Martial arts giant

Chapter 3 The second role

Chapter 3 The Second Role

Close the momentum and punch back.

Gu Mochen looked at Chen Meng calmly, and said indifferently: "Senior Brother Chen, I have accepted it!"

He called Senior Brother Chen because he thought that Chen Meng was not qualified to be the president of the Martial Arts Club at all.

After finishing the sentence, without looking at him any more, he lifted his foot and walked outside the Budokan.

When his figure disappeared outside the door of the Martial Arts Hall, Chen Meng, whose face turned blue and then red, was furious, opened his mouth wide, and another bloody arrow flew out.

at the same time……

"This, this... am I not mistaken?"

Some students rubbed their eyes, sneaked a glance at Chen Meng in disbelief, and whispered: "President...President lost?"

"You read that right!"

Another student with a thick head and a thick head beside him slapped him excitedly, without concealing his voice, he said loudly: "Extreme warrior! Brother Gu is also an extreme warrior, so amazing!"

"Yes, yes!"

A loud cry made the Martial Arts Hall suddenly boil, and the dozens of Martial Arts students present, except for some who stood by Chen Meng's side, were all full of excitement.

"That's the Thunder Tiger Howling Heaven Fist, right? How did Junior Brother Gu manage to throw six punches in a row?"

"That's right! Didn't the coach say last time that if you use the Thunder Tiger Xiaotian Fist, you will use up all your strength, and it's impossible to punch continuously in a short period of time?"

"Cut, don't compare you with Junior Brother Gu, he is an extremely martial artist now, what's wrong with his continuous punching?"

The discussion was louder and louder, and some people even bowed their heads while talking, while stealthily looking at Chen Meng. The gloating eyes at Gu Mochen before were all transferred to the livid-faced Chen Meng.

They have been suppressed for too long!
Since Chen Meng became the president, the Martial Arts Club has almost become his monopoly. Many students who were originally talented were driven away by Chen Meng secretly with various excuses, in order to prevent anyone from threatening his position as president.

Even the limit room, which is an extremely important breakthrough opportunity for warriors, has been repeatedly occupied by Chen Meng. If he hadn't been concerned about his cultivation base and background behind him, someone would have jumped out to resist him.

And today, someone did something they've always wanted to do but never dared to do!

I never imagined that during the days at Dongyuan University, I would see the scene of Chen Meng being beaten to the ground and vomiting blood. This is really an exciting thing for other martial arts students.

At this moment, the mighty and domineering Chen Meng has always established has completely collapsed. Although the students here are still not his opponents, there are some!
The Martial Arts Club of Dongyuan University has finally produced a second extreme martial artist, and he is also the extreme martial artist who can blow Chen Meng away with six punches. How cool is this?

The many students who were extremely dissatisfied with Chen Meng's actions immediately felt a sense of elation, and they were not so afraid of Chen Meng.

While Chen Meng was still lying on the ground, the Thunder Tiger Roaring Fist struck six times in a row. It is a mysterious level martial skill of the thunder system, when the fist is punched, the internal force has the characteristics of lightning, and it is a move with good lethality.

His hands hurt, and his chest felt unbearable, but his physical injuries were far less than the rage in his heart.

Gu Mochen, what a Gu Mochen!

Chen Meng narrowed his eyes slightly, and from the long and narrow eye slits, a ray of venomous light shone through...

Gu Mochen could neither see nor hear the discussions in the Budokan and Chen Meng's resentment.

At this time, he was walking quickly on the campus full of excitement.

Extreme Warrior!
He finally stepped from the third-level peak state to the fourth-level extreme warrior state. His long-cherished wish has finally taken a real step. How can this make him not excited?
What was even more exciting was that he discovered another function of the dragon-shaped pendant.

It turns out that the "Qi" copied and stored by the dragon-shaped pendant can not only improve the level of the medicine, but can even simulate this move with the same internal force when he makes a move, which is as powerful as his own. The fist is exactly the same!
This is the reason why he was able to perform the Thunder Tiger Roaring Heaven Fist six times in a row.

In the extreme room, when he broke through to the extreme martial artist, the extremely concentrated "Qi" in the room seemed to have suddenly found a home, and all his brains were absorbed by the dantian that he suddenly let go.

This is a huge amount, which directly promoted him from the initial level of extreme warrior to the advanced level. After breaking through to extreme warrior, he took a small step forward abruptly.

There are [-] levels of warriors, and there are four small realms between each level, which are Chutong, Jingjin, Dacheng and Peak!
For example, Gu Mochen, he finally broke through the limit of the human body for the first time, and now he should be the first-level realm of a fourth-level warrior, but the extremely concentrated "Qi" in the limit room forcibly helped his dantian instantly infuse a large amount of internal force, raised to the level of sophistication.

So much "Qi" can still be fully copied by the dragon-shaped pendant, and when Gu Mochen was fighting Chen Meng, a fist of Thunder Tiger Roaring Heaven really made his internal strength feel unsustainable, but at that time……

The "qi" stored in the dragon pendant quickly filled the gap, and the five punches that followed were all from the dragon pendant!

The effect of the wild art is so great, just based on the two functions just discovered, one can help him improve the level of medicine, and the other can store "Qi", and wait until the enemy is in a battle to catch him by surprise...

With the wild art, one's own way of being a warrior may really go a lot smoother.

Dad, Mom, wait a little longer, I will definitely come to you!

Gu Mochen clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were full of determination, at this moment, his confidence was unprecedentedly high.

With a pause, he stopped.

But it was the place I had only visited in the morning - the school doctor's office.

The Thunder Tiger Roaring Sky Fist is a tyrannical fist that is rare among Xuan level martial arts. He threw out six punches in a row. Although five of them came from the internal force provided by the dragon pendant, the load on his body was still extremely high.

At least for now, his fist is still aching, and his bones seem to be cracked.

I came to the school infirmary, on the one hand to treat my right hand, and on the other hand, for the sake of those two favors.

Li Xin was sitting in the school doctor's room, still looking at magazines with his legs crossed, until Gu Mochen walked in front of her, then turned his head slightly, and said coldly, "See a doctor or prescribe medicine?"


Gu Mochen stretched out his right hand in front of her eyes, blocking Li Xin's view of the magazine.

How did this iceberg beauty become a doctor with such a cold attitude?
He frowned slightly, feeling even more indifferent to Li Xin.

"It's you?"

Li Xin raised his head and looked at Gu Mochen in surprise. He never expected that this kid who had only been away for a long time would suddenly come back.

And immediately, her wonderful eyes suddenly widened from astonishment, and she said in amazement:

" broke through?"

(End of this chapter)

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