Martial arts giant

Chapter 38 Essays

Chapter 38 Essays

At this moment, the excitement of the wild dragon pendant had almost reached its peak, so much so that Gu Mochen's mind actually produced a dragon roar.

The dragon pendant pulled his neck, causing Gu Mochen to lie down, watching the dragon's mouth rush towards one of the old man's shining fists!
There was no time to stop and no time to react, the dragon's mouth suddenly opened wide, as if it was about to swallow Hao Guang into its belly.

Gu Mochen was shocked, his head almost touched the old man's body, he quickly turned his head, and his eyes were all white.

The wild dragon pendant's necklace was very short, and this instinctive movement could not help him avoid the fact that his head hit the old man's body, but he still missed so much that his forehead hit the floor directly, making a thud.

It felt like he knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the old man.

But... what about the old man?

His head hit the ground directly, but what about the old man who was lying on the ground?

The impact made his vision much clearer. His head was straight on the ground, and all he could see with his eyes was a layer of black sand covering the ground.

There was no grain of sand here!

In an instant, Gu Mochen thought of the fate of the giant crystal pillar.

Being bitten by the wild dragon pendant, not only was the crystal pillar bitten into pieces, but the old man's body also underwent the same change?
At the same time, he felt that there was no more pulling force from the Wild Dragon Pendant, and his neck finally regained its ability to move.

As a result, when he suddenly raised his head, he almost broke his own neck.

The so-called recovery of mobility still cannot exceed the length of the necklace around his neck.

The wild dragon pendant was still on the ground, with the mouth of the dragon facing down, it seemed that it was still swallowing the glory of the fist.

This made Gu Mochen very helpless.

He had no choice but to keep his limbs on the ground and wait quietly for the willfulness of the wild dragon pendant, but fortunately, that glorious light was also being swallowed by the dragon pendant at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it would not take long before it could be swallowed up. .

By then I should be able to move, right?
The wild dragon pendant is his root, and he doesn't want to take it off his neck.

In case this old man finds something else after a while, and the dragon's tail flicks and ejects without a trace, who can he cry to?

Although this posture is inelegant, after all, there is no one else in the underground hall, and he is lying on the ground, his eyes are scanning back and forth, and his ears are constantly moving, truly seeing all directions with his eyes and ears.

Under his full perception, at least so far, he has not found any abnormalities, which also reassures him a lot, so he simply waited quietly for the wild dragon pendant to be devoured in this indecent posture.

This time won't be too long, as Gu Mochen waited eagerly, he saw that the glory was getting dimmer and dimmed, almost to the point where it was almost unnoticeable.

The tension on the necklace was also gradually weakening, which made Gu Mochen breathe a sigh of relief, and finally survived without any danger, his body was already feeling a little numb.

He raised his head tentatively, and found that he could lift it up a little bit, and he lifted the wild dragon pendant by the way. Sure enough, there was no light coming from under the mouth of the dragon, but the dragon pendant was surprisingly bright.

Presumably that light will not be digested and absorbed by the dragon pendant for a while.

But what is this?
Just about to get up from the ground, and hold the wild dragon pendant in his hand to observe the changes carefully, but at this moment...


Gu Mochen's body leaned forward sideways, and the pulling force that had just disappeared reappeared, directly tilting his head and slamming it to the ground.

Caught off guard, this head bump was more severe than the one just now, it hit him with stars in his eyes, and he was so angry that he wanted to curse.

It was himself who scolded.

How could he have forgotten that in the other fist of the former old man, there was still another brilliance tightly held!
Another... long wait.

Until the glory on the other side gradually dimmed.

At this moment, Gu Mochen could no longer see where the wild dragon fell, and under his nose, there was a ball of terrifying light that was so dazzling that he couldn't look directly at it!
The pulling force finally disappeared, and after devouring the two balls of glory, the wild dragon pendant seemed extremely satisfied, hanging on Gu Mochen's neck with ease, as if hanging a ball of sun without temperature.

After a long time, the light gradually weakened, finally revealing the dragon shape.

Only then did he take the dragon pendant in his hand and look at it carefully.

A huge and incomparable mighty force suddenly passed into his body from the wild dragon pendant!

Under Gu Mochen's horrified gaze, although the light on the wild dragon's pendant had weakened a lot, its dragon eyes were dazzling.

The finishing touch!

The word suddenly popped up in Gu Mochen's mind.

If the wild dragon pendant in the past only looked lifelike, now because of those smart eyes, it almost makes people think it is really alive!
If it wasn't for the fact that the starting point was still hard, and it was still the dragon pendant of unknown material, Gu Mochen would really think that what he was holding was a real living dragon!

And this is just one of them.

Gu Mochen held the dragon pendant, and a feeling of connectedness emerged spontaneously, as if he was the dragon pendant, and the dragon pendant was him, and the immense power in the dragon pendant seemed to be at his disposal. I can't find it.

Although his own strength was still stuck in front of the barrier of the second human limit, Gu Mochen felt stronger than ever!
What exactly was swallowed by the wild dragon pendant?
Gu Mochen was in doubt.

Although he already knew that the two balls of glory had been absorbed by the dragon pendant and could not be known, he still subconsciously glanced at the ground.

The place where the old man was in the crystal pillar is now only a puddle of human-shaped black sand. If it wasn't for the lack of wind in the hall, it would have been blown away long ago.

And in this grain of sand...

Gu Mochen's eyes froze!
In the grains of sand where there was nothing left, there was a corner of something like a book.

There is something!
The whole body of the old man, including his clothes, turned into grains of sand, but the book can still be kept, which shows how extraordinary he is!

Bending down to pick it up, he lifted a thin book from the sand, and it was quite heavy in his hand, not as thin as it looked.

This is a book made of some kind of metal plate. Gu Mochen held it in his hand, but saw that every word on it was engraved on the page.

And on the cover, he saw four words - Dan Dao's essays!
This made him a little dazed.

Such a seemingly extraordinary book has such an ordinary name?

Out of curiosity, he opened the pages of the book.

There are many small words scribbled in it, and he feels dizzy just by looking at it, and the various signs and symbols inside just glanced at it, and he already knew...

I can't understand it at all!
Still... Gu Mochen smiled wryly, and left it to Li Xin to study.

(End of this chapter)

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