Martial arts giant

Chapter 32 Forced to retreat?

Chapter 32 Forced to retreat?

Steel Bear!

How could you meet a level five alien beast here?

Gu Mochen regretted for a while.

Ordinarily, the beast tide is starting at this time, and the strange beasts of tens of kilometers should have gathered there, especially the fifth-level beast that caused the beast tide. Shouldn't it be more commanding from the rear of the beast tide? Is it right?
Where did this strange beast come from?
Regarding the beast tide, Gu Mochen has also read a lot of introductions on the Internet, and knows that the strange beasts who lead the beast tide must be in the beast tide, just like humans have leaders, sitting in command to direct the whereabouts of the beast tide.

It's not that he has such a cognition. In fact, the reason why Linghu and several super warriors will choose to run away when facing the mutated fifth-level beast horde is that more than half of the hunter team has been damaged. , but they didn't even see a fifth-level alien beast.

Of course, the fifth-level alien beasts would be hidden in the fifth-level beast tide. When the team suffered serious losses, they didn't even force out the opponent's mastermind.

It was based on this preconceived judgment that Gu Mochen still chose to dive into the dense forest when he found out that the wild dragon pendant was moving, because he also believed that no matter what was inside, it would not be a strange beast!

But now, this judgment has led him into a situation beyond redemption.

Facing Zhao Zichao, he can still think of a way, but facing the fifth-level alien beast that even super warriors dare not say is a complete victory, and it is also the steel storm bear that is famous for its defense among the alien beasts, Gu Mochen has nothing to do with it. The mind of counterbalance.

The only thought...maybe escape?

After finishing Zhao Zichao, the Iron Bear let out a roar, and the pair of searchlight-like bear eyes shot out a cruel and bloodthirsty light. As if the sky was falling, he slapped Gu Mochen straight down!

At the same time, Gu Mochen didn't have time to have any more thoughts, he stuffed the fourth-grade tonic pill into his mouth, and he quickly backed away regardless!

The bear's paw shook the ground, two circles of turbulent air waves that were almost visible to the naked eye rushed alternately, cutting down countless towering giant trees along the way, and the steel storm just changed from standing upright to standing on all fours. The area within a meter has been cleaned up!
The power emanating from its pair of bear paws is more than ten times stronger than that of Zhong Han's Xuan-level high-grade martial art thunder.


Gu Mochen's eyes glared angrily, and he didn't even have time to turn around when he flew back. He watched the air wave suddenly come, as if his body would be cut into two like that giant tree in the next moment!

The fourth grade nourishing elixir is really extraordinary, but in an instant, his dry dantian was filled with internal energy out of thin air, the quantity was so huge that it could almost explode his dantian!

At the same time, the wild dragon pendant was glowing with white light, and at the entrance of the elixir, it could even get a sense from it. Not only the dantian, but also five copies of huge and violent heaven and earth energy were reproduced in the dragon pendant!
This was a pleasant surprise, but Gu Mochen had no time to savor it carefully, the sharp air waves struck by the bear's paw, and the internal force from his own body that was about to explode made him feel uncomfortable.

Thunder Tiger... Howling Sky Fist!

Gu Mochen's angry eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, the fierce tiger roared, and the Thunder Tiger Roaring Fist held the incomparable power of the tiger, and attacked with a violent posture that Gu Mochen had never seen before!

The two air waves collided with the thundering tiger, and the aftermath of the explosion was not suppressed by a violent explosion. With this place as the center, another air wave exploded, shaking Gu Mochen's body violently. Gotta push.

Bang bang bang bang!
clack clack——

The violently retreating figure hit five trees again, and the huge force directly turned Gu Mochen into a human flesh cutting machine. All five big trees that could be surrounded by at least three adults were all broken by him, fell to the ground and slid along the ground After a few meters, it stopped.

There was a burning pain in the back, and Gu Mochen felt that his spine was almost broken into pieces, and every breath was replaced by tearing pain.

The power of the fifth-level alien beast is so powerful!

However, Gu Mochen's distorted face due to pain was in a daze, and he fell to the ground, his eyes looked straight at the steel storm bear, and he had no intention of escaping for a while.

This power...was a bit smaller?

Although the pain was unbearable all over his body, this idea popped up in Gu Mochen's mind, which shocked even himself.

Just a day ago, he had faced the powerful impact of a level [-] strange beast, the Thunder Bone Horse. The majesty and shock of its power was still lingering in his mind until now.

It was also because of this that he felt that if the steel storm bear was a fifth-level alien beast... the attack just now was not enough to prove its status as a fifth-level alien beast.

Because in his perception, although the impact of the bear's paw shaking the ground is mighty, it is comparable to the power of the galloping thunder bone horse!
In other words, the attack he was facing at this time could only be counted as a level four beast, far from reaching the level five power that he could not contend with!
Why is that?
According to the records in the Alien Beast Encyclopedia he found on the Internet, the item of the Iron Bear was clearly written as a Level [-] Alien Beast. Could it be that he was fooled by the information on the Internet twice in one day and misjudged the beast tide? Not to mention the unique characteristics, even the level of the Iron Bear is wrong?
Suddenly, Gu Mochen's eyes froze.

When the Iron Bear appeared, it stood upright, but now because of the furious clapping of its palms, it has changed from standing upright to prostrate on the ground. Looking from its tall bear back, Gu Mochen can see a large number of dyed The blood of the red and black mane of the violent bear was flowing.

Gu Mochen was stunned for a moment, and suddenly flashed back to the scene of the steel storm from appearing and killing Zhao Zichao, to violently shaking out the sharp air waves.

As a defensive beast with a high attack height and thick blood, the steel storm previously chose to sneak attack Zhao Zichao, who was far inferior to it, from behind. This is a great shame for a fifth-level beast that already has its own territory .

Then when dealing with Gu Mochen, the two waves of air seemed to be extremely fierce, but they were smashed together by his Thunder Tiger Roaring Fist. With his peak strength as an extreme warrior, this shouldn't be the case.

Another point is that although the steel storm was full of murderous aura when it made a move, the effect of the air wave seemed to be more than killing people, it seemed to want to force Gu Mochen back.

Based on the current distance between one person and one bear, Gu Mochen believed that if he turned around and ran with all his strength, [-]% of the steel storm bears who are not good at speed would not be able to catch up with him.

In fact, the Iron Bear had no intention of chasing and killing him. It was lying on the spot, although its imposing manner was overwhelming and its eyes gleamed fiercely, but it still didn't move a single step.

It doesn't want to kill him, it wants to force itself away!

(End of this chapter)

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