Martial arts giant

Chapter 29 Pursuit

Chapter 29 Pursuit

The metallic luster brightened instantly, Zhong Han fell into the herd of alien beasts, and there were no other hunter comrades around him, except for the pain in his chest from being bumped by Gu Mochen's shoulder, his whole body was in pain instantly, and he was almost thrown into a crazy state The beast was torn to pieces.

And at the same time...

On one side of Gu Mochen's figure, people have rushed to the edge of the battle line.

He originally intended to retreat from the battlefield, so he deliberately moved towards the edge when he was fighting. At this time, his body was like lightning, and almost when Zhong Han screamed, his body was empty, and he was directly It rushed out of the center of the melee between warriors and alien beasts.

"Bastard, come back to me!"

Ling Hu has been paying attention to the battlefield, and he paid attention when Gu Mochen slammed into Zhong Han with heavy shoulders. At this time, he saw that this kid not only bumped into Zhong Han, but also saw that the direction of the sprint had the intention of leaving the battlefield. All of a sudden, he was furious.

He also has the intention of retreating, so he hopes that the extreme warriors in front can stand up for a while, at least not to be defeated so quickly, so that he will have enough time to escape further.

However, just before he started to retreat, Gu Mochen took him a step ahead and started running away first!

In the current situation, as long as one person escapes, it will definitely trigger a chain reaction, and the record that was about to collapse will collapse at a faster speed. This is the last scene Linghu wants to see.

That's why he was furious!

But before he had the next step to react, he suddenly felt a soft hum from someone beside him, and at the same time, the wind was loud, and someone beside him was also leaving quickly.

Ling Hu was startled for a moment, and swallowed his scolding abruptly. Of course, this moment is not the time to pursue the responsibility of the first kid who escaped, but to run before anyone reacts is the best policy. !
No more words, Linghu's figure was big, and he flew back quickly. At the same time, he also saw that the first person to leave on the side of the super warrior was Zhao Zichao!

You two, I, Linghu, remember!
He gritted his teeth with hatred, but there was nothing he could do about these two for the time being. At this moment, saving his life was the top priority.

Brush, brush, brush——!
When Ling Hu and Zhao Zichao made a move, the rest of the super fighters couldn't stand still. Everyone was thinking about it, but they just didn't want to be the leader. At this time, if someone takes the lead, it would be a fool not to run away.

As for the extreme warriors in the front, who is in the mood to care about their life and death now, if you can say sorry in your heart, it is considered a good conscience.

"Quick, look!"

"Lord Linghu?!"

The movement on the mountain top could not be hidden from the extreme fighters at the front line. Seeing the last reliance in their hearts leave without looking back, the already unstable soldiers were even more frightened.

"Bastard! These scumbags!"

At the moment of life and death, someone blushed and shouted angrily.

"Run, run!"

There were also people who lost their fighting spirit, their hands limp and legs trembled in shock, and they said to run fast, but they couldn't move a step. What's more, their moves were lax, and their heads were cut off by the claws of strange beasts, and red and white things sprayed all over the ground. .

As a result, the situation changed even more drastically, and the battle line of the warrior hunters, which could barely support it, collapsed immediately, and the wild beasts rushed like a flood without a dike, and hundreds of strong warriors who were not weak were immediately submerged in it.

Including Zhong Han and the Zhang brothers who were on the team with Gu Mochen, they all did not know whether they were alive or dead.

Speeding up.

The noise of hunters and aliens mingling behind him has gradually become inaudible, Gu Mochen didn't even look back, and ran as fast as he could with all his internal energy.

In the same way, he can only say sorry in his heart to those extremely martial artists who have never met before.

Judging from Zhao Zichao and others' plot against him, and the fact that the beast tide is different at this time, Gu Mochen has reason to believe that this urgent mission of suppression must be caused by human beings, although he still doesn't know where he has shown his feet , but since he already knew that this matter was most likely targeted at him, of course running for his life was the first priority.

He didn't want to die in this dangerous zone when he just took his first step as a warrior. The life and death of his parents were still waiting for him to find out!

Gu Mochen has never learned the skills of lightness kung fu. At this time, he is running fast with the support of a breath of true energy in his body. After crazily pouring his internal energy into his feet, although he is not like those light kung fu masters who travel thousands of miles alone, he can run quickly. The speed is not slow.

How long have you been running?

He didn't know it, but when he looked back, the place where the previous battle was fought had become a cloud of smoke in the distance, and neither humans nor beasts could see it.

far enough?

He breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, there was a slight breeze on the plain in the dangerous area. It is likely that the strange beasts with a radius of tens of kilometers would have participated in the beast tide, but it made other places very quiet.

Temporarily relieved of the danger, he turned around and was about to run back towards the isolation area. Things happened strangely. He no longer had the idea of ​​continuing to take risks in the danger area. He planned to return to Changtian City to avoid the limelight. See if you can break through the limit of the human body for the second time and reach the realm of a super warrior.

This time, I have gained quite a lot. First, the third-level beast pill of Qingyunhu was upgraded to fourth-level by the wild dragon pendant, and then I got a third-level beast pill from Ben Lei Guma, and I will wait until I return to the city. In a safe place, he can upgrade it to the fourth-level animal pill, which can be regarded as a big harvest.

However, when he turned to the direction of Changtian City, his feet suddenly paused, his eyes narrowed, and within sight, there was a light smoke approaching him.

Zhao Zichao!
Dimly visible in the light smoke, the person rushing towards him was none other than Zhao Zichao!

It's really haunting!
Gu Mochen's face was gloomy, his fists were clenched suddenly, and they all ran here, but Zhao Zichao was still relentlessly chasing after him. Seeing the smoke approaching, he wished to punch Zhao Zichao's hypocritical face like a thunder tiger Heaven broke.

But after thinking about it, he still endured it. Thunder Tiger Bang Tian Po is his most powerful move, and it is also a move that should not be used lightly. With a single punch, even with the recovery speed of the wild art, it is impossible to instantly replenish his combat power.

And Zhao Zichao had seen his Thunder Tiger blasting the sky. Don't look at the wild and direct rush at this time, but he must be prepared in his heart. If he dodges this punch, Gu Mochen himself will be greatly disappointed. wonderful.

Or drag him first!
Careful, he turned around without hesitation and rushed deeper into the danger zone.

Now his biggest reliance is the wild dragon pendant. With the help of the dragon pendant, his internal strength is enough to be the peak internal force of six extreme warriors. So, it is better to use the first level of internal force to drain Zhao Zichao's internal force.

Although this person is a super warrior, Gu Mochen has already broken through to the peak of a super warrior, and the gap from Zhao Zichao is only the last barrier.

If he gave up all his internal energy to drag Zhao Zichao, then after his own internal energy was exhausted, Zhao Zichao would never be able to maintain his peak state, at least he would have to consume more than [-]% of his internal energy.

In this way, with the other five levels of internal energy stored in the wild dragon pendant, I might not be able to fight him!
(End of this chapter)

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