The beast behind charged and nearly fell to the ground.

In desperation, he had no choice but to rush forward, jumping hard when approaching the mouth of the pit, wanting to jump over the deep pit and attack the hateful and cunning human beings on the opposite side!
However, not all the beasts have the ability to jump ten meters. Most of the beasts run out of momentum when they jump more than halfway, and immediately fall into the deep pit roaring like dumplings.

Plop, plop——!
A large number of alien beasts hit the bottom of the pit heavily, and although a small number of scattered alien beasts successfully leaped ten meters away, their numbers were greatly reduced, and they were even more miserable when they were bombarded by the forty or fifty defenders standing opposite. fell into the pit.

Ling Hu's arrangement has paid off. He is a person who has experienced the beast tide. This method can be regarded as stealing from the faction that organized the suppression mission before. After a try, it will work immediately.

The effect of the deep pit is far more than that. At least there is still time for the front wave of alien beasts to respond, while the large army following behind is buried in their heads because their sight is blocked, and there is no such deep pit at all. When he found it, he stepped on it.

The scene was chaotic for a while, the herd roared again and again, the ones that fell first turned into meat pads, and were crushed into meatloaf by the huge alien beasts of the same kind behind them.

Gu Mochen was on the hillside, and his heart was surging when he saw such a shocking scene. He had only seen such a shocking scene in his life. Faintly, a wave of heat rushed up in his dantian, and it rushed all over his body in an instant. It began to run on its own, but the strange thing was that it didn't arouse the energy of heaven and earth, but the internal force in the meridians whizzed and galloped, and circled and circled in his body rapidly.

At this moment, no one pays attention to his abnormality. Everyone's eyes are on the beast tide. A large number of strange beasts are still falling into the deep pit. It's just that they don't have much effort. Seeing that the depth of ten meters is about to be filled .

The alien beasts that crashed into the pit at the back no longer couldn't get up when they fell like the front. The deep pit became shallower, and more and more alien beasts rushed forward stepping on the bodies of the same kind, and began to collide with the defenders on the opposite side. front!

Before the official start of contact, the deaths and injuries of the alien beasts were already so tragic, and about half of the thick billowing smoke had been consumed, and the loss was not insignificant.

However, this even aroused the madness hidden in the bestiality of the rest of the beasts!
After the turbulent waves finally filled the deep pit, they collided with the hunters for the first time. Some of the weaker ones couldn't withstand the first collision, and were forced to fly into the air. When they landed again, they had already taken a bite. Blood spurted out, and he immediately lost his combat power.

But more defenders were gritting their teeth, each trying their best, with vigor all over the sky, at least they didn't break up the human wall. For a while, the screams of strange beasts, the screams of warriors, and the blood of beasts and humans flew together. The scene became more tragic!
"Assault team, go!"

With a big wave of his hand, Ling Hu issued a new order at this time.

Another 60 people rushed down, these were another wave of warriors besides those who had just dug the deep pit with martial arts skills, and the Zhang brothers who were good at combined sword techniques were among them.

Bang bang bang-!
The light of the sword flashes, the light of the knife slashes sharply, mixed with fist shadows and leg whips, all kinds of martial arts are fully fired, forming a huge meat grinder behind the defender. The army of beasts has brought terrible damage!
(End of this chapter)

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